event horizon wrote:Interesting development: Hamas does not want the aid
Hamas authorities on Tuesday refused to receive aid and supplies to the Gaza Strip through Israel, stressing that Israel must first free pro-Palestinian campaigners who were onboard an aid flotilla.
Israel can send aid that Gaza flotilla had carried to the coastal enclave "only if the shipments are complete and when Israel release all activists who were onboard the ships, Ziad Al- Zaza, Hamas' Minister of Economy, told Xinhua.
"The priority is to release the detained activists," Al-Zaza added.
On Monday, the Israeli navy stopped five of the vessels that were en route to Gaza to defy a three-year-old Israeli blockade, killing nine international activists and forcing the ships that carried 10,000 tons of aid into its sea ports.
Today, Israel allowed part of the aid, which originally included construction materials and medical supplies, to Gaza through one of its land crossing points, but Hamas refused to let that shipment in, witnesses told Xinhua.
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001 ... 08237.htmlIf Hamas doesn't want the aid, then perhaps Israel can donate the aid to the poor Arabs of Yemen. Great idea, no?
Israel have been cutting every single source of life for the Palestineans, and yet ur vagina never bothered to open and say anything about it. But when Hamas is talking about dignity, you claim they are being the bad guys. Did u know that most aids that are sent to Gaza via Israel doesn't reach properly and they keep on delaying delivering it to add more humilation to the Palestineans? Surely u know this already.
Israel should be responsible for re-construction of the Palestinean and Lebanese infrastructure, and not the international community. Everytime Israel attacks its neigbhours no one bothered to strike back at Israel as if its a sacred state that no one can harm, but if any other country in the M.E was falsely suspected for something, brutal action and strikes are carried out to ensure Israel's security. Since no one bothers about justice anymore then why give a damn sh1t what trash-bags like you think?
Life is a loan, you will eventually pay back every single cent. The double standards ur enforcing people to accept will then bite u in the @ss
I repeat again, Assyria, Persia, Rome, Greece, Ottomonia, etc. they all collapsed, and the US+Israel will collapse sometime soon too.
What do u think of the Jewish Holocaust btw? Common let's both agree that ur ancesstors really enjoyed it to the maximum, and I'm sure they really hated the Middle Eastern Arabs/Turks/Iranians for helping out those Jews to escape from hell in Europe

.. But wait! How did the Jews thank our merciful hearts? Oh yes by immitating the same holocaust and apply it on our people today, sponsored by the offspring of war criminals like you

-- Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:21 am --
event horizon wrote:Interesting development: Hamas does not want the aid
Hamas authorities on Tuesday refused to receive aid and supplies to the Gaza Strip through Israel, stressing that Israel must first free pro-Palestinian campaigners who were onboard an aid flotilla.
Israel can send aid that Gaza flotilla had carried to the coastal enclave "only if the shipments are complete and when Israel release all activists who were onboard the ships, Ziad Al- Zaza, Hamas' Minister of Economy, told Xinhua.
"The priority is to release the detained activists," Al-Zaza added.
On Monday, the Israeli navy stopped five of the vessels that were en route to Gaza to defy a three-year-old Israeli blockade, killing nine international activists and forcing the ships that carried 10,000 tons of aid into its sea ports.
Today, Israel allowed part of the aid, which originally included construction materials and medical supplies, to Gaza through one of its land crossing points, but Hamas refused to let that shipment in, witnesses told Xinhua.
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001 ... 08237.htmlIf Hamas doesn't want the aid, then perhaps Israel can donate the aid to the poor Arabs of Yemen. Great idea, no?
Israel have been cutting every single source of life for the Palestineans, and yet ur vagina never bothered to open and say anything about it. But when Hamas is talking about dignity, you claim they are being the bad guys. Did u know that most aids that are sent to Gaza via Israel doesn't reach properly and they keep on delaying delivering it to add more humilation to the Palestineans? Surely u know this already.
Israel should be responsible for re-construction of the Palestinean and Lebanese infrastructure, and not the international community. Everytime Israel attacks its neigbhours no one bothered to strike back at Israel as if its a sacred state that no one can harm, but if any other country in the M.E was falsely suspected for something, brutal action and strikes are carried out to ensure Israel's security. Since no one bothers about justice anymore then why give a damn sh1t what trash-bags like you think?
Life is a loan, you will eventually pay back every single cent. The double standards ur enforcing people to accept will then bite u in the @ss
I repeat again, Assyria, Persia, Rome, Greece, Ottomonia, etc. they all collapsed, and the US+Israel will collapse sometime soon too.
What do u think of the Jewish Holocaust btw? Common let's both agree that ur ancesstors really enjoyed it to the maximum, and I'm sure they really hated the Middle Eastern Arabs/Turks/Iranians for helping out those Jews to escape from hell in Europe

.. But wait! How did the Jews thank our merciful hearts? Oh yes by immitating the same holocaust and apply it on our people today, sponsored by the offspring of war criminals like you