Why Do Men Cheat

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Why do men cheat Mar 17, 2010
Simply because they are heartless?

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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 17, 2010
Men can seperate s.ex and love. For women those are usually more related. Men love to get s.ex, while women give s.ex in order to be loved.
The biologocal explanation would be that men are programmed to spread their seed, which in todays world doesn't make much sense anymore IMO, but it is still in the genes. You can also blame it on testosteron, which is 20x higher with men than women. So three days no s.ex produces the same horniness for men as 2 months no s.ex for women.
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 17, 2010
"A man is only as faithful as his options" ---Chris Rock. Never said better
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 17, 2010
Men cheat for the same reasons women cheat.

For some,

It's just their nature. They may love their spouse/partner, but there is a need to step outside just for the thrill.

They feel neglected at home. Women can get caught up in their career or with children and the spouse/partner feels that they are taking a back seat to the relationship. Same happens to women with regard to men and their careers. In cases such as this, it's not necessarily for intimacy but someone who pays attention to them when they talk. Someone thinks that what they have to say is important. This would in all probability develop into something more intimate.

There isn't any interest in maintaining the relationship either by oneself or the other party.

And then, some are just dogs in heat.
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 18, 2010
Some say its the animal spirits. I say its the free market supply... :lol:
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 18, 2010
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 18, 2010
because they dont fear
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 18, 2010
rudeboy wrote:because they dont fear

Quite the opposite.

They are afraid of losing the one and only, or worse, never finding one, thus they fill their lives with junks, pretending she does not matter at all.
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 18, 2010
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 18, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Infidelity Stats

http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/ ... stats.html

Not so much interested in the stats as they contradict each other and are very unreliable. This is an interesting quote though:

The fact is that human beings are NOT monogamous by nature. That means they cheat.
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 19, 2010
Afraid to say both genders cheat. Its human nature and driven by chemicals. If I could refine them, I would be a millionaire!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 20, 2010
It all boils down to basic human nature, chemicals and hormones. The basic instinct is to reproduce.

I don't believe that most people can be monogamous. Why do you think so many couples these days practice open relationshsips, are swingers etc etc. With human beings living longer and longer could you see yourself with the same person for maybe 80 years? Eish no thanks!

It's not just men either, women are thinking more and more like men. The attitdes are, well if he can do it, why can't I?

As they say variety is the spice of life.
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 20, 2010
what is marriage these days ..... sigh ....
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Re: Why do men cheat Mar 21, 2010
BabyDoll wrote:what is marriage these days ..... sigh ....

Marriage is an institution...but then so is a mental asylum!

The difference between bigamy and monogamy is: Bigamy is having one wife too many.
Monogamy is the same thing!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Why do men cheat May 08, 2010
If guy cheating on me, my first question will be..what's wrong with me??? :wink:
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Re: Why do men cheat May 08, 2010
bear0704 wrote:If guy cheating on me, my first question will be..what's wrong with me??? :wink:

Maybe its because you are a man?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Why do men cheat May 12, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:
bear0704 wrote:If guy cheating on me, my first question will be..what's wrong with me??? :wink:

Maybe its because you are a man?

:shock: :shock: :shock:


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Re: Why Do Men Cheat May 17, 2010
I heard in dubai everybody cheat everybody is this thrue.
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Re: Why do men cheat May 17, 2010
Because they have three basic functions; eat, sleep and well you know :naka: :lol: no really its not that all men cheat its more about trust than anything else. If you think he is cheating he probably is. It also comes down to a womens self-confidence. If your a confident women who knows shes keeping her man satisfied and not just in the carnel way you shouldn't have a cheater on your hands 8)
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Re: Why do men cheat May 17, 2010
I think you could say that its a 2 way street as those basic instincts are there in women as well.

We are just driven a little harder by our hormones!

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Why do men cheat May 18, 2010
heh that's a simple one... because we can! Men are only as faithful as their options. We always check out what the other options are! :wink:
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Re: Why do men cheat May 18, 2010
Not_Sure wrote:because women dont do theyre job right......if they did, we wudnt have to cheat.

If you say so massah.

Since you have enlightened us with why men cheat, please share with us your wisdom and knowledge as to why women cheat. It should be interesting. :twisted:
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Re: Why Do Men Cheat May 18, 2010
Cuz dem be biatches ! :D
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Re: Why do men cheat May 18, 2010
Thank you for sharing your wisdom DD and showing us an obvious example as to why a (intelligent) woman would cheat (if she learned her husband was an idiot). :roll:
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Re: Why do men cheat May 18, 2010
What happened ? Did you fracture you funny bone recently :wink:
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Re: Why Do Men Cheat May 19, 2010
Hmm, interesting subject.

First of all, I wouldn't say "Cheating on their wives", rather I'd use the term "Satisfying themselves".

I have seen a lot of my friends "Satisfying themselves". The only logical reason I got out of them is, "She doesn't fulfill my desires.".
I suggested them to honestly discuss this matter with their partners in a civilized and friendly manner. Very few were successful and stopped the "Satisfying themselves" business, the rest of the guys popped with "No use." and continued on.

Some guys are @$$holes and always want a new babe after sleeping with the last one. You know what they say... Too much is never enough!
Some find it difficult to explain to their partners what they exactly want. And blah blah blah... (Yawning)... The point is, neither men are perfect nor women... The both sides are equally responsible.

When a guy starts "Satisfying himself", we need to see both sides' stories and only then decide which one of the two is actually responsible for this act.

IMO, sub-continental girls are pretty difficult to convince for making love. So sometimes, guys even convert to gays or break up... Lack of 5ex! lol... (I don't know how much that is true, but I've seen such cases.)

I feel like, there's no true love remaining in this world anymore... In majority, girls keep staring at the guy's wallet and credit cards... And guys staring at her groin or cleavage. Honey the money speaks! LOL :D
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Re: Why do men cheat May 21, 2010
bcz thy are selfish and heartless...
i gess gals shuldnt bothr thm and shouldnt gv thm importance
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Re: Why Do Men Cheat Jun 10, 2010
Why Do Men Cheat ? That's unfair question .... and Do not generalize.... you might wonder why did my ex bf cheat me...!!! it's an individual action for a man. still there are out alot of men r ready to be sincere and honest.
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Re: Why do men cheat Jul 04, 2010
WhiteJade wrote:Why do men cheat?

Tough question
Why does a dog lick its balls?
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Re: Why Do Men Cheat Jul 05, 2010
Because it can.................!?
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