the message board for Dubai English speaking community
kanelli wrote:Aren't we being ignorant and arrogant to blame only one nation and its people for all the ills of the world, overlooking our own nation's hypocricy and own contributions to world or regional problems?
shafique wrote:Richard Owl Mirror wrote:Folks, I readily admit that my perceptions of Islam may have been skewed by my association with radical islamists since 9/11
I am not ignorant of the facts regarding the manipulation of the Middle East by the Western Powers.
I do hope you will instruct me further and broaden my views on Islam.
Yet, you must admit the worst of Islam is what is brought out into the conciousness of the world recently and (at least here in the West) it appears that the moderate, rational Muslim community does nothing to negate these concepts.
Richard, I'm glad that your journey has brought you to this forum. I hope that when you find preconceived perceptions to be mistaken, you will change your views and convey these mini-epithanies to all your contacts and compatriots.
I urge you to go back and re-read my posts to you - especially the early ones where I take pains to give you examples of terrorist activities amongst all religious groups.
There are many westerners on this forum and all of the guys I've spoken to here do not make the link that Arab = terrorist or that Islam = terrorism.
I think that your statements quoted above are widely held views in the States and in some parts of Europe. However, note that those people here who have daily contact with Muslims are telling you in no uncertain terms that these views are wrong.
Can you please ponder on the simple point that all IRA terrorist activities were done by Catholics - and yet, has anyone equated Catholicism with terrorism? I don't think even the Protestant targets made this connection.
Now, for people to continue to believe a falsehood when faced with clear and unequivocable evidence of the truth is a tragedy. It could also reflect xenophobia at worst, and just low down ignorance at best.
My assessment is that it is the latter that afflicts your countrymen - ignorance and arrogance (the American way IS the best way and let's not allow any facts to get in the way).
I hope I am wrong in my assessment - and there are many American colleagues of mine who are educated and well informed - but your statments above aren't the first time I've come across these views.
I commend you for at least asking the questions. I hope you listen to the answers. I hope you hear what is said.
However, note that those people here who have daily contact with Muslims are telling you in no uncertain terms that these views are wrong.
Liban wrote:Richard Owl Mirror wrote:You can see my signature below : In a Democracy, Silence IS Permission
The same can be said of ISLAM.
In ISLAM, Silence IS Permission
You are stepping on very thin ice Richard. I will be careful now.
Read the rules... Insulting/flaming results in a locked post. This is a flame of Islam.
You have been warned.
kanelli wrote:I agree with much of what you say Shafique, except one point. It isn't just Americans who feel that they know everything - who are ignorant and arrogant. This is a stereotype that doesn't really fit. I've met people across many nationalities and many faiths who are ignorant and arrogant. A person's life experience, travel outside of their own area, and their investigation and questioning of what is around them are the only things that can help people become less ignorant or arrogant. Not everyone has the opportunity to travel, and not everyone likes to think outside the box or use critical thinking. EDIT - Unfortunately this is true, and this is why there is so much more conflict in this world than there needs to be. Everyone should be more critical of the status quo and try to be more tolerant.
World peace cannot be maintained by treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, alliances, balances of power, or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. World law must come into being and must be enforced by world government--the sovereignty of all mankind.
kanelli wrote:Liban wrote:kanelli wrote:
I've also met ignorant and arrogant Spaniards, Canadians, Australians, Finns, Pakistanis, Lebanese etc.
More igorant Americans per capita than others...
And more people focusing on the Americans and ignoring the others.
Aren't we being ignorant and arrogant to blame only one nation and its people for all the ills of the world, overlooking our own nation's hypocricy and own contributions to world or regional problems?
The children, ages 8 to 12, burned a coffin draped in U.S., Israeli and Danish flags at a traffic intersection in the port city of Karachi as police in riot gear looked on.
Intimacy wrote:Choco, Regarding Mecca... its a very interesting Question.. really thanks for bringing it up.
We also belive that in Mecca there is a mountin which we climp during Hajj called (Jabel Al Rahmah = The mountain of Mercy) in which Adam and Eva - My peace and blessings be upon them - had met after they ate from the apple tree and were sent to earth.
CONTENTS OF THE BOOK @ http://www.urantia.org/
line 737: 74. ADAM AND EVE
line 741: 1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem
line 745: 2. Arrival of Adam and Eve
line 749: 3. Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet
line 757: 5. Adam's Administration
line 761: 6. Home Life of Adam and Eve
line 800: 6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden
line 804: 7. Degradation of Adam and Eve
line 836: 5. Death of Adam and Eve
line 841: 6. Survival of Adam and Eve
Richard Owl Mirror wrote:Intimacy wrote:Choco, Regarding Mecca... its a very interesting Question.. really thanks for bringing it up.
We also belive that in Mecca there is a mountin which we climp during Hajj called (Jabel Al Rahmah = The mountain of Mercy) in which Adam and Eva - My peace and blessings be upon them - had met after they ate from the apple tree and were sent to earth.
Interesting interpretation Intimacy !
Is this a common belief in Islam ?
I ask because I believe along the same lines.CONTENTS OF THE BOOK @ http://www.urantia.org/
line 737: 74. ADAM AND EVE
line 741: 1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem
line 745: 2. Arrival of Adam and Eve
line 749: 3. Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet
line 757: 5. Adam's Administration
line 761: 6. Home Life of Adam and Eve
line 800: 6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden
line 804: 7. Degradation of Adam and Eve
line 836: 5. Death of Adam and Eve
line 841: 6. Survival of Adam and Eve
I actually harbored no "preconceived perceptions" of ISLAM prior to my searching for answers after 9/11.
I thought I had found a voice & face of ISLAM when I came across http://www.ummah.net/forum/
What I found was 'Death to all non-muslims' at every turn.
Intimacy wrote:I actually harbored no "preconceived perceptions" of ISLAM prior to my searching for answers after 9/11.
I thought I had found a voice & face of ISLAM when I came across http://www.ummah.net/forum/
What I found was 'Death to all non-muslims' at every turn.
Dear Richard Owl,
Please be very careful of such websites.. it has nothing to do with islam.. the latest researches show that about 92%+ of the online sites which claims to talk about islam are working against islam.. I myself was shocked many many times when i was reading on websites which claim to be islamic but it has nothing to do with islam.
i came a cross one of the forums in europe, they were discussing a verse of Koran which they claim is from chapter 9 verse 11 (9/11) and the verse which they have there was talking about killing and stuff.... i was extremely shocked.. i went back and i checked it and i posted the ACTUAL verse.. and they were surprised and wondering about who started this lie
please be careful and if you require to inquire about something in islam.. check it in the Koran.. not even from a muslim in the street..
This is a good website which is available in 7 languages:
All the best.
... check it in the Koran.. not even from a muslim in the street..
This is a good website which is available in 7 languages:
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