desertdudeshj wrote:RobbyG wrote:The essence of my point still stands though.
The essence of your point just got defeated by Israels latest action of with holding most of the Aid in the flotilla which a large portion of was made up of stuff like cement, steel bars etc etc i.e : Building materials. So the the flotila was correct in assuming that the aid would never reach gaza
Just because the raid went bad, doesn't mean the economic blockade is suddenly called off. What do you think Israel tries to be? The benevolence club! Ha, think again.

Now you will agrue that these material are banned under the blockade. What is the blockade ? The blockade is ilegal in itself. Its none of Israels bussiness what goes in and out of Gazza. Now you might and Israel does argue its for the security and protection of the Israeli people against Hamas rocket attacks.
The argument for security is valid. It happens to fit well with economic austerity placed upon the Palestinians in an effort to overthrow their Hamas politics. The effect seems counterproductive, which isn't suprising.
It works with North Korea though. The North Koreans got a little edgy (who doesn't) and fired a torpedo in a South Korean navy vessle. It was a blunt effort to get global attention, similar to the humanitarian workers of the flotilla. Facts is, the people are suffering for it. Leadership doesn't change, even though its the purpose of it all. But I don't see humanitarians going to North Korea all of a sudden!? Right?
Are Palestinians suddenly better people than Communist North Koreans?
Now all sorts of tanks, arms and weapons of all kinds land at ports like ashdod, why arn't they blocked. History will tell you that the Israelis have come across or bombed over the border and killed and injured far more palestenians than any of the Hamas rockets have. Shouldn't Israel be under a blockade aswell then ? Why the double standards ?
Israel screens the goods arriving into Ashdod port. Every arrival for the Palestinian cause can be shipped through Ashdod. You just need permission from the Israeli's. If case you are stubborn, you get the army on your neck. Whats new?
Another surprising report I heard on BBC today was Cinamon is allowed in but corriander is not, Jam is allowed by marmalade is not ? and they have all kind of these insane regulations, What sense does this make.
I bet that one has more nutritious value than the other. Brand recognition. Very important.

All of this is simply explained, because Israel is stronger than the palestenians and it simply because it can and does, it goes about breaking laws like it has diplomactic immunity. Who knows maybe it does, would explain a lot though.
A bully is a princess. I agree. The Arab league of 1947 got what it feared could happen. Crying doesn't help, accepting a peacedeal could make life much easier for everyone. 22% sounds reasonable to me after 60+ years of agony. Great Arab leadership. The world can learn alot from them...
So trying to "uphold" a ilegal and inhumane blockade does not justify anything.
Also the self defense argument is totally based on statements by Israel and heavily edited videos released by the IDF. Now that we are starting to hear accounts of what happened from who were actually on board these ships. It doesn't sound so simple after all.
Also there were many making video of these events as they unfolded on the ships, why have all these been confisticated. If Israel has nothing to hide then why the a media blackout.
IDF releases what it deems appropriate to cover her case. Every attorney would try to make her case look good, wouldn't you?
You gotta love the audacity of the 'peace' protestors...
1. ... G2icZww3Ac2. ... LqwfoCkT0sAnd suddenly they become Shahid, from that point onwards, stop whining if you get beaten. ... OQ3nklgdREAlso why was this humanitarian flotilla attacked and treated like a military target. Many ships have been denied access to various ports around the world without any of this non sense. What were they afraid of that they would land in Gazza run across the border and defeat the IDF with rubber hoses and rods ?
Israel gt its panties in a twist and got caught up in their own self inflated ego. How dare they challenge the authority of Israel and as usual brought a bazooka to a knife fight. In this case a small blunt wooden stick
If someone punched you in the gut what would you do ? Bring your chin closer so he can get cleaner shot on the next one ?
Have you ever been working on an International airport? I worked with Israeli's on airside. There isn't a carrier stricter in its security than Israel. We were given special awareness how to behave with Israeli's because these guys don't like comedians. They are also the only carrier which is granted permission to carry conceiled firearms on platform.
You know what you're in for when you defy Israeli's. Period.
P.S : As for the blockade Israel alone is not to blame for this. Egyptians are just as guilty of this, the Egyptians also enforced this blockade. But atleast they opened it up now and for the moment are spared from looking like complete d!cks
I agree, economic sanctions are nasty. Bombs at your checkpoint also. Everybody needs a vacation every now and then.