The 'bushes' according to the Israeli army straddled the border:
Eizenkot told Israeli media that "a routine operation was carried out during the afternoon near Misgav Am – an operation whose purpose was to trim some bushes near the border, in our [Israeli] territory. It was on both sides of the border but still within [Israeli] territory. Officers oversaw the operation from a permanent position. Sniper fire was directed at the officers, and two of them were wounded as a result."
(Later confirmed one died)
The Lebanese army says Israeli soldiers crossed the border to uproot a tree which was blocking their view near the Lebanese village of Adaysseh.
Lebanese Army says it fired warning shots and the Israelis fired back - using helicopters and missiles. Israelis say the Lebanese Army snipers hit two soldiers - killing one officer. Israelis kill 3 Lebanese soldiers and a journalist in the missile attack.
Israel blames Lebanon. Lebanon blames Israel.
So, Israel kills 4, including one civilian, Lebanon kills one soldier.
Some in Israel are bizarely blaming Hezbollah for this - when the Lebanese Army was the one doing the fighting. I'm sure the loons will join in this conspiracy theory soon enough.

Things are hotting up on that border - and not necessarily because of the heat wave!
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