So I wish all Moslems, esp. my friends, a very blessed month. And I do feel for all of you for having to fast in this very hot month!!!!

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Tom Jones wrote:I'm away from the Middle East, but I've learned that Ramadan has actually started on WED in the UAE and most Moslem countries.
So I wish all Moslems, esp. my friends, a very blessed month. And I do feel for all of you for having to fast in this very hot month!!!!
Dubai Knight wrote:They can afford better telescopes in the UAE!
Tom Jones wrote:1- The fact remains that the vast majority of today’s Moslems insist on the moon sighting to be done only via the naked eye. Why? Because they say we have to comply with the Sunnah. The new crescent, they say, has to be visible to the naked eye, regardless if it is actually there or not. This view is also supported by a famous Hadith that clearly orders Moslems to start and end Ramadan only based on the sighting of the new moon.
Tom Jones wrote:2- I have some objections to this opinion, as follows:
a- Didn’t occur to today’s Moslems that the naked eye was the only tool available to the Prophet and his companions at that time, in order to determine the start of the new lunar months??? If telescopes were available to them, don’t you think they would’ve used them instead????
Tom Jones wrote:b- If the Sunnah has to be followed blindly, then time clocks should not used to determine the daily prayer times, but rather Moslems should follow the shadow of the sun, because that’s what the Prophet relied upon. Likewise, clocks and calculations should not be used to decide the fasting times, but rather one must go outdoors, every morning and every evening, to look at the sky, to find out about the Imsak and Iftar times... etc.
Tom Jones wrote:c- Again, if the Sunnah must be followed blindly as they claim, then today’s Moslems should not use cars either, but rather ride camels. The same argument could also be applied to airplanes, reading glasses, A/C‘s, refrigerators, radios, telescopes, microphones in the mosques,…etc.