Chocoholic wrote:You know it;s really simple to just make your FB profile private so no-one but your friends can view it.
Pics last forever? Isn't that kinda the point? Collecting memories.
Sheesh do you always have to miss the point? Collect all the memories you want, but why post it for the whole world to see...
Besides plss the average person is on a whole host of networking sites, it's not just facebook. Trust you do something stupid online and it will come back to haunt you. Besides how private is ur profile when a 1000 odd friends can view it.
-- Wed May 05, 2010 6:17 pm --
gezza wrote:Misery Called Life wrote:I don't get this fascination with people posting their lives online. Seriously, what are people tryin to prove when they post party pics clicked in a drunken stupor, holding a random chic, and tongues whirling in a lap dog like trance (the day is not far when we all go partyin and a doggy bark will be the mode of communication) But don't people realize that a picture will last forever? It's crazy.
I personally know quite a few interview applicants who got rejected after the HR guys went all snoopy doo and picked up info bout these people. What sucks is that people post scandalous pics to make a statement, it does not represents their lives, but alas those pics could cost them. I mean imagine a day when the law enforcement authorities arrest somebody for posting racy pics in their FB account. ... -u8rk.html
You really are misery...
Try it
I do, I do serious, despite the name I do

But I also know how to cover my tracks darn well too.
-- Wed May 05, 2010 6:41 pm --
Bora Bora wrote:Actually MCL is right about the content that you post. HR personnel google potential candidates. Many, many people on FB accept "friends requests" without really knowing who the person is. HR personnel, under an assumed name, can request friendship to gain access to your photos and so forth, assuming you weren't foolish enough not to set the settings to limit who can see your info, details and anything else on your page. Judgments are made on the content of what they see. Many HR personnel do a search on employees from time to time. Go to "search" and type in any first name, and take a look at how many who are not your friend, and see how many allow their info and photos to be viewed!!!
Totally. Guess when tasty hits the ceiling some will understand that something "fun" could turn out to be costly.