Another Day Another Crime

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Another day another crime Jun 29, 2010
The fanbois must be tearing their hair out. Just when they uncover one good news story about an Israeli ministry giving money to a Medical charity that helps poor third-world children, including Palestinians - the world conspires against him and we have yet another story about Israel seeking to break international law in illegally annexed East Jerusalem.

This is from Haaretz - but we are all familiar with what the response will be (the Jewish UN guy actually is a secret anti-Semite, he doesn't know that Israel is above international law, BOO!! look at this report about Tajikistan from the 1850s - doesn't it show the Mooslims are bad??, ooh, look here's a Memri video, oh Hamas are evil ;) ;) ) :

Israel transfer of Hamas men from Jerusalem may be war crime, UN envoy says

UN human rights rapporteur says forcible transfer of four Palestinians from East Jerusalem would break international law.

By Reuters

Israel's intention to expel four Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem to the West Bank could constitute a war crime, a UN human rights expert charged on Tuesday.

Richard Falk, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, said the move was part of a Israeli push to remove Palestinians from East Jerusalem.

Hamas official Mohammed Abu Tir was released from Israeli prison on Thursday May 19, 2010

Photo by: Lior Mizrachi

"These actions, if carried out, would violate international law, with certain actions potentially amounting to war crimes under international humanitarian law," Falk said in a statement.

"Forcibly transferring these individuals would constitute serious violations of Israel's legal obligations. At the same time, the current threats should be viewed as part of a larger, extremely worrying pattern of Israeli efforts to drive Palestinians out of East Jerusalem - all of which are illegal under international law," Falk said.

All four are members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and long-time residents of the city, Falk said. But all are also members of Hamas, which has pledged to destroy Israel and is viewed by Israel and the West as a terrorist group.

On September 6, the Israeli High Court of Justice is scheduled to consider their case, according to Falk.

He named them as Muhammad Abu-Teir, Ahmad Attoun, Muhammad Totah and Khaled Abu Arafeh. Araheh is a former Hamas cabinet minister and the other three were lawmakers elected in 2006.

"Israel, as an occupying power, is prohibited from transferring civilian persons from East Jerusalem and is prohibited from forcing Palestinians to swear allegiance or otherwise affirm their loyalty to the State of Israel," he said.


Falk also criticized Israel's plan to demolish some 20 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, calling it illegal and saying it reflected its systematic bid to drive Palestinians out of the holy city.

A local planning commission has approved a scheme to destroy the homes, as part of the King's Garden project, but it will need additional ratification which could take months, Israeli officials have said.

City spokesman Stephan Miller has said the project was intended "to improve the quality of life" in Silwan and that a park and public complex slated to be built in the area would be used by Arabs and Jews alike.

"International law does not allow Israel to bulldoze Palestinians homes to make space for the Mayor's project to build a garden, or anything else," said Falk.

Israel drew U.S. anger in March, when it announced during a visit by Vice President Joe Biden a plan to build 1,600 homes for Jews in an area of the occupied West Bank it considers part of Jerusalem. Israel assured Washington building at the Ramat Shlomo settlement site would not begin for at least two years.

In December 2008, Falk, who is Jewish, was detained and turned back from Israel while trying to carry out an official UN mission to Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. The deportation was denounced by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

He has served in the independent post since May 2008, reporting to the UN Human Rights Council. Critics say that the 47-member state forum unfairly singles out Israeli violations.

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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
shafique wrote:an Israeli ministry giving money to a Medical charity that helps poor third-world children, including Palestinians

Yeah, that must be really bothersome, so bothersome to head a thread about Jerusalem and Hamas about it. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jun 30, 2010
Why would you think it bothered me that you came up with a good news story? I'd celebrate too if I were you.

I think you should indeed milk it for what it's worth - even in this thread which highlights Israel's relation to International law.

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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jun 30, 2010
shafique wrote:I think you should indeed milk it for what it's worth - even in this thread which highlights Israel's relation to International law.

LOL. Look who started the thread with it. :idea:
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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010 ... 2ZnzxpiwrQ

It's always amazing that the types of people snowball manages to find in support of the Palestinians and against the Israelis happen to be the biggest nutjobs around.

Richard Falk has a known history of delivering spin and spewing outright lies (kind of like snowball).

Anyways, what speaks volumes is not the accusation and the Israeli response (which, of course, time and again, demolishes the opposing side's smear campaign), but that we have a drama queen who has been on his soapbox a little too long.


War crimes. Yeah, let's see the UN hold an emergency session and pass security council resolutions the next time Iran stones a mother of two or an errant Turkish bomb takes out a Kurdish teenager.
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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
Loons are nothing if not predictable.

shafique wrote:This is from Haaretz - but we are all familiar with what the response will be (the Jewish UN guy actually is a secret anti-Semite, he doesn't know that Israel is above international law, BOO!! look at this report about Tajikistan from the 1850s - doesn't it show the Mooslims are bad??, ooh, look here's a Memri video, oh Hamas are evil ;) ;) ) :

event horizon wrote:Richard Falk has a known history of delivering spin and spewing outright lies

Loon slurs and avoiding the points of law raised by the UN report is the only response left to them. Funny, never-the-less.

What must irritate the fanbois so is that these stories are headline news in Israel - the article above was published yesterday in Haaretz. :mrgreen:

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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
It is a fact that Richard Falk gets his facts wrong.
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jun 30, 2010
You do realise we all don't live in Loon-world, here on planet earth we address what is actually written not what is imagined. When we say Bob Spencer is a huckster and peddles lies, we give the lie and show it is a lie.

I take it you can't fault Faulk on his conclusions quoted above, so have to resort to slurs.

By your logic, given you presented a ficticuous account of a convicted rapist saying rape was allowed in Islam, and insisted it was a pronouncement from a 'Islamic Scholar' (when in fact it was just made up by a fellow loon) -we should ignore anything you present as fact from now?


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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
Richard Falk lies: ... -falk.html

and lies ... again.html

Falk is a loon leftist.

Quite fitting that you would find an article from him.

As far as the thread, LoL at war crimes.

Yeah, whatever.

But it's interesting what your own article says about Falk and the HRC:

He has served in the independent post since May 2008, reporting to the UN Human Rights Council. Critics say that the 47-member state forum unfairly singles out Israeli violations.
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jun 30, 2010

Nothing relates to the points of international law in the article. (And in anycase, elder is better off when he does comedy - which he does quite well - and it hardly suprising that fanbois don't like Jews like Goldstone and Falk and attack them for speaking the truth, and dispute points of law.)

Do you think Elder will link to your musings that the UN is wrong to state bulldozing homes in East Jerusalem is against International Law, because Israel says it legal and 'fanbois' believe Israel over any International law?? Just asking.

Now, we all know your stance on condemning clear war crimes and the fact you're still demonstrably the most extreme religious fanatic here primarily because of your refusal to condemn war crimes, but this is about Israel's crimes today.

But hey, you play the fanboi role very well - I liked the part where you called Falk a loon. Hilarious.

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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
Do you think Elder will link to your musings that the UN is wrong to state bulldozing homes in East Jerusalem is against International Law, because Israel says it legal and 'fanbois' believe Israel over any International law?? Just asking.

Now now, snowball. I'm not the one to refer to the 'legality' of an action as an argument clincher.

You are the one to refer to what is legal or illegal according to Israeli law - see your own past threads.

So, sorry. What are you complaining about now?

But hey, if you thought that was kinda dumb (far be it for me to point out that I was merely adopting your tactics), perhaps I can quote Mark Regev on how Israeli wants peace with its neighbors.

Surely you wouldn't see the irony in that regarding your rather dumb thread about a Hamas politician writing to Westerners that Hamas accepts the historical reality of the holocaust (accept they didn't, as the numerous links I provided showed).

But hey, why let common sense get in the way of a good argument?
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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
I'm 'complaining'?

I'm just saying you haven't actually addressed the content of the first post. Elder's two short blogs about Falk are less convincing than your attempts to show Chomsky had lied (which failed spectacularly).

The crime in the thread title is about Israel's crime.

Sticking your head in the sand and blaming the pesky 'loon lawyers/diplomats' who disagree with Israeli spin won't make the crime disapear. Falk is a professor of law. Which law school did elder go to? ;)

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Re: Another day another crime Jun 30, 2010
Hamas, he pointed out, consistently urged the continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire with Israel and even its extension for up to 10 years. According to the respected British newsweekly, The Economist, Falk noted, Hamas proposed an extension of up to 20 years. “What is so revealing is the Israeli refusal to even acknowledge that this was a diplomatic initiative that would have probably ended any violence.”

You must have clicked and 'read' the wrong links.

Elder proves that Falk is a liar when he claims that Hamas called for the continuation of the July 2008 Egyptian sponsored truce.

Falk wrote:

Hamas, he pointed out, consistently urged the continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire with Israel and even its extension for up to 10 years. According to the respected British newsweekly, The Economist, Falk noted, Hamas proposed an extension of up to 20 years. “What is so revealing is the Israeli refusal to even acknowledge that this was a diplomatic initiative that would have probably ended any violence.”

Elder writes:

I already showed that Falk is, quite simply, a liar. At that time, I wasn't aware of any specific Hamas truce offer that he was referring to, so I couldn't prove that he was lying on that specific point, but this repetition over here spurred me to research this supposed truce extension.

I could not find any mention of this in The Economist (although I did find an article that called Falk's obscene comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany "absurd.") But I did find some articles about Hamas' offer of a twenty year truce, and as I thought, it was not an "extension" of the existing six month calm period that Falk claims. It was a fake offer that Hamas had made years ago whose terms were that after Israel withdraws completely from all lands captured in 1967, then Hamas would offer a ten or twenty year truce without recognizing Israel's existence.

Falk explicitly calls this a "continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire" and he knows very well that it was nothing of the sort. And when Hamas was given the chance to continue the truce, it rejected it.
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 01, 2010
Yes, elder is less convincing in his arguments than you were when you failed to show Chomsky had lied. Just because elder 'believes' Hamas did not offer to extend the ceasefire, doesn't mean it didn't happen. He probably also believed that Hamas broke the truce like all obedient fanbois did.

Thanks for cutting and pasting the unconvincing arguments here, so we can all see elder's critique of Falk and see that it does nothing to counter the crime described in the first post.

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 01, 2010
Great, perhaps you can help Falk out and find where Hamas continuously 'urged for the continuation of the july ceasefire'?

Most people with common sense see that Falk has been punked.

But hey, sometimes I forget about you.
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 01, 2010
You're the one that needs to help elder with his comprehension homework.

Falk is a Professor of Law and knows what he is talking about when he states Israel is breaking international law. He doesn't need to correct 'elders' attempts to slur him.

But glad to read that you can't refute the simple point of law in the original post. Speaks volumes that.

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 01, 2010
So you found statements from Hamas that they sought to extend the Egyptian ceasefire deal?

Once again, your reading skills have failed you.

Elder has explained Falk's bias and outright factual distortions comprehensively.

You've stuck your head in the sand.
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 02, 2010
elder has failed to show that Professor Falk's conclusions about Israel's violations of International Law are wrong.

You and elder can exchange quaint views all you like, but if you are going to criticise Prof Falk's reports - which are meticulous and unambiguous - then at least try and find something that is a lie and not something you guys dream up in your imagined history of the region.

Compare and contrast with Bob Spencer's hucksterism - his faults have been exposed clearly, he says something that is demonstrably not true about a Pope, and none of his fanbois come to his defence.

There's nothing ambiguous or factually incorrect in the UN, EU and Prof Falk's clear statements that Israel is breaking international law. Next you'll be saying he can't be trusted because he has a beard! (That's the level of your and elder's critique).

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 02, 2010
shafique wrote:but if you are going to criticise Prof Falk's reports - which are meticulous and unambiguous =

Sorry, but the author already pointed out several of Falk's distortions, half-truths and outright lies.

Repeating a falsehood does not make it true.

Falk wrote:

Hamas, he pointed out, consistently urged the continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire with Israel and even its extension for up to 10 years. According to the respected British newsweekly, The Economist, Falk noted, Hamas proposed an extension of up to 20 years. “What is so revealing is the Israeli refusal to even acknowledge that this was a diplomatic initiative that would have probably ended any violence.”

Elder wrote:

I already showed that Falk is, quite simply, a liar. At that time, I wasn't aware of any specific Hamas truce offer that he was referring to, so I couldn't prove that he was lying on that specific point, but this repetition over here spurred me to research this supposed truce extension.

I could not find any mention of this in The Economist (although I did find an article that called Falk's obscene comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany "absurd.") But I did find some articles about Hamas' offer of a twenty year truce, and as I thought, it was not an "extension" of the existing six month calm period that Falk claims. It was a fake offer that Hamas had made years ago whose terms were that after Israel withdraws completely from all lands captured in 1967, then Hamas would offer a ten or twenty year truce without recognizing Israel's existence.

Falk explicitly calls this a "continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire" and he knows very well that it was nothing of the sort. And when Hamas was given the chance to continue the truce, it rejected it. ... again.html
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 02, 2010
There's nothing ambiguous or factually incorrect in the UN, EU and Prof Falk's clear statements that Israel is breaking international law. Next you'll be saying he can't be trusted because he has a beard! (That's the level of your and elder's critique).

Just because elder's shortcomings makes him want to believe Falk is a liar, is elder's issue - not Falks. Elder should not believe Israeli spin about Hamas and the ceasefire and should spend more time researching the facts.
etc - all showing the offer of the extended truce was made (again) in 2008 near the end of the 6 month ceasefire and not sometime in the distant past like elder writes. He's the one that is either incompetent or lying, not Falk.

On the matter of International Law, you appear to have nothing to say.

That speaks volumes.

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 02, 2010
Let's look at what Falk wrote:

[Hamas] consistently urged the continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire with Israel and even its extension for up to 10 years.

Now, let's look at what your own headline from one of the two links you posted says:

Hamas 'might renew' truce in Gaza

Nope, no 'consistent urging' there. The headline speaks for itself and it is the reason why both you and Falk are guilty of delivering half-truths.

Now, the second article is even more incredulous.

Even after Elder explained the terms for Hamas' 'hudna', you still go on to link the article.


Elder wrote:

But I did find some articles about Hamas' offer of a twenty year truce, and as I thought, it was not an "extension" of the existing six month calm period that Falk claims. It was a fake offer that Hamas had made years ago whose terms were that after Israel withdraws completely from all lands captured in 1967, then Hamas would offer a ten or twenty year truce without recognizing Israel's existence. ... s-1.256915

The article has nothing to do with the six-month truce between Israel and Hamas - the terms of that truce were completely different.

But hey, thanks for showing the gullibility of many loons out there. Sometimes 'experts' are the most susceptible to spin.
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 03, 2010
As I said, just because two fanbois want to re-write history doesn't change the fact that Prof Falk, the UN, the EU etc etc all unambiguously agree that Israel is acting like a rogue state and breaking international law.

The historical record shows that Hamas offered to renew the truce and enter into a long term truce, but this time wanted Israel to live up to its commitments - had Israel accepted, there would be no siege and an on-going ceasefire with Hamas. Instead Israel chose to break the ceasefire on Nov 4 2008 (and even so, Hamas still offered to extend the truce in Dec 2008 - as the articles above show). The long term ceasefire, truce, Hudna - however you want to call it, was offered by Hamas and not taken up by Israel. They went to war and lied that Hamas broke the truce. Fanbois refuse to accept the truth.

Falk 1- Fanbois 0

And the reason the fanbois are making a fuss and slurring Prof Falk? Well it's because their idol Israel has been exposed on points of law:

"These actions, if carried out, would violate international law, with certain actions potentially amounting to war crimes under international humanitarian law," Falk said in a statement.

"Forcibly transferring these individuals would constitute serious violations of Israel's legal obligations. At the same time, the current threats should be viewed as part of a larger, extremely worrying pattern of Israeli efforts to drive Palestinians out of East Jerusalem - all of which are illegal under international law," Falk said.

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 03, 2010

Go back and read Falk's comment, snowflake.

Nowhere in the article you posted does it say that Hamas 'consistently urged for the continuation' of the Egyptian brokered ceasefire.

It says that Hamas might renew the truce - Hamas was weighing their options (while firing rockets into Israeli territory).

And the article was from Dec. 23. Anyone knowledgeable of the volume of rocket and mortar attacks into Israel before Cast Lead knows what Hamas decided on.

That the best you have?


Hamas still offered to extend the truce in Dec 2008 - as the articles above show

Way too funny. The title of the article and first three sentences should have filled you in that Hamas did not offer a renewal of the truce.

Here, this is what the article actually says:

Hamas 'might renew' truce in Gaza

Hamas would consider renewing the expired Gaza truce if...

So, no. Hamas did not offer an extension. They offered to consider an extension while firing dozens of rockets and mortars into Israel. There is a difference.

The article further goes on to say that they also would consider halting rocket fire into Israel for the next twenty-four hours - they didn't. That alone is proof enough that Hamas decided against the ceasefire.

Now snowflake, instead of writing out mumbo jumbo and pontificating on what an article doesn't say, you should actually spend more time reading what the article does say.

Close, but no cigar.

Elder 1 Falk 0
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 03, 2010

shafique wrote:And the reason the fanbois are making a fuss and slurring Prof Falk? Well it's because their idol Israel has been exposed on points of law:

"These actions, if carried out, would violate international law, with certain actions potentially amounting to war crimes under international humanitarian law," Falk said in a statement.

"Forcibly transferring these individuals would constitute serious violations of Israel's legal obligations. At the same time, the current threats should be viewed as part of a larger, extremely worrying pattern of Israeli efforts to drive Palestinians out of East Jerusalem - all of which are illegal under international law," Falk said.

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 03, 2010
In Loonville, might consider=consistently urged the continuation

Yeah, that is funny.

Let me know when I should start taking Falk seriously.
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Re: Another day another crime Jul 03, 2010
event horizon wrote:Let me know when I should start taking Falk seriously.

When you stop believing elder's fantasies on his blog and read the historic record. In elder's fantasies he thinks he is the Professor of Law and Falk is the windbag blogger.

In reality, Falk 1 - "2 Fanbois" 0

(But I know you want to remain in loonville and believe that Israel is not committing crimes)

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 03, 2010
I guess you're out of arguments and are stuck on repeat yourself mode.

But seriously, what part of "might consider" led you to post the article in defense of Falk?

Did you forget what Falk wrote, not read the article properly or you were hoping you could slip that past me?
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 03, 2010
I don't need any new arguments, the historical record speaks for itself.

As does the the fact:

And the reason the fanbois are making a fuss and slurring Prof Falk? Well it's because their idol Israel has been exposed on points of law:
"These actions, if carried out, would violate international law, with certain actions potentially amounting to war crimes under international humanitarian law," Falk said in a statement.

"Forcibly transferring these individuals would constitute serious violations of Israel's legal obligations. At the same time, the current threats should be viewed as part of a larger, extremely worrying pattern of Israeli efforts to drive Palestinians out of East Jerusalem - all of which are illegal under international law," Falk said.

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Re: Another day another crime Jul 06, 2010
Richard Falk wrote:Hamas, he pointed out, consistently urged the continuation of its July 2008 Egypt-sponsored ceasefire with Israel and even its extension for up to 10 years. According to the respected British newsweekly, The Economist, Falk noted, Hamas proposed an extension of up to 20 years. “What is so revealing is the Israeli refusal to even acknowledge that this was a diplomatic initiative that would have probably ended any violence.”

Care to point to an article where Hamas 'consistently urged [for] the continuation of [the] July 2008 Egypt sponsored ceasefire'?
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Re: Another Day Another Crime Jul 07, 2010

Just because you want to believe an anonymous loon blogger's version of history doesn't change the fact that Falk has punked you by stating points of law which you can't address.

loon bloggers 0 - International law 1

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