In just a few days, the ubiquitous smell of roasted marshmallows, echoes of fire side sing-a-longs, and rat-tat-tats of Ak-47 rounds whizzing through the air will be noticed at campsites all throughout the summer months.
Errr, rat-tat-tats?
Yes, yes. It's already that time of year again...for Pal-Arab youths.
That's right, Islamic Jihad and Hamas are both hosting summer camps for tens of thousands and over one hundred thousand little kiddies this summer, respectively.
At these camps, children will experience segregated Koran memorization classes (sounds fun!), crawling through mud pits and a class on hostage taking, where they can earn their own merit badges for correctly binding and gagging their prisoners!
But that's not all. These youngsters will have their own military fatigues and go on combat training exercises as Hamas finds new ways to make it fun to lose weight (Pal-Arabs are actually more overweight than Arabs in neighboring countries).
Camps will conclude with a parade in which our Pal-Arab youngsters don their combat fatigues, along with toy (or sometimes real?) weapons to carry as they march through the streets of Gaza. ... s_e004.htm