What's that sound - loons losing the plot?
Ha ha.
But typical loon tactics - faced with uncomfortable truths (Spencer must be apoplectic) they attack the messenger or pretend that I may have been critical of Jon in the past (on planet earth, I've not been critical of his humour - on the contrary, I'm a fan of this Jewish journalist

I thought the vid about Hamas cartoons was hilarious - 'Jewby Doo' excellent!

Did you see his take on the bombing of Gaza:
http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index ... oId=213380Also, his take on the 'pirates of the med' incident:
http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-june-2-2010/clusterf--k-to-the-war-house---korean-peninsula---middle-eastAnyway,back to the Mooslims in Spaace - what part of the video did you not find funny - eh?