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Re: Please Help Us! Aug 17, 2010
You are a sucker for punishment aren't you eh! ;)

80% of Gazans are dependent on food aid. That's a pretty specific measure. Please show that more than 80% of Palestinians in Lebanon are similarly dependant. (Go on, make my day - show you're not 'all mouth, no trousers')

If you look back at FD's lame attempts at the smoke and mirrors defence (Gaza is not so bad - hey look over there, Pals in Lebanon don't have jobs...), he was similarly exposed as having no depth.

What's the matter - you can't accuse Palestinians of faking the IDF photos, so decided on trying another smoke and mirrors defence of Israeli actions? You are funny.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Please help us! Aug 17, 2010
in comparison with other [branches of UNRWA] we have in Lebanon the highest number of what we call “special-hardship cases”, which is “the poor of the poor”. We have 50,000 people in this situation, 20 to 30 percent of the [Palestinian] population, who live in deplorable poverty conditions. This is the highest percentage compared to all other [areas].

As a reminder UNRWA also has an office in Gaza.

Nice swimming pool in Gaza (recently built):

Olympic_swimming_pool.jpg (30.08 KiB) Viewed 690 times
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Please help us! Aug 17, 2010
Yes, indeedy.

You guys must be so frustrated that even Jerusalem Post doesn't buy the Israeli Govt spin that all is well in Gaza!

If you read through the article, you'll see other canards you can try to present as 'truths'. eg
They eat ice cream, they swim, they play music. Paradise! And look at this: “Special permission was granted to Gaza footballers to train in Judea and Samaria and compete in international matches abroad.”

We even let their soccer team out to play. It took special permission, but hey, for those guys and those fans, if that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes.

The problem for you guys is that you have to overturn the reality of Gaza, as shown in the film:

You seem to be losing this PR battle guys - but kudos on your efforts.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Please help us! Aug 19, 2010
A new Algerian ship in sailing towards Gaza. The millions of homeless in Pakistan and sick hungry children will probably also ask "What about us"? Good thing for those children that Western countries, the US first, are donating while left alone and almost forgotten by their neighbors.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Please help us! Aug 19, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:A new Algerian ship in sailing towards Gaza. The millions of homeless in Pakistan and sick hungry children will probably also ask "What about us"? Good thing for those children that Western countries, the US first, are donating while left alone and almost forgotten by their neighbors.

Well the difference is that while the western countries flock in to help pakistan, noone of these so called caring nations really bother to shift the siege on gaza to open the way for all nations rather than Muslims to help..
Isn't there any irony in that?...I wonder why?..Maybe Gaza doesn't have as much strategic position, nuclear plants, natural resources,.. etc to deserve as much worthiness..
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Re: Please Help Us! Aug 19, 2010
I read on JihadWatch that Arab/Muslim nations hadn't stepped up to donate money for Pakistan - which would indeed be shameful.

Then I decided to do a quick fact check and Google threw up: ... oods-qs-08

Saudi Arabia has donated a further 80 million dollars to flood-hit Pakistan boosting a national campaign collection to 400 million riyals (106.6 million dollars), local press said on Thursday.

King Abdullah has ordered the allocation of 300 million riyals “on behalf of the Saudi people,” Saudi Gazette daily reported quoting an official statement.
The kingdom has so far sent 21 planeloads of aid to Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the Saudi ambassador to Islamabad Abdul Aziz Alghadir has said the Saudi Development Bank has allocated 20 million dollars in aid for flood victims, Saudi Gazette reported.


Pakistan floods: Saudi Arabia pledges $100m
Oil-rich country overtakes US as main aid donor as second wave of flooding hits new areas in southern provinces ... ia-pledges

And the Islamic Development bank has pledged $11m.

The moral appears to be that the Arabs are worse at PR than other donor countries, but not lacking in generosity (so, yet another loon myth blown out of the water,).

So, it does appear that the Muslim nations can multi-task and send aid to Gaza and Pakistan, after all. Imagine that.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Please help us! Aug 19, 2010
Oh, and it only took another Google search to confirm that the UAE is also helping Pakistan: ... 89831/1133

Ah, how easily loon arguments are demolished these days - almost like shooting fish in a barrel. C'mon guys, accept that Israel has lost the PR battle in Gaza and move on - don't bring the suffering of the Pakistanis in on this!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Please help us! Aug 19, 2010
Yes, surf google with a time machine:

August 19. 2010 10:33AM GMT

Thursday, 19 Aug, 2010

August 17, 2010 9:43AM ... 5906221821

Anyways, if the news that the Gulf states would donate massive amounts of aid to Pakistan was revealed two days ago, then it should have been the author from the above article to have done his fact checking, Spencer merely reported it.
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Re: Please Help Us! Aug 19, 2010
Young loon, you must learn to read more carefully (something we've noticed in other threads where you've been punked).

The moral appears to be that the Arabs are worse at PR than other donor countries, but not lacking in generosity (so, yet another loon myth blown out of the water,).

Loons like to live in the past, it seems.

C'mon just admit it - Guru Spencer has been found out yet again - will he even now acknowledge that the Saudis alone are giving more than the US and that Muslims are playing their full part in aiding Pakistan?

As for this thread about Gaza - it also shows that Muslims can indeed aid both those suffering under Israeli hands and those suffering in Pakistan.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Please help us! Aug 19, 2010
I'm utterly amazed at your stupidity right now.

Spencer's article - dated August 17 (and it was posted the same day, as well)

Your articles - dated August 19

So, unless Spencer has access to a time machine, his argument wasn't demolished at the time of his posting - because, at that time, the Saudis had not yet donated 100 million to Pakistan.

It's almost embarrassing that this needs an explanation.

I hope, for future generations, that you never figure out how to breed.
event horizon
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Re: Please Help Us! Aug 20, 2010
Nice to see you defending your Guru Spencer. I'm going to devote some future threads to the material on SpencerWatch.. your comments to those will be enlightening.

Back to this thread, let us know when he acknowledges that Muslims are sending more aid than the US, and are indeed concerned for those suffering in Gaza as well as Pakistan.

As I said before -
The moral appears to be that the Arabs are worse at PR than other donor countries, but not lacking in generosity (so, yet another loon myth blown out of the water,).

You seem to be confused over the myth that has been comprehensively punked.

As for dates, the news reports from August 2nd (that's right - two weeks before Guru's post) of the aid it was sending - as well as all the subsequent reports about UAE helicopters etc helping Pakistanis (published before 17 August). Again, on 17 August, AFP etc were reporting of the $20m raised on the first day of an appeal in Saudi AS WELL as pledging the $100m: ... b1878.aspx

Saudi raises $20.5 million in Pakistan flood aid campaign
August 17, 2010

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has raised 20.5 million dollars in aid on the first day of a national campaign for flood-striken Pakistan, state news agency SPA said on Tuesday.

King Abdullah kicked off the campaign by donating 20 million riyals ($5.33 million), and Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz offered 10 million riyals, press reports said.

Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, gave five million riyals to the cause, according to the reports.

The oil-rich kingdom has already sent 16 planeloads of relief supply to Pakistan, Arab News daily said, adding that it had pledged to provide 100 million dollars in aid.

The United Nations warned on Tuesday of a "second wave of death" in Pakistan while aid agencies struggled to raise money to help the 20 million people hit by the nation's worst-ever natural disaster.

Fresh rains have threatened further anguish for the millions affected by three weeks of flooding that has engulfed about one quarter of the country, including its rich agricultural heartland.
Agence France-Presse

It's a shame Guru Bob hasn't learn't how to use Google yet!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Please help us! Nov 16, 2010
Gaza photos:

Many pics, pic number two isnot something you will see during a news item, as so many other pics.
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