i am kinda new here..
bt i am sure i wil find my space here..

nywaz lets get back to the topic..
i am 14...and well i have had 5 gfz and truly i felt the same for every1 of em..
i mean..lets put it this way..
in this age u want a person who really cares abt U and reali takes u seriously..who u can have fun with and a lil flirting too...

well bt for me its been a lil diff with the 6th one..
lately a gal ( who i knew for quite a tym ) came up to me and we talked normally ( hey..hwz yu..?..hwz ur day and stuff ) than she asked me..u have a GF..i went like *thankfully NO..* and than she asked *hw bout a CRush..?* i went NO..and traditionally i asked her the same thing..and she said i am crushing on U..
and i shooked my head 2wice..and than eventually she asked me to become her BF..and i am happy with her now..
SO my question here is guyzz...IS dating at this age gudd or bad..
and i noe my limits i jz talk to her and we never went out ( we soon will

i want a mature answer guyzz..
no SPAM n' SH*T...