This Is Mohammad

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This is Mohammad Mar 01, 2006
[size=18]Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, to his admirers and foes alike, is incontestably one of the greatest and the most influential personalities in the history of mankind. The position this man occupies in the hearts of more than a quarter of the world population makes it pertinent that every right-thinking, fair and unbiased person should learn about this man. This then brings us to the following questions: Who is Muhammad? What did he stand for? What was his mission? What are his teachings? How did he live his personal and public life? What were the political, social and cultural circumstances of the environment in which he lived? What are the opinions of his followers and others about him? And what are the legacies he left for mankind? [/size]

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Mar 01, 2006
What a great site.

Ash-hadou La Illaha Illa Allah wa Ish-hadu Inna Mohammad Rassul-Ullah.

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Re: This is Mohammad Mar 01, 2006
dubai12 wrote:Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, to his admirers and foes alike, is incontestably one of the greatest and the most influential personalities in the history of mankind. The position this man occupies in the hearts of more than a quarter of the world population makes it pertinent that every right-thinking, fair and unbiased person should learn about this man. This then brings us to the following questions: Who is Muhammad? What did he stand for? What was his mission? What are his teachings? How did he live his personal and public life? What were the political, social and cultural circumstances of the environment in which he lived? What are the opinions of his followers and others about him? And what are the legacies he left for mankind?

One question: Would it not be a better benefit to discover who GOD is, What does he stand for? What is his mission? What are his teachings? rather than spending so much effort on discovering what a man did during his lifetime ?

What are the opinions of his followers and others about him?

His having followers, does that not place him as a partner or even equal to God ?
Are we not to 'follow' GOD rather than follow a man ?

I mean no disrespect but, it is your religions contention that NO partner be attributed to GOD yet, the above does just that.
Following and adhering to the lifestyle of a man is not what God intended, IMO.
Richard Owl Mirror
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Mar 01, 2006
Thats nice ROM....

Perhapes you care little of the man God chose to found our great faith, but other Muslims do care.

Trying to find faults in Islam or in Islamic thinking is just gonna make you run in circles.

Muslims may not be perfect, but Islam is perfect and so was God's Chosen Messanger.
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Mar 01, 2006
ROM i thought you said you read aobut islam..... How come you did so and you don't have the basics of islam or even know the basics and still get confused. if not you are just faking being knowledgable about islam to just cause discomfort and unneeded debates in the forum?????

I'm trying to find the quote that was said by Abu Bakr (Radya allaho anh) when Muhammed died.
He shouted for the people as they were in distress saying, *can't find the exact quote* (Mohammed has died, But God is alive and never die)

We love mohammed and respect him as the perfect human being and the messanger of God.

Still wonder what you konw, if you don'tknow this, i guess you don't know anything about islam... Do read or search for knowlege and don't just keep thorwing accusitions.

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Mar 01, 2006
yshimy wrote:ROM i thought you said you read aobut islam..... How come you did so and you don't have the basics of islam or even know the basics and still get confused. if not you are just faking being knowledgable about islam to just cause discomfort and unneeded debates in the forum?????

I'm trying to find the quote that was said by Abu Bakr (Radya allaho anh) when Muhammed died.
He shouted for the people as they were in distress saying, *can't find the exact quote* (Mohammed has died, But God is alive and never die)

We love mohammed and respect him as the perfect human being and the messanger of God.

Still wonder what you konw, if you don'tknow this, i guess you don't know anything about islam... Do read or search for knowlege and don't just keep thorwing accusitions.

I understand full well what beliefs you hold with regards to Mohammad.
My question is WHY you follow the life and actions of one man rather than the understanding found in the Quran.
Are you saying that I can never understand ISLAM & Quran unless I also understand Mohammad's life?
Richard Owl Mirror
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Mar 01, 2006
Richard, I completely agree with you. Religion nowadays is branching away from worshipping God, and being at one with God, towards being at one with the prophets themselves.
I.E: Concentrating too much on the messenger, and not on the message.

I DO NOT mean this against Muslims, I mean it about virtually all monotheistic religions out there. The "oneness" of all of us under GOD has been replaced with segregation, with each religion claiming their prophet as "the best"

People need to understand, and need to concentrate on the one core principle that binds them: The belief in one same God.

Only then might there be peace on Earth:)

To all who took offence by what I've written, re-read it and ask yourself "am I being too irrational getting pissed off over this?"
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Mar 02, 2006
It is very simple.

Quran is number one.

God made the Prophet to act in a certain way and made him perfect muslim and example for us to follow in everything. Prophet did follow the Quran and fully understands and apply the Quran so for us to be perfect muslim and worship god, we should Worship god the way our prophet did if possible, but we should know that the prophet was perfect and we are not, and he was setting the example for us to follow him in the way he worship god and be a good muslim and a good leader.

it is like you being trained on anything weather it is a sports or learn to read and write, you are lead by the teacher. so following the teacher doesn't mean you are worshiping him or want to learn him, but he is setting the example and you follow him.

So when God give us perfect Example we must do our best to do as the prophet did in everything even if we don't understand why, as throughout history our prophet is being proven to do things that were not understood at the time but now we understand and is proven by science and technology to be right practices.

I'm out.

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Mar 02, 2006
ROM the troll has left Alhamdoullah. I knew he was a troll from day one.

Any one who asks a question, gets the same answer from multiple people and still claims not to understand or to try and contradict the responders is simply too closed minded.
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Mar 02, 2006
Liban wrote:ROM the troll has left Alhamdoullah. I knew he was a troll from day one.

Any one who asks a question, gets the same answer from multiple people and still claims not to understand or to try and contradict the responders is simply too closed minded.

yeah yeah I knew u were an idiot from day 2 ....on day 1 I thought u were fool..... :lol:
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Mar 02, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
Liban wrote:ROM the troll has left Alhamdoullah. I knew he was a troll from day one.

Any one who asks a question, gets the same answer from multiple people and still claims not to understand or to try and contradict the responders is simply too closed minded.

yeah yeah I knew u were an idiot from day 2 ....on day 1 I thought u were fool..... :lol:

Thats nice. Please stop flaming b4 I mod your posts :)
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Mar 05, 2006
This is Muhammad

in other languages
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Mar 05, 2006
dubai12 wrote:This is Muhammad

in other languages

yeah u did post at the top. The site sould have provided detailed and chromological description of his life
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Mar 05, 2006
well,, yishmy has said well,, about that ROM,,, i think you have dicussed this with shaf ,,, and he gave a long explenation about it ..... in addition to that ,,, there is a verse in the Holy Qura'an ,, stating that what ever the Prophet have stated or done ,, also muslims have to do it ,,, and whatever he hasnt or forbiden,, also muslims are not allowed to do ,,, that with regards to religion ,,, so in islam when you follow the prophet Mohammad pbuh ,, you are following the way of God ..
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Mar 07, 2006
I understand full well what beliefs you hold with regards to Mohammad.
My question is WHY you follow the life and actions of one man rather than the understanding found in the Quran.
Are you saying that I can never understand ISLAM & Quran unless I also understand Mohammad's life?

Koran Chapter 3, Verses:

[31] Say: "If ye do love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

[32] Say: "Obey Allah and His Messenger": but if they turn back, Allah loveth not those who reject Faith.

[33] Allah did choose Adam and Nuh, the family of Ibrahim, and the family of Imran above all people.

[34] Offspring, one of the other; and Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

[35] Behold! a woman of 'Imran said: "O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: so accept this of me: for Thou hearest and knowest all things."


Knowing Muhammad is knowing islam.. all prophets who were sent are not just men! they are God's Choice.

Believe your questions are good if you are really seeking knowledge.
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