Question To MCL

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Re: Question to MCL Jul 04, 2010
its a shame that some ppl hate dubai/uae and its ppl and ppl who stand up for dubai! its a shame that some ppl are filled with jealousy and didnt take the oppurtunity that UAE gave or is still giving.

i have seen ppl say how dubai is a backward country, yet there are ppl who are willing to help dubai/uae and its ppl change for the better.

viking its very easy to criticise but what are you doing for Dubai? If you are in dubai and you hate it so much, why are you still here? no1 is forcing you to stay. you can leave whenever you like. If you dont like certain things in dubai/uae do something about it!!

oh yes you might think that some "dictator" rules this part of the world. but these "dictators" are willing to listen to you if you have something which will help them improve uae. hell these so called "dictators" when compared to government in UK/USA do actually give something back to the public in the form of security!

I am not saying dubai/uae is perfect, no where on earth you will get a perfect city/country you will still find crime and social issues. but life goes on. we are here to survive. to earn a living etc etc so peiece of advice if you are in dubai, GET ON with it, work hard mate who knows you might become a millionaire overnight (ppl in dubai have done it) or if you keep on b&tching the way you are you might actually loose what you have because hey competition in this world not just in dubai is tough!! Why? Because this is the land of opportunity!!

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Re: Question To MCL Jul 04, 2010
Well said, and nicely put RB ;)
It's people like you who makes life more harmonic for all of us here in Dubai.

Million thanks amigo!
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 04, 2010
Its a shame that there are so many people totally brainwashed into thinking that (a) Dubai is a country and (b) it "gave" or "gives" anything. As the offsping of a race/culture based primarily on the ability to trade/barter your use of words in this matter are key; if you mean to say that "Dubai gives" as the result of a trade contract (perhaps money, credit or goods in exchange for work, goods or services) then perhaps you have a point and I will come back to that, but if you are implying that Dubai wantonly wanders the globe doling out huge wads of cash out of the kindness of its heart then you sir are plain bonkers.

The problem saying that Dubai gave or gives against a fair contract is that it is plainly not true, I am not going to go on about it but, dude its a busted flush, Dubai is broke and there are many of us who are owed a large sums by your leaders and their businesses.

Back to the sovereign state thing, it ain't. In the eyes of the UN and international law, Dubai is one part of a federation of feudal states that make up a sovereign state, the United Arab Emirates. A trite & contentious definition that has been tested to the limits this past 7 months.

I was friendly with a number of your executive council and have meet the leader of the universe, you delude yourself if you think that anyone of them cares the slightest jot of your wellbeing or existance except of course if there is a chance of a photo op or a good sound bite.

It's not a criticism reserved for your leaders alone, all that I ask is please stop elevating them to levels that they do not deserve. Absolute power corrupts absolutely (full stop, period). By the way, did you ever see Mahatma Ghandi on the deck of his 242 metre private yacht, funded by a state owned company ? Nah, neither did I. Incedentally I also get a little sickened at the sight of Tony Blair on his knees in front of the doors of Mubadala, what people will do for money (euch!)

As a UAE lokal - might I suggest that your sentiment ought to be, "we will get on with the job in hand, regardless of the expatiate" rather than handing out advice to others as to what they should be doing to aide your progress. My personal view is that you should do what you all feel & kick out all expats (yes taxi drivers and maids as well) and we will see just how efficient your lifestyle is in 3 years time :lol:

Dubai has got nothing to do with competition, in fact quite the opposite, it is all about fostering monopoly and limiting competition, come out into the real world if you dare and see how you fare

Oh and by the way it is none of anyone's business "what I am doing for Dubai" - ask that 'tard Kid, what I do for Dubai, he seems to think that he has a hotline to the secret police ... hahahhahaha
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Re: Question to MCL Jul 04, 2010
i wonder if the vikings ever went into hibernation :D
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 04, 2010
How witty beavis

care to explain, or is it lokal wit that again does not translate ?

Bring back Butthead at least his comments have a cut and thrust about them :lol:
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 05, 2010
I have been toiling with the idea recently, just thinking to myself. What if all the expats took a week off altoghter, and what would be the result.

I tried to think of any sector or department that could function even at 50% operational capacity, I thought and thought hard and could not think of a single one.

The relation of the expat is interwoven with every fibre of this country, and I'm not saying that we are doing them a huge favour. Majority are here to etch out a living, but on the other hand they are also not doing us any favours. Because their very exsitance depends on us.

They have literally shot themselves in the foot. They have a ready made very smart, well educated, well to do finacialy secure with long term loyalty with roots in the region population at hand. But instead of looking at this as a blessing, they treat them as they are only after their precious resources ,the dole like land, free houses, third grade free health care the locals are handed out. Such mistrust for someone who you have lived among all your lives.

As I drive along now all I see is the sky scraper ghost town which is now going for what sometime back would not get you a bedspace in deira. And the doomed un finished towers and endless sea of half ready villas. The money has dried up. The high paying beach hotel staying western mostly European tourists have given up on it and now only some low budget orientals looking for deals are visiting it in thin numbers.

Back in the day a person could set up a small shop or bussiness with around 30 to 50k dhs and now even 200k is hardly enough to jump through all the breaucratic hoops and loops and instead of attracting more SME's things are being made tougher. Every avenue of possible income is being squeezed to double parking charges, over charged salik to traffic fines for offences commited when your car was parked neatly in your garage while you were on vacation.

The money trail now leads to Abu Dhabi only because of renewed intrest in mega projects, but what happens once they are complete. Every one gets laid off or moves on and another ghost town of so and so city and village comes into effect. Hardly anyone lives there who pays there own rent as it is.

A country moves along on the strenght of its back bone middle class, but here there isn't any. There are many who wish they could call themselves middle class but they can hardly make it cheque to cheque. Many end up in the slammer as they were not able to put in a few installments although they had money but the banks froze their accounts because they got laid off. A classic catch 22 situation.

Human rights, lets not even go there.

Having said that. I still love this place, solely for the reason I grew up here and this is the only home I have know, Have worked for it and for over a decade shown it to be the best place on the planet to the hundreds of tourists and visitors who have I have taken out and show them the beauty of this country, But sadly that too will also soon change as It would be foolish of me, wishing upon a star that someday hearts will change and the country will adopt me as one of its sons. And come to terms with the fact that after 33 years I am nothing but just another worker on a limited contract.

Soon I will go to that big satanic evil place in the west with all its evil practices but will still welcome me and is willing to accept me even though there is a greater risk of me becoming a burden to it than contributing towards its well being. But they are willing to take that risk.

Peace out
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 05, 2010
OK - I promise not to do it again but, ... I agree, and well put.

Enough said really, a fitting epitaph, live long and prosper young Vulcan, go in peace.

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Re: Question To MCL Jul 06, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I have been toiling with the idea recently, just thinking to myself. What if all the expats took a week off altoghter, and what would be the result.

I tried to think of any sector or department that could function even at 50% operational capacity, I thought and thought hard and could not think of a single one.

The relation of the expat is interwoven with every fibre of this country, and I'm not saying that we are doing them a huge favour. Majority are here to etch out a living, but on the other hand they are also not doing us any favours. Because their very exsitance depends on us.

They have literally shot themselves in the foot. They have a ready made very smart, well educated, well to do finacialy secure with long term loyalty with roots in the region population at hand. But instead of looking at this as a blessing, they treat them as they are only after their precious resources ,the dole like land, free houses, third grade free health care the locals are handed out. Such mistrust for someone who you have lived among all your lives.

As I drive along now all I see is the sky scraper ghost town which is now going for what sometime back would not get you a bedspace in deira. And the doomed un finished towers and endless sea of half ready villas. The money has dried up. The high paying beach hotel staying western mostly European tourists have given up on it and now only some low budget orientals looking for deals are visiting it in thin numbers.

Back in the day a person could set up a small shop or bussiness with around 30 to 50k dhs and now even 200k is hardly enough to jump through all the breaucratic hoops and loops and instead of attracting more SME's things are being made tougher. Every avenue of possible income is being squeezed to double parking charges, over charged salik to traffic fines for offences commited when your car was parked neatly in your garage while you were on vacation.

The money trail now leads to Abu Dhabi only because of renewed intrest in mega projects, but what happens once they are complete. Every one gets laid off or moves on and another ghost town of so and so city and village comes into effect. Hardly anyone lives there who pays there own rent as it is.

A country moves along on the strenght of its back bone middle class, but here there isn't any. There are many who wish they could call themselves middle class but they can hardly make it cheque to cheque. Many end up in the slammer as they were not able to put in a few installments although they had money but the banks froze their accounts because they got laid off. A classic catch 22 situation.

Human rights, lets not even go there.

Having said that. I still love this place, solely for the reason I grew up here and this is the only home I have know, Have worked for it and for over a decade shown it to be the best place on the planet to the hundreds of tourists and visitors who have I have taken out and show them the beauty of this country, But sadly that too will also soon change as It would be foolish of me, wishing upon a star that someday hearts will change and the country will adopt me as one of its sons. And come to terms with the fact that after 33 years I am nothing but just another worker on a limited contract.

Soon I will go to that big satanic evil place in the west with all its evil practices but will still welcome me and is willing to accept me even though there is a greater risk of me becoming a burden to it than contributing towards its well being. But they are willing to take that risk.

Peace out

An excellent expose’ DD.

I’ve seen this sort of exchange between locals and expats many a time,… on this forum and on other forums.

However, no Emirati seems to be willing to address, or acknowledge, the real crux of the problem, which arises from the snobbish attitude of most locals towards expats and foreign labor.

The relationship between locals and expats is purely a business relationship. The expat comes from abroad to provide the local with a product or a service, and the local pays the expat for it. It is a simple relationship based on the old economic law of supply and demand.

In a sense, both sides need each other on an equal footing. For some reason, many Emiratis believe that the payer, by virtue of simply making the payment, automatically becomes more superior to the payee. I don’t have a clue why they think with such lopsided logic

On the flipside, you can also argue that both sides do not need really each other. The UAE is not the only country in the world that needs the expat, and the expat (any given expat) is not only person in the world who could provide the UAE with what it needs.

In any case, you would also expect that such a mutually beneficial relationship would thus be conducted with mutual respect, by both sides.

But that’s not the case when it comes to many Emiratis, I am afraid!!

8) 8)
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 06, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:On the flipside, you can also argue that both sides do not need really each other. The UAE is not the only country in the world that needs the expat, and the expat is not only person in the world who can provide the UAE what it it needs.

Your half right there Tom. The expat can go to any country and millions have been,so hence really does not need this place. But the UAE DOES need the expat. For a country to function it needs to have a skilled, semi skilled and unskilled labour force.

Now you don't have to think for more than a few seconds to come to a realisation that how many would and could fill these positions to sustain vital day to day function of this country. Like in my hypothetical situation if all the expats were to take even a week off, this place would come to screeching halt, as there are just not enough of these Skilled, Semi Skilled and willing to work as unskilled workers to sustain it, even for a day.

So in conclusion the expat really does not need this country as much as this country needs them.
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Re: Question to MCL Jul 07, 2010
To further re-inforce the point, has anyone ever visited a Power Station in Dubai and seen how many non-expatriates are doing any kind of work that is not behind a desk?

How many non-expatriates do you see driving a bus?

Etc. Etc. Etc.
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Re: Question to MCL Jul 07, 2010
The Emiratis know damn well that their country could not function for as a little as one minute without the input of the foreigners!!!!

But will they publicly acknowledge that, and show some appreciation to the foreigners in their midst.

They should declare something like a “Guest Appreciation Day,” to honor the massive contribution of foreigners to this country. And to show a little kindness to foreigners on that day, esp. the labor class, by giving them gifts and inviting them into their homes!!! And/or holding big dinner parties for them in public parks.

8) 8)
Tom Jones
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Re: Question to MCL Jul 07, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:The Emiratis know damn well that their country could not function for as a little as one minute without the input of the foreigners!!!!

But will they publicly acknowledge that, and show some appreciation to the foreigners in their midst.

They should declare something like a “Guest Appreciation Day,” to honor the massive contribution of foreigners to this country. And to show a little kindness to foreigners on that day, esp. the labor class, by giving them gifts and inviting them into their homes!!! And/or holding big dinner parties for them in public parks.

8) 8)

Emiratis will never appreciate foreigners, it is like appreciating your maid. As long as expats will be submissive, expendable, replacable and deportable, Emiratis will never recognize them.
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Re: Question to MCL Jul 07, 2010
herve wrote:
Tom Jones wrote:The Emiratis know damn well that their country could not function for as a little as one minute without the input of the foreigners!!!!

But will they publicly acknowledge that, and show some appreciation to the foreigners in their midst.

They should declare something like a “Guest Appreciation Day,” to honor the massive contribution of foreigners to this country. And to show a little kindness to foreigners on that day, esp. the labor class, by giving them gifts and inviting them into their homes!!! And/or holding big dinner parties for them in public parks.

8) 8)

Emiratis will never appreciate foreigners, it is like appreciating your maid. As long as expats will be submissive, expendable, replacable and deportable, Emiratis will never recognize them.

And the local make damn sure that every expat lives under this 'Sword of Damocles'...

After the revelations about huge 'sweetners' being paid to locals and expat senior managers of the real estate companies to secure prime parcels of real estate, and the subsequent convenient back-dating of legislation making it illegal, how many locals are actually behind bars? How many expats are still languishing at 'His Majesties Pleasure' for the crimes of their local bosses?

I think the numbers will be one sided.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Question to MCL Jul 08, 2010
Can someone please summerize this thread in one short paragraph please to save me reading every post

yup i'm in a lazy mood

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Re: Question to MCL Jul 09, 2010
arniegang wrote:Can someone please summerize this thread in one short paragraph please to save me reading every post

yup i'm in a lazy mood


I’ll do it in one small line:

Locals vs. Expats. Round 12, and still battling it out.

:) :)
Tom Jones
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 09, 2010
thanks tom
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Re: Question To MCL Jul 09, 2010
UAE kid is saying it like it is… you can hide the truth or see this issue only from your side, now like I said "we do not care if you are here or there or what you do.
Now, if you will do or did or accomplished something here or anywhere else , it means that you have done something productive to your sorry as* and for your self and your family to begin with .. don't expect credit for that from anyone especially when you got paid in return, I sure don't. and stop this "we helped and bcz of us bla bla bla" what do you want for it? You want a thank you ? get it from you kids ppl or from your country that no longer spend on you. they will thank u for leaving.
And again ease up with the use of " we" most of you are useless and you know it. You are only here bcz we don't agree to the same pay. Don't think much of your selves. Many of you are even ashamed to say what they do or where they are from. So the day you will appreciate and respect yourselves ,we will .
If you want what your own countries and ppl didn't proved you with then keep dreaming.
Have a nice day :)
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