Dejected Robert Spencer Crows over being Exposed in Chicago Tribune
Spencer with fellow anti-Muslim writer Bostom during happier days. (Bostom too has accused Spencer of fake scholarship since).
Robert Spencer is indeed a strange breed. He has curiously thin skin for someone who is a career bigot and hatemonger. He freely throws punches (that mostly miss) but cries to the heavens when any are thrown back (maybe because they usually land).
I mean if you are going to put yourself out there as a bigot, you may not want to cry yourself to sleep every time someone calls you out as one.
Grow some gonads.
Robert Spencer, the “scholar” makes a living painting Muslims as murderers, terrorists, misogynists, liars, hypocrites, thugs, and bloodthirsty savages.
But then when the Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein correctly characterized him as anti-Muslim, he throws a hissy fit, arguing that she “smeared” and “maligned” poor little Spencer, and even put his life in danger.
You could not make this stuff up. The man is plain bonkers. (Spencer’s tearjerker of a schoolboy letter to Boorstein is a riot to read and is a must see for every Silly-Spencer lover. [eh, I think he's referring to you])
Now, his feelings are hurt again.
This time the ego-bruised Mr. Spencer goes after the Chicago Tribune’s Manya Brachear, one of the few objective religion reporters left in the newsroom business. Spencer is reeling from Tribune religion blog contributor Ahmed Rehab outing him as:
“a long-time anti-Muslim goon from the annals of the hate blogosphere.”
Sounds like an apt characterization of Spencer all right.
Browsing Spencerwatch.com, you will find plenty of evidence that corroborate this description of Robert Spencer.
Browse Spencer’s very own Jihadwatch.com and you will find it bursting with a thousand more examples of Spencer’s anti-Muslim loonieness, personal megalomania, and general creepiness.
And yet Spencer apparently is soft in the center and needs to shed a tear for his hurt feelings when people call him “mean things.”
But here’s the best part:
Spencer has the wool pulled so deeply over his eyes that he utters the name of “David Duke” to describe someone who criticizes him, apparently while completely oblivious to the irony of the analogy: Spencer’s rabid Islamophobia being an identical counterpart to David Duke’s brand of anti-Semitism.
Perhaps the “scholar” Mr. Spencer, can heal the pain inflicted upon him by truth tellers Ms. Brachear and Mr. Rehab by singing himself a soft lullaby filled with his heartwarming bigoted and hateful rants against Muslims.
Here’s the Tribune article, enjoy (hat tip: Jihadwatch.com):
http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/rel ... -zero.html
http://spencerwatch.com/2010/08/20/deje ... o-tribune/