Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine

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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 16, 2010
It is interesting to contrast the racist policies of Ashkenazi parents above with the supposed 'apartheid' of the Saudis which restrict Mecca for only Muslims (of all races).

You've got to hand it to the fanbois though - they put up a spirited defence of Israel, even if it is just recycled stuff about 'mooslims' being worse! ;)


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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
Yeah, I'm sure the UAE is a race-less paradise on earth, free from all sorts of racism - even against 'fellow' Muslims who are too brown for their olivey skin.

LoL !
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010

What's poor Dubai got to do with Zionist Apartheid policies in the 1930s and racist white Ashkenazis today?

eh - your scatter gun approach isn't working. Have rest.

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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
Wow - Haaretz reporting today that a request to hold a protest with up to 20,000 Ashkenazis in FAVOUR of those advocating an apartheid policy in school amongst Jews:


Also worth reading - Haaretz says that Israel is facing an Ultra-Orthodox rebellion:
http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/ne ... h-1.296631


(c'mon eh/FD - even you can't blame this on the Muslims!)
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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
Even the spiritual leader of the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has come out against the petitioners seeking integration.

There even people who call Holland an apartheid state. The former South African ambassador for example called Holland an apartheid state. :shock:

Some call Holland an apartheid state because car free Sundays only apply to dhimmi's.

I donot agree, and those classifications donot do justice to the sufferings of blacks under the apartheid of South Africa.
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
I doubt you'll find 20,000 people willing to demonstrate on the streets in favour of apartheid in schools in Holland.

I applaud the Shas Rabbi and the Israeli judiciary for not bowing to the pressure and allowing these guys to continue the apartheid in the school in question.

I shudder what they think of non-Jews, if they hate the non-white Jews so much that they don't want their children to mix!

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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
shafique wrote:I applaud the Shas Rabbi and the Israeli judiciary for not bowing to the pressure and allowing these guys to continue the apartheid in the school in question.

Huh? The Shas rabbi, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a Sephardi, supports the ultra-orthodox Ashkenazim in this. :shock:

Read the articles that you post yourself...
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
My bad- I thought your quote said he'd come out against the nutters (and changed his mind). There I was thinking there one less racist white guy in Israel. :(

That'll teach me to be optimistic and to read quotes more carefully!

Still, I applaud the judiciary for standing up to these racists - and I still shudder to think what they think about non-Jews! But 20,000 in support of apartheid - sheesh.

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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
Yeah, Abdullah Youssef, born in Iraq is your typical white guy racist. :shock: :roll:
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
Well, the protests have begun:

Tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox rally for right to segregated education
Leading modern Orthodox rabbi urges religious Zionists not to support 'racism' of Ashkenazi parents who refused to let their daughters study with Mizrahi girls.http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/tens-of-thousands-of-ultra-orthodox-rally-for-right-to-segregated-education-1.296746

"I cannot take part in the racism and discrimination that is taking place, which is just the tip of the iceberg," said Rabbi Yuval Sherlo, who heads the joint army-yeshiva program in Petah Tikva.
Even the spiritual leader of the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has come out against the petitioners seeking integration. He said they should not have taken the matter to the courts.

And a revealing quote about the Yosef's stance:

The Shas position is very complex and not likely to win it many supporters in its community. One of the main reasons Shas has not expressed itself yet on the matter is because the elite Shas families, including the Yosef and Yishai families, send their girls to Ashkenazi schools.

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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 17, 2010
Haaretz points out the obvious - again. Kudos:

The Ashkenazi Haredim treat the Mizrahim abominably. It is racism. But at least it is not violent, like the racism of the settlers toward Palestinians. The Haredim put their women at the back of the bus; the settlers not only bar Palestinians from their buses, but from the entire road at times. The Haredim erect barriers between Ashkenazim and Mizrahim in their schools; the settlers carry out ethnic cleansing under the state's aegis, like that of 25,000 residents of Hebron.

So who's the real racist here? Compared to the settlers' hilltop youth, the yeshiva boys are models of morality. But who gets castigated? The Haredi of course. When will the courts come out against settler racism as they have against Haredi racism? They themselves maintain different systems for penalizing Jews and Arabs. When will we hear about the thousands of fictitious civil service positions held by settlers - a salaried security official in every mobile home - in the same way that we hear about the Haredi parasites? And what about the thousands of soldiers who have to guard the settlers, the superfluous roads that have been built to serve them, the electricity and water supplies laid for illegal outposts? All of it, everything, paid by us, more than we pay for Torah study as a Haredi occupation.

So let's call this evil by its true name: a double standard. Cowardice works too.

http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/op ... y-1.296675
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 21, 2010
Now there are death threats to members of their own groups who speak truth:

Ultra-Orthodox activist ready to withdraw claims of discrimination in segregated school row
Rabbi Yoav Lalum removes petition due to threats on his life, says spiritual mentor Ya'akov Yosef.

By Yair Ettinger

An ultra-Orthodox activist said Sunday that he would retract his petition to the High Court of Justice claiming Ashkenazi parents in Immanuel were embarking on ethnic discrimination by refusing to send their daughters to school with their Sephardi parents.

Rabbi Yoav Lalum, a member of the Noar Kahalacha (religious youth) nonprofit organization, had petitioned the court with the discrimination claim that led to a High Court ruling ordering children of European and Middle Eastern origin to study together.
Lalum's spiritual guide, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, said earlier Sunday that Lalum was withdrawing his appeal due to recent threats on his life.


http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/ul ... w-1.297305
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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 21, 2010
Well, Pal-Arabs aren't too happy about the latest proposals coming from the PA.

It seems that a *majority* of Pal-Arabs support taking jobs from settlers.

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2010/0 ... ewish.html

But wait a minute? What are those settlers doing employing Pal-Arabs to work at their settlements?

Funny how the hype doesn't match the reality.
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 22, 2010
Did you check whether the loon website you linked to didn't make up this story? (You do realise that loon credibility is negative territory at the moment).

What's your view eh on the death threats against Rabbis who state that apartheid policies/views of the white Askenazi are racist? Can't blame that on the Palestinians who are viewed with greater disgust than they view their non-White Jewish fellow citizens.

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Re: Zionist Apartheid policies in 1930 Palestine Jun 22, 2010
Sorry, didn't quite catch that.

Perhaps you forgot about the loon website you linked to only a few days ago.

You know, where they claimed to show video footage of some Jihadist's brutal execution.

Only it didn't.


You really should stop trying to embarrass yourself.

While a majority of 72% support and 26% oppose a boycott of settlements’ products, only 38% support and 60% oppose preventing Palestinian laborers from working in settlements. While the Gaza Strip and the West Bank support the boycott of settlements’ products equally, support for preventing laborers from working in settlements is greater in the Gaza Strip, reaching 45%, than the West Bank (34%).

And, of course, as the Elder insight fully pointed out, most Pal-Arabs are employed by the settlers to work in construction.

So we can say that the building of settlements is good for the Pal-Arab economy - stopping the settlements would be bad.
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Re: Zionist Apartheid Policies In 1930 Palestine Jun 22, 2010
So, you didn't check that the loon website made up the story. You could have just said so.

Now, how about addressing the question about death threats to Rabbis that speak the truth about apartheid policies of their white brethren? What was that? The Mooslims are responsible? ;)

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