shafique wrote:ROM,
I'm a little perplexed why you think it is anachronistic to cleanse oneself after going to the toilet.. the link you provided goes into a lot of detail (more than I have seen in one place, so it was interesting!)
All it says is that one should be clean and ensure cleanliness.. it is a concept that the upper classes in the West have used for at least a century - bidets are common in the houses of the better off people in the West, and is almost a universal concept in the East. Japan, for example, cleansing oneself is a cultural norm - and they have quite sophisticated toilets with built in jets of water to clean!
The interesting point is that Islam taught this level of cleanliness 1500 years ago and only recently have the west caught on to the benefits of cleanliness.
So, far from being not relevant today - I would argue that the levels of cleanliness required in Islam is as relevant today as it was 1500 years ago. Otherwise one is arguing that it is permissable and desirable to go around with soiled undergarments... ewwhh!
(Note that the link you provided says that the use of toilet paper is allowed.. so I'm not sure what you objection is? )
Take care..

That is the point I was attempting to make, that the use of modern technics are forbidden and yet most people would never think to use three stones today.
Imagine Istinja stone dispensers in every public restroom !
The website that I cited seems to have updated the Sunnah and abandoned what Mohammad precisely stated was the only method that shall be employed.
Maybe I'm wrong ???