The UAE High Rate Of Genetic Deffects

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The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 04, 2010 ... 09930/1010
I said that in my book, and predicted it, only the article is wrong about the reason, on purpose of course, the alarming rate is NOT because women have too many babies, it because they marry their cousins! and Sheikh Mohammed himself showed the example. Hiding and covering up the fact will only increase the number of genetic disorders, wonder how it s going to look like in 30 years in the UAE.

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Re: The UAE High Rate Of Genetic Deffects May 04, 2010
Herve, my man, in about 30 years they all look as pleasant as this: :D

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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 04, 2010

This subject has been discussed to death before.

Interesting article nonetheless.

It is indeed a sad problem (for the innocent children) because it can be easily solved by stopping the marriage of close relatives, and by premarital health screening.

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Tom Jones
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 04, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:This subject has been discussed to death before.

Interesting article nonetheless.

Party pooper alert! :lol: :wink:
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 04, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:Herve,

This subject has been discussed to death before.

Interesting article nonetheless.

It is indeed a sad problem (for the innocent children) because it can be easily solved by stopping the marriage of close relatives, and by premarital health screening.

8) 8)

Yes but stopping it , means admitting it, and they wont' t learn. Article after seminars, they are still doing it, killing themselves on the long term. With a IQ at probably 35, then, how will they run a country and do business
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Re: The UAE High Rate Of Genetic Deffects May 04, 2010
Pride is the real killer.
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Pride indeed, but mostly greed. To keep cash flow and money in the family, and maintain power, they marry their cousins. Almost 1 out 2 weddings in the UAE is between family relatives. Tell me this is no sick perverted s#it. Shk Mo did it, Shk Hamdan, Shk Saeed too. Too bad if they dont realize they make tomaotes as babies.
Soon they will blame it on global warming.
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Oh wait no, the Iranian clerics will come forward and blame this sort of thing on women not wearing enough clothes - AGAIN!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Its a question of trust...

They don't trust anyone, but family, that's different!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: The UAE High Rate Of Genetic Deffects May 05, 2010
If thats the case, why are Westerners still doing business with them? Without trust there is no workable relationship. I think pride is more of an issue here. Pride on top and perhaps distrust on a secondary level.

Pride keeps the race pure, remember Hitler. They need that police state! Class division. :shock:

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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Actually Herve, sorry but your wrong about the reason. The ONLY factor that increases the chance of having a Down's syndrome child is in fact maternal age, no other reason to date has been scientifically proven.

Birth defects in children in inter-family marriages are caused by recessive genes, so are more likely to have abnormalities, deformities, stunted growth, heart problems, diabetes, blood disorders, autism. Down's is not caused by recessive genes and is in the majority of cases caused by the mother passing on extra copies of chromosomes (normal people have 46, people with Down's have 47), which is why women who conceive over the age of 35 have higher risks.

But the tests to detect Down's are simple enough.
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
herve wrote:Yes but stopping it , means admitting it, and they wont' t learn. Article after seminars, they are still doing it, killing themselves on the long term. With a IQ at probably 35, then, how will they run a country and do business

The koran is fine with it and admitting that the Koran is wrong is not an option for muslims.
If what you are saying is correct, then you could assume that mothers have their first child later in life in the UAE, which I have not seen evidence of, although I have seen plenty of evidence of down syndrome.
An arabic friend of mine told me that there may be a negative risk when marrying your cousin, but there is also the same chance that the child will be above average.
He married his cousin and his child is now brain surgon, so I can't argue with that.
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Choc, I am not a doctor, but I wrote my book after an extensive research.
Fact one: with a 45% inter family marriages for generations in the UAE, there are genetic consequences that may jump generation:
Age of the maternal grandmother at the time of birth of the mother is a risk factor for the occurrence of Down syndrome, as is the age of the mother, and the father and consanguineous marriage as previously established. quote: Suttur S Malini and Nallur B Ramachandra
Fact 2, Emirati mothers are young yet they give birth to DS babies with a higher rate, and when they are over 35, they have 10 times the risk to give birth to DS babies. You dont see this ratio in the western world. Only consanguine marriage can explain the huge difference between GCC women and western women.
Although DS and consanguine marriage is disputable, the article relates to congenial diseases, and only mentionned DS when it is not the case, these conferences debate of all birth defects and congenital diseases, not just DS, and they always cover up the huge aggravating factor of inter familly marriage.
Which I found personally dis gusting and perverted.
In the end I can care less of the cover up, I don't give a damn, as a society they are shooting themselves and they are taking themselves on the path of extinction, it is mathematic, but I feel sorry to see how they treat women like cattle.
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Benwj, The percentages of Down's babies being born is slim, it's a very small percentage. There is always a risk of added complications in older mothers.

Herve, I get what you're saying I was merely pointing out that other congenital defects pose a far greater possibility/risk than Down's. So moving away from that, yes of course it's a huge issue in the UAE and I've said it before and you look at most locals children and many of them look a bit 'odd'. They know it's a problem but is it going to stop? NO, because it's a cultural thing.
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Benwj, The percentages of Down's babies being born is slim, it's a very small percentage. There is always a risk of added complications in older mothers.

Herve, I get what you're saying I was merely pointing out that other congenital defects pose a far greater possibility/risk than Down's. So moving away from that, yes of course it's a huge issue in the UAE and I've said it before and you look at most locals children and many of them look a bit 'odd'. They know it's a problem but is it going to stop? NO, because it's a cultural thing.

There was a time that these 'defective' babies would be taken out into the desert on a one way journey. Thankfully that has almost stopped now. The onus is therefore to produce as many offspring as possible and hope there is at least one good one in the bunch.

The disproportionately high occurrence of Thallasaemia and Lupus in the Arab world is a direct result of a limited gene pool and is hardly going to improve unless there is a change in attitudes. The dumb rule about UAE women only being allowed to marry UAE nationals or be effectively 'cast out' is one they need to address. There simply are not enough UAE national men to go around as they are too busy chasing Chinese girls down at Rattlesnake!

:( :( :(

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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
Consanguineous marriage is still practice in most of the Muslim Communities and one reason is to maintain the wealth of the family within the family. Surely, this is an important issue for Muslim leaders to address. If the Muslims continue to marry their cousins, they should be encouraged to undertake genetic counseling before the marriage. 8)
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Re: The UAE high rate of genetic deffects May 05, 2010
In KSA, which is the most conservative Moslem country, this problem has been recognized (admitted) officially. Over 5 years ago, a law came into effect requiring testing for genetic diseases for all those who want to get married. Testing can only be done at approved government hospitals, and no marriage certificate is issaued without the health clearance document.

So apparently banning such risky marriages is not incompatible with Islam.

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