Islamic Terrorism - The Update

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Islamic terrorism - The update Aug 16, 2010
Three months (92 days) have now passed since the start of the thread titled 'Islamic terrorists'.

I feel an update is necessary considering the daunting task of having to compile Islamic terrorist attacks.

So, after three months, there have been a total of 84 (or 89 depending on how you count) Islamic suicide bombers who have struck eight different countries.

The totals are as follows:

Afghanistan - 34 (39)

Iraq - 33

Pakistan - 9

Algeria - 2

Uganda - 2

Iran - 2

Russia - 1

Oman - 1

A few trends should be commented on. One, suicide bombings in Iraq seem to have waned, especially over the past two weeks. This isn't terribly surprising given the increased security measures of the Iraq government and the progress coalition forces have made against Islamic terrorist groups over the past two and a half years. For a few years, there were several suicide bombings every day in Iraq. Now, Islamic insurgents can only churn out one Paradise seeker every three days. Undoubtedly, the decreased flow of foreign Jihadists from Syria is the major cause of this.

Another trend that I found surprising was the relatively few suicide bombings in Pakistan. If this count started a few months earlier, then I would have counted a much larger number of fanatics who would have blown themselves up in Pak cities and tribal meetings.

It also looks like Afghanistan has taken the lead in suicide bombings from Iraq and will most likely continue to do so. Mullah Omar has revised his earlier comments instructing the Taliban to limit martyrdom operations. Perhaps increased martyrdom activity in Afghanistan will create a resurgence of suicide bombings in the Islamic world ?

After all, suicide bombings sky rocketed after the second Palestinian Jihad against the non-Muslim state of Israel, which was spearheaded by the Islamic terrorist groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. And the global Jihad movement grew by leaps and bounds during and after the Afghan Jihad victory following the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan. Since the second invasion of Afghanistan, Jihadists have longed for a second Afghan Jihad since the Americans and British overthrew the Taliban regime. Only until now, however, have events in Afghanistan favored the Jihadists.

And if al-Qaeda, the Haqqani Network and Pak Taliban manage to open up a Jihadi foreign fighter pipeline into Afghanistan, the number of suicide bombings in Afghanistan (that are currently carried out mainly by Afghans, unlike Iraq) will increase several fold. That won't even include the number of foreign fighters who will venture to Afghanistan for Jihad and one day return to their home countries in the Arab world. Afghanistan will undoubtedly unleash the second rebirth of international Jihadism, if it is successful.

-- Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:06 pm --

Edit: A suicide bomber managed to martyr himself today, the last day of the three month update. The count is 85 (90) suicide bombings in three months.

event horizon
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Re: Islamic terrorism - The update Aug 27, 2010
You're still calling a thread under "islamic terrorism" but you know there is no place for "Islamic radical terrorism" in strategy 2010.....Too bad eh? ... ted_States

But anyways, whos teror are these EH? Surely not muslims? on muslim lands! never...
You must have learned by now that such strategy for "war on terror" was the accounts of USA made, for it be a role for Anglo-American front to hold its grip on the south asian countries as markets, coupled with the fear of nuclear weapons of Pakistan to be a threat towards themselves..

Look at these death tolls commited by war on terror countries, exceed your findings..

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,366,350"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,735
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,030
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan $1,071,002,425,872

US Death toll in Afghan war nears 1,000 ... 05566.html

Civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan 34,240 ... %93present)

Casualties and loses in pakistan 1,771

The Anglo-American War of Terror: An Overview ... context=va

The Anglo-American empire’s 9/11 atrocity: criminality’s zenith ... 1187.shtml
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Re: Islamic terrorism - The update Aug 27, 2010
Iraq and Afghanistan are also great topics to bring up - most of the civilian deaths are caused by Islamist and criminal groups in these countries.

Look at these death tolls commited by war on terror countries, exceed your findings..

By definition, the violent actions of a nation-state are not referred to as 'terrorism'.
event horizon
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Re: Islamic Terrorism - The Update Aug 28, 2010
^Another example of loon denial in the face of evidence.

eh - you and stats don't mix well do they? LOL

But then again, you are the most extreme religious nutter posting here - and the only one who has not condemned the slaughter of civilians and enslavement of virgins (something that's even more extreme than Bin Laden) - just because the Bible tells you it was ok! :shock:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Islamic terrorism - The update Aug 28, 2010
By definition, the violent actions of a nation-state are not referred to as 'terrorism'.

What Anglo-American empire’s do is a covert war, generally known as "State-sponsored terrorism", their one of the well know partner/statellite state is israel, badly used to reach their objectives..
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Re: Islamic Terrorism - The Update Oct 02, 2010
event horizon wrote:Or 'Why I can no longer update my Islamic terrorism thread'.

Hey event horizon, why u can't post here? it seems fine to me!
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Re: Islamic terrorism - The update Oct 05, 2010
Idiots like you will always fail to understand that suicide bombing is rejected by Islamic laws.
Al Qaeda or any other terrorist group does not represent the Muslims.

Clearly you can see its Muslims who are harmed the most and are victims of those terrorist groups, yet you still refuse to distinguish them from the American-made group of Al Qaeda.

As much as I dislike interfering in the Pal's+Israeli conflict, but the blind accusation of calling Hamas a terrorist group is just pointless if you refuse to also accuse the Israeli regime terrorist too.

Do you mind addressing yourself? Religion? Ethnicity? Nationality? It will make it easier to target you :drunken:
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Re: Islamic terrorism - The update Oct 06, 2010
symmetric wrote:Clearly you can see its Muslims who are harmed the most and are victims of those terrorist groups, yet you still refuse to distinguish them from the American-made group of Al Qaeda.

American-made group of Al Qaeda??? Are you saying that it was created by Americans and funded by Americans?? Has everyone been lying to me? :cry:
Bora Bora
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Re: Islamic terrorism - The update Oct 06, 2010
It's not the American people my dear friend :oops: , those politicians who deals with the international affairs do not resemble the American people at all. I have many American friends and even cousins there.

I'm pointing at the American politicians, and its just like many other places where the nations themselves condemn their own governments for their acts :|
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