EDL Welcomed By Jihadwatch

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EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 19, 2010
Jihadwatch (aka Looncentral) is run by event horizon's (eh) guru Bob Spencer - best known in these parts for running away from debates after his failings in scholarship have been exposed.

Well, the site is dripping with hatred for Islam - but in their zeal they have outdone themselves by aligning themselves with a far-right UK organisation the English Defence League, who has set up a 'Jewish Division'. The fact that the EDL is actually a re-packaging of far right organisations which are openly anti-semitic doesn't seem to bother JW - or Bob himself, as he posted the following on JW:

EDL forms Jewish Division

A development much to be applauded. Meanwhile, Pamela Geller has more coverage of yesterday's events in Dudley, here, here and here.

"EDL Jewish Division Issues First Press Release," from the EDL, June 29 (thanks to Yuval):

We, the English Defence League Jewish Division, support the British Armed Forces, the IDF and the British people.

We are English, we love England, and we are committed to combat racism, fascism, anti-semitism, the biased media, and uninformed politicians.

We are here to fight for all people - Jews in England in particular - against attacks by pro-Islamic, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel media propaganda and lies, relating to Jews, Jewish culture and beliefs, and against blood-libels propagated by the left, Nazis and Muslims.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/07/edl-f ... ision.html

Compare and contrast with what Haaretz (Israeli newspaper warned):
Diaspora Jews beware: Stay away from bigots, no matter how friendly they seem

By Miriam Shaviv

Israel needs friends in Europe, but there are some friends that it could do without.

In June, the English Defence League, a thuggish anti-Muslim group known for its raucous (and sometimes violent) street protests, launched a Jewish division, attracting at least a handful of Jews among the 500 fans on its “Jewish Division” Facebook page.

The EDL had previously brandished Israeli flags at demonstrations to taunt its Muslim opponents, and even announced its intent to join a pro-Israel rally organized by Britain’s Zionist Federation following the recent Gaza flotilla crisis. (The rally’s organizers distanced themselves from the EDL, which has been condemned by mainstream Jewish communal groups; ultimately, EDL members weren’t much in evidence at the rally.)

While the EDL may be a fringe group, its embrace of Israel activism is part of a growing trend. Over the past few years, a string of politicians and factions on Europe’s far right, particularly those with anti-Muslim agendas, have taken to expressing strong support for the Jewish state.

The most prominent example is Dutch politician Geert Wilders...


Similarly, the EDL — formed last year after an Islamist protest against British troops returning home from Iraq — has capitalized upon the perception that it is taboo to raise questions about Islamic extremism and immigration in polite society.

While more straight-talk about immigration and extremism would be welcome in both countries, Wilders and the EDL go much further. Though both claim otherwise, they seem unable (or unwilling) to distinguish between Islamists — radicals with a political agenda — and plain old Muslims. On a continent in which a large Muslim presence is now a fact of life, such sweeping antagonism does nothing to solve real problems and serves only to inflame interreligious and interethnic tensions.

... When it comes to the far-right, however, Jews have plenty of reasons to be wary.

For starters, it’s worth recalling that those on the far-right often have their own — usually far-from-admirable — motives for wrapping themselves in the Israeli flag.

Last year, for instance, Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party (which until this past February only accepted whites as members), boasted on prime-time television that his party was the only one that “stood foursquare behind Israel’s right to deal with Hamas terrorists” during Operation Cast Lead.

This was, presumably, part of his ongoing effort to gain electoral respectability by distancing himself and his party from their history of anti-Semitism. (Griffin once called the Shoah the “HoloHoax.”)
Meanwhile, the EDL’s interest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems to be mostly about goading its Muslim foes.

At the end of the day, however, for Israel and its supporters, these are distinctions that shouldn’t make much of a difference. Israel is currently battling systematic attempts to delegitimize it.

A favored tactic of its opponents is to paint Israel as a racist, apartheid country that discriminates against its Arab citizens and Palestinian neighbors. Israel simply cannot afford to be linked to real bigots, no matter how friendly they appear to be.


Perhaps someone should tell Bob?


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 19, 2010
A favored tactic of its opponents is to paint Israel as a racist, apartheid country that discriminates against its Arab citizens and Palestinian neighbors. Israel simply cannot afford to be linked to real bigots, no matter how friendly they appear to be.

Gotta admit - the author's got a point.

As for the current events in Britain, it seems like our typical 'Asian' protesters resorted to violence.......again.

shafique wrote:Perhaps someone should tell Bob?

And what would that be ?

I guess the spin machine must be running overtime, since the article didn't actually uncover any dirt against the EDL.

Or perhaps you were hoping that no one would really notice ?

Fortunately, many are noticing the threat Britain is facing and are taking action.

Just yesterday, a few peaceful protesters were reportedly run over by Muslim counter protesters (terrorists) at a rally against religious supremacism, intolerance and bigotry.

No word when the Loon Left will issue strong statements condemning this terrorist attack. Surely, if the same incident happened but you changed the players involved, there would be a chorus of condemnation the world over.

The truth hurts, so they say.
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Re: EDL Welcomed By Jihadwatch Jul 19, 2010
So, you're backing your Guru Bob then. No surprises there - you are, after all, the most extreme religious fanatic posting on this forum! ;)

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Re: EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 19, 2010
Fascinating that eh decides to start a new thread and just quote what EDL's website says about their views, and somehow he believes their protestations that they aren't loons.

In reply, when shown that Jewish leadership in the UK rejected the overtures from the 'bigots' and that journalists' investigations (including photos) show them to be raving loons - the only reply is 'well they say they aren't racist, shouldn't we believe what they say?'

The problem is that on the website they invite people to join their protests and discuss with them etc. As the articles show, when this is done, the true colours emerge.

It's seems incredible that Bob and eh are so blinded by their hatred of Muslims that they didn't do some simple due diligence about who they are supporting. Or then again, perhaps they recognise fellow loons and feel obliged to give them support??

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Re: EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 19, 2010
the only reply is 'well they say they aren't racist, shouldn't we believe what they say?'

Ironically, that's *your* argument regarding Hamas' denial of the holocaust.

When shown incontestable evidence from multiple mainstream media sources, your argument is 'well, you've only posted snippets, which contradict what one guy says (writing to Westerners) so, shouldn't we believe what he says?'

The funny thing is that you're such a loon, you can't tell the difference between a parody of your arguments vs your own arguments.

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Re: EDL Welcomed By Jihadwatch Jul 19, 2010
Sometimes I have a feeling that Spencer and ratty are one and the same. Maybe a protege ? Both walk and talk the same crap. Both have a love of memri and same stuff gets posted on DF as well a JW.

At the very least spencers roadie.
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Re: EDL Welcomed By Jihadwatch Jul 20, 2010
Naughty shafique - but this is what came to mind when I read your speculation that eh and Bob 'the huckster' may be the same person..


Guru loon and Mini-Me Loon?
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Re: EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 21, 2010
I'm still amazed that there's no trace of embarrassment from eh that his Guru is applauding these charming folk who are dismissed as racist thugs by the Jewish Council in the UK.

EDL demonstrators in Birmingham in September

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Re: EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 21, 2010
Epic loon failure. Again.

Of course the nutters outside the EDL will go to the largest protests and demonstrations to try and recruit - duh.

That's like saying all Manchester United fans are football hooligans because football hooligans go to Old Trafford.

But then again, loons like to present exceptions as the norm - that's their whole argument in a nutshell.

Snowball - you must try harder. Really.
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Re: EDL Welcomed By Jihadwatch Jul 21, 2010
Ok, thanks for the advice.

So these 'EDL protestors' are not within the EDL - ok. Are they friends of yours? Or are you just fantasising again and trying to cover up the fact you're Guru and you support 'racist bigots' that are rejected by the Jewish Council in the UK?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: EDL welcomed by Jihadwatch Jul 21, 2010
You wouldn't be fantasizing again that the preachers of hate at Britain's most prominent mosque are 'nutters' who are the exception ....... by any chance ?

As for my statement, yes, the EDL has said that their protests have been infiltrated in the past. Which is logical in light of their categorical denunciations of violent protest.

But hey, my guess is that Muslims are more likely to resort to violence at an EDL rally than the other way around. Or have you already forgotten of the violence that recently transpired just a few short days ago ?
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Re: EDL Welcomed By Jihadwatch Jul 21, 2010
I just asked whether they were your friends. A bit touchy these days eh - you should have the courage of your convictions and be proud that you are 'applauding' the EDL and know more than the Jewish Council who rejected these racists.

You are, after all, the most extreme religious fanatic here, so it sort of stands to reason that you'd be proud to associate with 'thugs' that sensible Jewish people reject.

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