Liban - Comments

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Liban - Comments Mar 01, 2006
As humans, we unfortunatly tend to generalize and so when we meet people of a certain culture we say they are open, approachable, rude, ignorant, kind, giving, stingy and so on....

That being said, as muslims are duty is to live by our religion to the best. The prophet, pbuh, always was calm, patient and kind to all people no matter their religion. Patience is one of the hardest traits to achieve however being patient takes you a long way. In arguing, we need to always be patient, respectful and even when harsh words and actions are thrown our way we need to remain good, respectful, patient and decent. In respecting ourselves, we respect others and above all our religion.

In reading your posts, you always speak of islam and you seem to know your stuff. Yet you tend to give a wrong image of our religion. Disrespecting Choco, HP..., using bad language, having a picture of a pot head baby. From what I see, you enjoy provoking and getting a reaction out of people, but remember you are a muslim and everyday you are representing islam as all the other muslims out there and so we need to show what the virtues and traits of our true religion.

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Mar 01, 2006
Mysterieuse, thankyou for your post. AFAIK, your post was not mysterious :)

It is true what you say and I support it 100%. The Prophet would have been calm when faced with the racism and bigotry of Choco, Kanelli, Goodbai, and Arniegang.

While I was calm in my posts, I was not passive either. I have been working towards that goal and lately it has been so. Nonetheless, people like that need to be taught a lesson and while I know that on Judgement Day, they will learn their lesson, my nature wills them to learn it sooner. I know its not a good thing.

Thank you once again Mysterieuse, you spoke like a true Muslim. A true Muslim like any other, like Shafique or Intimacy...

Salam Aleykum
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Mar 01, 2006
Liban, you have never been able to post one example of how I have been a racist or bigot.

You deserve a slap in the face for how you have slandered me. I don't consider you a good Muslim at all.
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Mar 01, 2006
The only person to pass judgement on me is Allah/God.

I care little for your judgement of myself.

Also, who do you think you are to threaten me with violence?? Take heed, if you ever think you can even attemp to lay a hand on me, you will live to regret it. I will respond as per Islamic Law.
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Mar 01, 2006
Lovely forum... just lovely.
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good muslim or not Mar 01, 2006
a salaam to all,

i am muslim (revert, convert) use the term as you like..
as one who was given christian teachings as a daily dose when a child and one who questioned as i read and became older and finally asked Allah for the right guidance..i am tempted to put my 2 cents.
The Prophet (pbuh) was all of the virtues msyt say however, he never taught that we as muslims should turn the other cheek,,, see Nabi Issa"s law for that
Islam gives the muslim to be angry at insults and injuries to dignity , life and limb, to name a few,,,
I believe in islamic teaching to not be angry when anger was definitely solicited is to be considered a donkey.
Allah says in the books including christian text that he gave every green thing as a remedy for some ill.. therefore having a picture of mary brown on the baby hat does not make one a renegade ,,,, if one over eats of even the most halal thing his action can be questionable Ever heard about the benefits of hemp... paper, fabric,,,etc.. better than cotton in all issues.

The benefit of living in muslim land is that muslim should feel free to speak according to Islamic democracy....and while in the west the muslims have to respect western ways... the guests in muslim land should return the favour.

In the end all muslims repeat the same THERE IS NO ONE GOD AND...... AND TO THE 5 PILLARS.

So what does one profess to gain by dressing down the other... the Mumin wants for his brother what he wants for himself..

To threaten one muslim is to threaten all muslims ,,, take care not to open the flood gates to kufr.

Ma salama
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Re: good muslim or not Mar 01, 2006
chambersalakkad wrote:The Prophet (pbuh) was all of the virtues msyt say however, he never taught that we as muslims should turn the other cheek,,, see Nabi Issa"s law for that
Islam gives the muslim to be angry at insults and injuries to dignity , life and limb, to name a few,,,


Hope i understood you wrong.

But from what i read......

You are true, The Prophet PBUH didn't teach us to turn the other cheek, but he taught us much more precious and effective way.

1) Al a'fo enda al makdera = Forgivness when you are able. Here it means when you are able to punish or to react. But when you can't... how can you forgive if you can't punish. (correct me if i'm wrong)

2) Al rahma = Mercy

In Mecca they tortured The prophet and his followers and did things you can' imagine and killed, tortured them. so they had to migrate to the Madina. then years later Muhammed came back and opened Mecca and was able to take it as a leader....

What did he do to the people who tortured him, his friends, killed his followers and their families??? boycotted him, his trade, the trade of people who supports him???

(Ezhabo fa antom al tolaka')= Go you are Free (hope my translation is helpful) but here he meant that he forgave them.

Don't assume our religion promote anger and violance, but there are things that are must for the health of the society, so Eye for an Eye is applicable and thats why you can see less violance in the Middle east than anywhere else in the world.... i don't mean in the war zones, but i mean among the regular people, check crime rate, safety of people, domestic violance.

Also the qisas, or shariaa rules, for rapers, or adultry, they are very strict, but they are so to preserve the society not to be violant.

my 2 cents

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correcting if you may be wrong Mar 01, 2006
I will never argue about the Prophet's sunnah... so whatever he did and said and ordered to do is well and right with me...

I commented only to the post which seemed to issue a threat to someone muslim and usually i sit on the side and i read and keep my silence....

I am all for law and order,,, have no problems with the IT SAYS IN THE QURAN..

So once again A Mumin wants for others no less than he, she wants for the self...I beleive that is Prophetic teaching... and i did not say Muslim.

Therefore if the Muslims and Mumins most imporantly do not unite,
the Kufr (and i mean disbelievers here) from any category of life will only be the winners to divide and conquer..

I found no fault and passed no judgement on Liban... and remeber the Prophet was as Allah says the best among mankind... I read that as maybe he was more patient than most....

I am working to find out on the last day,,, hoping these words will be pleasing t o Allah as i will have to anwer for them and the previous ones..

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Mar 01, 2006
Liban, I do understand where Kaneli is coming from. You have really slandered her in the past using very foul language and being aggressive.

Also, in response to muslims sticking together. While I do believe we should help one another out, we should stick to truth in judgement. Nowadays unfortunately you cannot stick to someone just being s/he is muslim because there are many muslims in name. We need to stick to the truth.

I would stand up for you Liban against Kaneli however you attitude towards her was very offensive especially to women using words obscene words.

I was also curious and you did not answer me yet. Why the picture of a pot head baby when you constantly speak of Islam. Shouldn't you be more conservative?
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Mar 02, 2006
Guilo2 wrote:Lovely forum... just lovely.

U bet it isnt lovely... see my posts number? yeah addictivee :occasion7:
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Mar 02, 2006
Liban wrote:The only person to pass judgement on me is Allah/God.

I care little for your judgement of myself.

Also, who do you think you are to threaten me with violence?? Take heed, if you ever think you can even attemp to lay a hand on me, you will live to regret it. I will respond as per Islamic Law.

My brother, pls be cool. dont try to take revenge just forget and forgive man. ignore it man.
it is not a man who wil decide who is good muslim or bad muslim. we cannot judge who is good b4 allah. only allah knows who is good in cool liban dont care if someone says something bad for u. just dont mind it.
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Mar 02, 2006
Mysterieuse wrote:
I was also curious and you did not answer me yet. Why the picture of a pot head baby when you constantly speak of Islam. Shouldn't you be more conservative?

Must have missed that question :oops:

I am a conservative individual. However, I do beleive in a sense of humor. Avatars are jokes, mine is no different.
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Mar 02, 2006
Here is a great post by Goodbai, who is also slandered as a racist by Liban.

GoodBai wrote:
Liban wrote:Fact is you and Kanelli are bigots and racists. You just don't see it.

Liban that really is a bit rich. This coming from the person who said the following:

Liban wrote:"As far as I am concerned, the Jews are a curse on this planet...

They are like a disease. They infest and spread like vermin.
Sure some Jews died 60+ years ago... But so did millons more other people. So why do we keep blabbering about those bastards? Why? Because they have their dirty little fingers and crooked noses congtrolling all media, money, governments, etc... Satan's little helpers.

I curse the evil Jew. And as far as I am concerned. Hitler was a BIG LOSER because he couldn't finish what he started...

Gee, who is the racist? We're still waiting for all the evidence of our racist posts Liban...
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Mar 02, 2006
Here is an example of me being racist...

kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:If it weren't for Islamic terrorist groups giving good and peaceful Arabs a bad name and making people paranoid about attacks Arabs would not be singled out and detained. That is a fact. .

Fine, lets say you are right. Why are blacks and hispanics discriminated against then????? Blacks don't carry out attacks against whites.... In fact Blacks are victims of white people....

Whites have created an unfortunate situation where minorities of all types are socially and economically disadvantaged, which often means that some of the people in those minority groups turn to crime to feed their families or become wealthy so they can buy nice things (a la American capitalistic way!). When you see that there are more minorities in your area charged with theft, gang crimes, violence etc. you tend to lump them into the "dangerous" category. In this way, the situation is comparable to the Arabs being singled out - society (and not just the whites in all cases) have a defined group of people to be suspicious of. I'm not saying it is right, it is just the way it is.

Oh wait, sorry, that is an example of how I am not racist.
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Mar 02, 2006
Liban wrote:To Kanelli. I apologize if I was insulting but I am a proud Arab and Muslim and I lived in the West and was soured by many experiences. so I jump the gun pretty quick... :oops:

Kanelli, I will not generalize with the people because people like you exist who are tolerent and seem quite friendly I have to admit.

Liban, don't you remember calling me "tolerant" and "friendly"? The only time I am unfriendly to you is when you spew hatred against people and governments in the name of Islam and when you personally insult me.
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Mar 02, 2006
And finally, here is a classic quote - since Liban is so concerned about me being a violent woman. :)

Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:Any people like Liban would be dangerous to be around - a fake smile of friendship with hate lurking behind.

Oh bite me you moron.

You don't know me, so shut the fcuk up. You will never get to know me because I don't befriend people below me. You feel me...

I dare you to speak to me like this in person. I dog dare you to even try and speak ill of me in person...

You want extemist? Heh! I'll whip you to the extreme. Then you'll know extremist... PUSSYYYYY!!!!!
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Mar 02, 2006
Liban says that women are supposed to be treated like queens according to Islam. Seems he only thinks Muslim women deserve respect. That would be again Liban's version of Islam which seems to be quite different than that practiced by many other wonderful Muslims on this board.

Choco got this earful for NO reason other than the fact that Liban wanted to hurt her...

Liban wrote:Bite me. You should look into all your posts about your ample tits and blond hair and how you use them to your advantage...

You not only sound like a whore when you do that but you also prove the quintessencial tule about ugly women always thinking they are all that. Hot women do not need to keep speaking of their tits and hair and a#s...

By the way, Choco has made no such posts, as she isn't blond or ample breasted.
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Mar 02, 2006
Mysterieuse wrote:Liban, I do understand where Kaneli is coming from. You have really slandered her in the past using very foul language and being aggressive.

Also, in response to muslims sticking together. While I do believe we should help one another out, we should stick to truth in judgement. Nowadays unfortunately you cannot stick to someone just being s/he is muslim because there are many muslims in name. We need to stick to the truth.

I would stand up for you Liban against Kaneli however you attitude towards her was very offensive especially to women using words obscene words.

I was also curious and you did not answer me yet. Why the picture of a pot head baby when you constantly speak of Islam. Shouldn't you be more conservative?

Thank you Mysterieuse, I really appreciate your support on the current issue. I completely agree that one should stick to the truth and what is right, not side with someone because they share the same religion (or nationality or whatever common "name").
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Mar 02, 2006
Kanelli thanks!

That is exactly what I was talking about Liban in my posts. You always talk highly of islam yet your actions are contradicting.

Also, the prophet, pbuh, did have a sense of humor he always had a clean one. Pot head baby, foul language, vulgar words and insuts to women is just not right. I was in shock reading a lof of your posts.

Instead of arguing calmly you are agressive and hence gettng negative reactions out of individuals. Maybe you should be more peaceful and calmer.

Again I emphasize on patience, calmness and RESPECTING everyone.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 02, 2006
Mysterieuse wrote:Kanelli thanks!

That is exactly what I was talking about Liban in my posts. You always talk highly of islam yet your actions are contradicting.

Also, the prophet, pbuh, did have a sense of humor he always had a clean one. Pot head baby, foul language, vulgar words and insuts to women is just not right. I was in shock reading a lof of your posts.

Instead of arguing calmly you are agressive and hence gettng negative reactions out of individuals. Maybe you should be more peaceful and calmer.

Again I emphasize on patience, calmness and RESPECTING everyone.

Oh Lord! Liban is that type - man of high principles trying to practice. He was like that since day one. read mine and his posts u will get to know him. preach something and practice another. If u ask him now why is he like that he would reply " I have lived in West many yrs and now even though I am physically in MY arab world (yet they dont provide nationality) my mental mind is still in that dirty WEST (which kindly did provide nationality) and I am slowly getting rid of the vestiges of WEST"

Oh nooooo I didnt want to take part in flamming anymore but no choice so here we go.........
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Re: correcting if you may be wrong Mar 02, 2006
chambersalakkad wrote:I commented only to the post which seemed to issue a threat to someone muslim and usually i sit on the side and i read and keep my silence....


b) A PERSON insults me as a moron and racist, and another woman as the same plus whore on top - yet you suddenly want to speak up against a threat of violence against a MUSLIM? What is wrong with you? Why are you making this a religious issue? When Liban threatened me with violence, no Christians were posting in my defense quoting the bible and claiming to stand up to speak out against tthreats of violence to a CHRISTIAN. They knew it was a PERSON to PERSON issue, not a RELIGION to RELIGION issue. Take the religious blinders off and see INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE and basics of ethics and decency with which they should be treating each other.
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Re: correcting if you may be wrong Mar 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:
chambersalakkad wrote:I commented only to the post which seemed to issue a threat to someone muslim and usually i sit on the side and i read and keep my silence....


b) A PERSON insults me as a moron and racist, and another woman as the same plus whore on top - yet you suddenly want to speak up against a threat of violence against a MUSLIM? What is wrong with you? Why are you making this a religious issue? When Liban threatened me with violence, no Christians were posting in my defense quoting the bible and claiming to stand up to speak out against tthreats of violence to a CHRISTIAN. They knew it was a PERSON to PERSON issue, not a RELIGION to RELIGION issue. Take the religious blinders off and see INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE and basics of ethics and decency with which they should be treating each other.

Well it's brotherhood and sisterhood thingy as a mafia saying "u bang my man we give yah bang bangs" Seriously kanelli u should stop convincing Liban that he is bad, cos he does believe he is bad so problem solved...... :roll:
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Mar 02, 2006
Sniper, Liban knows he is wrong, but he rarely apologises, and he doesn't change his behaviour. In fact, he uses the excuse that he can say what he wants because he is an Arab Muslim and they have a lot to be angry about. Well, you know what - they may have a lot to be angry about, but they shouldn't take it out on innocent individuals on a bulletin board.

This forum is made up of different people from different cultures with different perspectives on issues. They DO NOT deserve to be verbally abused and slandered by an intolerant person who can't control his temper, or just wants to stir the pot.
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Mar 02, 2006
just wants to stir the pot

I'd say Kanelli that you've hit the nail on the head.
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Mar 02, 2006
Liban wrote:"As far as I am concerned, the Jews are a curse on this planet...

They are like a disease. They infest and spread like vermin.
Sure some Jews died 60+ years ago... But so did millons more other people. So why do we keep blabbering about those bastards? Why? Because they have their dirty little fingers and crooked noses congtrolling all media, money, governments, etc... Satan's little helpers.

I curse the evil Jew. And as far as I am concerned. Hitler was a BIG LOSER because he couldn't finish what he started...

That's very wrong even in a joke.
Narrated 'Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila:
Sahl bin Hunaif and Qais bin Sad were sitting in the city of Al-Qadisiya. A funeral procession passed in front of them and they stood up. They were told that funeral procession was of one of the inhabitants of the land i.e. of a non-believer, under the protection of Muslims. They said, "A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet and he stood up. When he was told that it was the coffin of a Jew, he said, "Is it not a living being (soul)?"
(Bukhari Volume 2, Book 23, Number 399)

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“The Muslim does not slander, curse, speak obscenely or speak rudely.”

One more thing, you should apologize kanelli.
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Mar 02, 2006
sniper420 wrote:Oh Lord! Liban is that type - man of high principles trying to practice. He was like that since day one. read mine and his posts u will get to know him. preach something and practice another. If u ask him now why is he like that he would reply " I have lived in West many yrs and now even though I am physically in MY arab world (yet they dont provide nationality) my mental mind is still in that dirty WEST (which kindly did provide nationality) and I am slowly getting rid of the vestiges of WEST"

Oh nooooo I didnt want to take part in flamming anymore but no choice so here we go.........

It is a very interesting excuse that Liban gives you Sniper.

Arab does not equal Islamic, and there are aren't as many Arabs here in Dubai as there are other nationalities :) Dubai is quite liberal, and a very easy place to move after having lived in Canada. :) Maybe that is why Dubai in the UAE is Liban's preference, rather than moving to Iran or Saudi Arabia where he could enjoy a more strict Islamic environment with far more Arab people. Or... perhaps Liban is trying to have the best of both worlds - claiming to be a very patriotic and faithful Arab Muslim, yet following unfaithful practices and choosing to live in the most liberal and multicultural place he can find in the Middle East. Very interesting indeed. Maybe he isn't really that religious - only a major major pot stirrer on this forum!

I apologise for commenting on whether Liban is a good Muslim or not. I completely agree that Allah is the most important judge. I've mentioned before in another thread that it isn't anyone's place to judge - only a god can do that for those who are religious people.
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Mar 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:....[he is an] Arab Muslim and they have a lot to be angry about....

Two wrongs doesn't make a right.

Oh you who believe!
Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God,
even against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin,
and whether it be against rich or poor,
for God can best protect both.
Follow not the cravings of your hearts, lest you swerve,
and if you distort justice or decline to do justice,
verily God is well acquainted with all that you do

(Qur'an 4:135)
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Mar 02, 2006
Thank you Nucleus, you are a kind and wise person.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 02, 2006
Kaneli, you have too much time on your hands....

Go find a cliff and jump...
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Mar 02, 2006
Again Liban with the negativity "go find a cliff and jump". When you have nothing to say because you know you are WRONG, you just say anything.

I do agree with Kanelli about a person to person and it should not be turned to a religion war or nationality war.

As for living in the west. I was brought up in Canada all my life and it is not a "dirty west". It depends on the people YOU have met. Just like in Dubai there are dirty people. Just because you may have been bad you cannot blame in on the culture. If you are a good person you will be good everywhere regardless of your surroundings.

So to say you are getting of the "dirty west" is wrong. It should be rather you are getting over your "dirty personality (if it is the case)" and trying to improve. Hence being honest and admitting faults. An amazing trait is to admit faults.

I think Kanelli posting those posts in proving certain points was admirable. she did not just reply "go jump of a cliff" but took further steps in showing you were she was repulsed by your attititude. Liban, I really think you owe Kanelli and choco an apology.
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