'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains

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'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher explains Aug 04, 2010
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 04, 2010
Oh great the phobes are going to be having a boot party, bet eh's already got his ticket booked and circled it in his calender.

Hmm....book burning, now what does that remind us of.


If all the copies of the Quran were burnt today, it will still not be lost as there are thousands of people who have memorised it.

Doh ! Ol red neck pastor didn't think of that ! After he realises that lets see if he can get a burning at the stake party going on. :drunken:
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 04, 2010
The frightening thing is that the loons who believe Guru Bob's views on Islam basically spew the same nonsense about Islam that this loony pastor says on camera.

I mean, our resident most extreme religious nutter is on record saying:
event horizon wrote:Peace with Islam and Muslims is impossible. The only time Muslims seek peace is when they need to reload.

So it would be very interesting to hear from him about whether he disagrees with the good Pastor's views on Islam or not (and whether he condones the burning of the Qurans). If I were a betting man, I'd say he'd disagree with the burnings but agree with the views on Islam - but that assumes he will come out and criticise a loon Christian pastor, not a thing there's much evidence of in the past!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 04, 2010
Oh looks like I stumbled upon a loon treasure chest by checking out their site !

For starters


Written by no other than our fav Pam G

Dont forget to read other nuggets like Moslem, Ten reasons to burn the Quran
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 05, 2010
Geller is seemingly a inexhaustible source of hatred towards Islam, much of it funny, but she insists 'I love Moslems'

http://www.loonwatch.com/?s=geller+love ... ms&x=0&y=0

Here's Geller giving an interview this week - loon beliefs are challenged (including 'Hitler was inspired by Islam' - which Geller tries to defend!):
http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/08/the-al ... r-to-task/

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher explains Aug 05, 2010
@ 2.25 they were all screaming ALOO ( potato in urdu/hindi )AKBAR !!!!

Image Image Image

Some other great moments

@ 3.10 bin laden and Al qaider !

@ 5.33 Chin Chin Rebels ( chechen rebels )
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 09, 2010
He sux and he'll go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I think he believes in satan, and his not a christian!! .. just look at how he talks, is this the reflection of a christian?

-- Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:37 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:@ 2.25 they were all screaming ALOO ( potato in urdu/hindi )AKBAR !!!!

Image Image Image

Some other great moments

@ 3.10 bin laden and Al qaider !

@ 5.33 Chin Chin Rebels ( chechen rebels )

whats ur religion?
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 09, 2010
Why, what does it matter to you ?
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 11, 2010
Because of these loony tunes, Islam is getting famous by everyday! hehe
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher explains Aug 22, 2010
Pastor Terry Jones arrested for child pornography

August 6, 2010 10:12 AM

Infamous Pastor Terry Jones, known for his activism against the Gainesville Florida mayor, and for his "Burn a Koran Day" has been arrested for possession of child pornography. Wednesday August 4, 2010 Pastor Terry Jones was arrested for sharing pictures of children in various states of nudity over the popular file sharing network Limewire.

http://www.nbc.com/news/2010/08/06/past ... ography-2/

:shock: :shock:

The loons are revolting takes on a whole new meaning. I'm resisting comments about 'just deserts', 'karma' etc.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 22, 2010

Let the loon defence begin ! Oh wait......none of the fanbois commented in this thread. I wonder why :blackeye:
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Aug 22, 2010
There are notable number of loon-free threads of late - this one, slaughter of Arabs, Pirates selling loot, etc etc.

Not a good year to be a loon it seems! ;)

(And don't mention the Religion forum which is now very quiet now the young one's beliefs in talking donkeys etc have managed to quiet him down for a long while now!) ;)

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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher explains Sep 06, 2010
shafique wrote:Pastor Terry Jones arrested for child pornography

August 6, 2010 10:12 AM

Infamous Pastor Terry Jones, known for his activism against the Gainesville Florida mayor, and for his "Burn a Koran Day" has been arrested for possession of child pornography. Wednesday August 4, 2010 Pastor Terry Jones was arrested for sharing pictures of children in various states of nudity over the popular file sharing network Limewire.

http://www.nbc.com/news/2010/08/06/past ... ography-2/

:shock: :shock:

The loons are revolting takes on a whole new meaning. I'm resisting comments about 'just deserts', 'karma' etc.



How did this story pan out ?

Any updates ???
event horizon
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Sep 06, 2010
You should tell us - he's your fellow countryman and perhaps you've crossed paths? He's certainly aligned with your world-outlook concerning Islam!

I just quoted NBC's website and haven't heard any more on this - only that he stated he was going to burn the Talmud as well. I asked you in the other thread whether you thought he'd go through with this threat (I would not be surprised if he bottles it / does a Spencer and decides to not burn copies of the Talmud - but we'll see)

So, what's your prediction - will he burn the Talmud or not? (And do you approve?)

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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher explains Sep 06, 2010
Thank you for your deflection on answering my question.

I guess NBC has let you down. The link didn't even work for me - curious and curiouser (I didn't click the link the fist time, so perhaps it was a faulty link all along ?).

Moral of the story - don't believe what NBC rag tells you and certainly don't believe chubby naive Loons who quote NBC rag as if it were a reputable news source!

event horizon
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Re: 'Burn Quran' Day - Preacher Explains Sep 06, 2010
Thanks for the link - that was funny because it was a fabricated news story made up by JihadWatch, that was quoted as fact by Fox News and that you triumphantly presented as evidence that Muslims condone rape!

Thanks for bringing that back up to our notice.

Are you saying that your friend Pastor Jones wasn't arrested as quoted by NBC (you seem to imply it is not true)? As I said, I have no new information (but I'm flattered you should think that I am on equal par with Fox News! I would agree that I'm more honest, but I think they have more resources to fact check :) ). However, I've made no argument based on the truth or otherwise of the good Pastor's arrests.

Anyway - do you think he'll burn Talmuds as he threatened or will he chicken out?

(Thanks again for posting the link to the Fox News site.. very noble of you to point out that your arguments are indeed based on fabrications.)

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