What's Ure Plan In Ramadan 2010

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what's ure plan in ramadan 2010 Jun 10, 2010
It's almost ramadaan the holy month for muslims

also for non muslims share ure feelings

what are ure plans in ramadan?
what do you like in ramadan?
what you don't like in ramadan?
what bothers you most in ramadan?
what/how do you feel about ramadan?
is fasting difficult for you?
How do you feel if you can't eat /smoke next to muslims who are fasting arround you.(lonely/unacceptable/stupid and so on...

answer honestly please

Dubai Forum User
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Re: what's ure plan in ramadan 2010 Jun 10, 2010
what are ure plans in ramadan?
it's no different than any other month for most of us, so will be localised in the same country..

what do you like in ramadan?
The air which combines submissiveness,humility,deep reverence and peace..Even the crime rates drop and tolerance increase in this month..
Also like the fact that there is a lot more dialogue between close/distant family members,friends,neigbours etc..
This is the month that the poor is remembered most often and a lot of charity and payments go out..Thank you God what could we do without you if you didn't prepare the scene for us in advance..
I like watching/observing people in restaurants too, all sitting quietly and joyfully, waiting for the call and food festive..
The reward is great indeed..And I thank god that there is food at the end of the fasting/day and that we are not left to starve and supplied no matter what happens in this world..

what you don't like in ramadan?
I like everthing about Ramadan even the rush hours it creates..

what bothers you most in ramadan?
still Rude and impatient people

what/how do you feel about ramadan?
I like the fact that God,humanity and our duties as humans are remembered most often in this month,almost everywhere including media...

is fasting difficult for you?
Only the first few days until the body adjusts..

but how about you BM, you haven't left yourself out, have you?
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Re: What's Ure Plan In Ramadan 2010 Jun 11, 2010
What about me,okay

what are ure plans in ramadan?

i'm in Belgium at the moment but 1 juli i will travel insha allah to dubai to prepare my body and soul for ramadan in makkah till 12 september insha allah(i hate to spend ramadan in europe my god nooooo way!!!) i get depressed here! without muslims arround me.i'm not a racist (my neighbure is christian and we always spend time in his garden) but i need muslims arround me really !

what do you like in ramadan?

I like everything in ramadan.for me (and i think for all muslims) even for allah is this the best month of all months of the year!i like the food/peaple/all mankind/even my christian neighbure i like.

what you don't like in ramadan?

is that all peaple spending much time in the kitchen baking and coocking and after all they don't even eat it!forgetting about reading quran or x tra-prayers and more important stuff regarding ramadan.they spend to much time baking cakes and stuff.especially woman.instead of good deeds memorising quran/feeding poor peaple/charity's/islamic lectures etc...

what bothers you most in ramadan?

actualy the same as above

what/how do you feel about ramadan?

i feel so guilty for the hole last year/the sins that we have collect/the suplications that we have to make if it will be accepted because of ower sins of the past year.actualy i dont sleep al lot in ramadaan.wasting time.sleepless nights means prayer nights in my flat.

is fasting difficult for you?

not at all.allah made it very easy for me even when i live my whole life between the non belivers i always fast.and iftar is very late in belgium that's the time when ure eyes are glowing/squinting eyes of the hungry .

may allah make it easy for us all.ameen!
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