1. Upper right corner there is an A^ that will allow you to change the font size. Useful for those that wear glasses.
2. There is a new captcha that is more secure.
3. There is a quick reply option in the bottom of each topic.
4. We can create sub forums. You can suggest how to reorganize DubaiForums so that it feels less cluttered and more logical: Reorganizing Dubai Forums
5. All registered users can report spam and abusive posts with these buttons

6. There is a possibility to make the posts of new users premoderated, this means that their posts will not become public until a user having the proper privileges will review and accept them. This will considerably diminish the amount of spam but will create much more work for moderators. In theory it is possible to grand these reviewing powers to all the veteran users. What do you think about this?
7. New tools for moderators. Now moderators can Merge multiple topics into one. Can issue warnings to users that will be visible by the admin and more.
8. There is a possibility to upload images and include them in the posts via Upload attachment option. ( it's turned on in the general chat only at the moment).
9. We can create global announcements like this one that can be visible from any forum.
To see other new features or learn how to do things in the new interface read the FAQ.