Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster???

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Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? Apr 30, 2010
Based on the polls and the 3 debates, it looks like the Conservatives will win this election and David Cameron will be Britain’s next Prime Minister.

Also with the rise in popularity of the Liberal Democrats, it also appears that the election may probably bring about a hung parliament.

So there will be a lot of horse trading for seats. However, I think the Conservatives will likely clinch the needed majority!!!!!! But will they be able to solve the country's current pressing problems, like the huge defecit??? That's the $64,000 question? Or should I say, the £64,000 question? :)


A three-way race with live TV debates!! That sounds like the US!!!

A first for Britain!!!

Apparentely, they're just now discovering the value of live TV debates???

America leads.... and the rest follow!!! :D :D

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Tom Jones
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 01, 2010
I think gordie made a major boo boo with the mic still on " off the record " remark about that lady ! Very bad timing indeed
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 02, 2010
To be honest, in the words of Queenie, "Who gives a flying fark"!?

They are all wet dish rags with the personality of a caravan site and as much integrity as a Moscow Mafia Don on Smirnoff and Sanatogen! You can tell all of them are lying because their mouths are moving and its all just hustings hogwash. The UK is so f*cked up a flagpole none of them is going to have a shovel big enough to dig it out of the sh1te.

I wouldn't trust any of them to sit the right way on a lavatory.

Bring back Maggie T. She may be barking mad these days...but who would notice!

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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 02, 2010
Oh the Iron lady ! She did kick some @ss in her time
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Screw em all! We need another Margaret Thatcher! At least she gave people a chance.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
^Tell that to the miners. History shows that all the warnings Scargill gave came true ;)

But, hey - at least she took it on the chin for the Poll Tax fiasco - that was all her, and not her cabinet's fault.

This election is truly fascinating - who will Clegg go with if it is a hung parliament - either support Labour (perhaps if they get rid of Brown) or support the Tories because it is a real change? I really can't call this one - Cameron looked certain to be the next PM until relatively recently...

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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Yeah well they didn't listen to Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech either regarding immigration - and now look at us!!!!

I want someone with the balls to squash all this nonsense.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Yeah well they didn't listen to Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech either regarding immigration - and now look at us!!!!

I want someone with the balls to squash all this nonsense.

Yeah,I agree - the place is awash with over-stayers - i.e. illegal immigrants. The main culprits are South Africans and Australians though - taking all the bar jobs etc.

Then you have all the Polish plumbers and builders - but they are leaving again as the housing market has collapsed.

Damn foreigners, come over here and take our jobs.. who do they think they are??

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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
No it's not that. There's no issue with the people that come and work hard and contribute and pay NI and all the rest of it. But it's the ones who come in, get free housing, free health care and dole money.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:No it's not that. There's no issue with the people that come and work hard and contribute and pay NI and all the rest of it. But it's the ones who come in, get free housing, free health care and dole money.

So, it is the legal immigrants who get dole money that you object to. Strange that - I thought that the new rules said only those who have jobs etc will be allowed in.

Those on asylum aren't allowed to work and don't get the dole - so you can't be referring to these people.

The Aussie and SA over-stayers are illegal immigrants and are indeed sending kids to school, using the NHS etc - I think they should be kicked out, as they are illegal. Don't you agree?

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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
The Aussie and SA over-stayers are illegal immigrants and are indeed sending kids to school, using the NHS etc - I think they should be kicked out, as they are illegal. Don't you agree?

Oiii brother they are commonwealth...common wealth! you get it?...

It's rich britain pays its due respect to poor colonized people!...
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
^Well, the main immigration from the commonwealth was from the West Indies and the Indian sub-continent - without these workers, the NHS, transport and other sectors would ground to a halt. But the point was when they came in, it was all done legally and for the benefit of Britain.

The illegal over-stayers from former colonies should still be kicked out I say - I'm sure Chocs will join me in this view - because otherwise it may be viewed that the issue is over skin colour or religion - but surely not? ;)

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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
I found this article and was totally shocked. Apparently it is going to open a pandora's box. The sheer arrogance of this woman is unbelieveable.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... uling.html

I read an article a couple of months ago where a family who migrated to the UK were on the dole, parents and something like 6 kids. They were given a four bedroom house, a handsome monthly income, the father was something like a plumber or maintenance worker, couldn't speak a word of English, their daughter had to do the translation for the interview. He hopes to find work (OK, can't speak English - minor issue right?) and the wife was complaining that the house, although by far much better than the one bedroom they used to live in in the old country, was too small and they needed something bigger! (Possibly plans to have a few more kids??).

Citizens who work and pay taxes, or have worked and paid taxes of countries like the UK and the US are fed up with immigrants - illegal or not - becoming a burden to the system. The US currently has 20 million illegal immigrants, who don't pay taxes, send money OUT of the country, and now the US is talking about amnesty - AGAIN. The US does this every few years because it's so much more easier to give them citizenship than to crackdown on them and deport them.

But seeing the article to the link, I think the UK is in worse shape that the US. The woman doesn't even belong in the UK, basically she's illegal, and yet she's getting all the benefits by virtue of the fact that her husband, who isn't a citizen of the UK and has left the UK to return to Denmark where he is a citizen, worked in the UK for what, 7 months. That is unbelieveable!!!
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Well, that's EU laws for you. Brits can go and live in the South of France and use the medical facilities etc there, the wives of Danish citizens can claim benefits anywhere in the EU..

Would the Mail kick up a fuss if the couple were blond, blue-eyed Danes? Perhaps, perhaps not.

The judges at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg said Mrs Ibrahim must be given a home because 'a parent caring for the child of a migrant worker who is in education in the host member state has a right of residence in that state'.

'That right is not conditional on the parent having sufficient resources not to become a burden on the social assistance system.'
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
But Bora wouldn't that be better that instead of creating a few very rich and well kept nations in the world, development in science and education was shared with every colonized nation who could also learn to utilize their own resources for themselves at the same time..
This would open ways to develop as much as others and labour would stay where they are instead of immigrating into those nations who become rich through exploiting their riches in the first place. This is a common problem of all the rich nations including USA..Believe me goverments consciously stay silent against illegal immigration..If they did it through legal ways through admitance it would simply couse huge havoc..
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Yes agreed, if you take the word somalia from that article and then put in a blond blue eyed woman with white children in there, all of a sudden it seems less absurd, right

And the article is wrong is writing she has no right to stay in UK or any EU state for that matter as per EU law she is taking care of a danish citizens children who I assume should hold either Danish or British citizenship aswell, and are being extended the same as any other EU citizen would have.

and yes I also agree that illeagal immgrants are a burden and also making things tougher for the legal immigrants and legal future immigrants and well citizens. As in if suppose tommorow I want to migrate to the US or UK and can be a contributing member of society and have no intention of abusing the system but to earn my keep. It already has become very difficult and maybe in the future almost impossible because of lame loosers who just want to sponge of the system and are nothing but parasites.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Berrin wrote:But Bora wouldn't that be better that instead of creating a few very rich and well kept nations in the world, development in science and education was shared with every colonized nation who could also learn to utilize their own resources for themselves at the same time..
This would open ways to develop as much as others and labour would stay where they are instead of immigrating into those nations who become rich through exploiting their riches in the first place. This is a common problem of all the rich nations including USA..Believe me goverments consciously stay silent against illegal immigration..If they did it through legal ways through admitance it would simply couse huge havoc..

Sounds good in theory. Underdeveloped countries should develop their own people, it's not up to developed countries to do it for them. When you talk about rich nations, in these underdeveloped countries, it's the rich that run it and choose to keep its citizens ignorant. As for developed countries that do not enforce immigration laws and choose to stay quiet on the subject, then they should just toss out the laws and open the doors and let everyone in. Problem solved.
Bora Bora
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
Underdeveloped countries should develop their own people, it's not up to developed countries to do it for them.

Both yes and no!..It's the duty of developed countries with fair leadership to spread good without hidden agendas..UN is built for that purpose. If there is strong evidence that the rich investors and leaders of poor countries exploiting their citizens and resources than UN should step in to overthrow those people. Russian Putin coped very well with 30 year old oligarcs who become rich overnight at the time of Yeltsin..They couldn't have achieved it without the support of global capital. As I say both financial and material exploitation must stop. And it is developed countries duty to share their experience and knowledge and stop destructive evil be it financial or industrial..that's the only way if they want to keep their back yards clean from troubles and help humanity to develop.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
The UN???? Please. UN=Israel. Need I say more???
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
The UN???? Please. UN=Israel. Need I say more???

If you visit UN website or just google net you'll see that there are a lot of meetings being made to change the structure of UN and there are a lot of objections and proposals being made by the participating nations to break the dominance of security council.

I personally as a citizen of the world made few complaints! :P
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Well you see one of the reasons most UK citizens objected to joining the EU, was because we are an island economy, it leaves us at a huge disadvantage and the UK is at breaking point, the services and what not simply cannot cope anymore, that and the figures regarding illegal immigrants were grossly underestimated.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Well you see one of the reasons most UK citizens objected to joining the EU, was because we are an island economy, it leaves us at a huge disadvantage and the UK is at breaking point, the services and what not simply cannot cope anymore, that and the figures regarding illegal immigrants were grossly underestimated.

Well you have to ask if the figures were genuinely grossly underestimated, or was it deliberate?? You know that there is no government on this planet that tells their citizens what they need to hear (the truth about government), but more rather what they want they want them to hear.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
True, however it's just made people even more angry than they were already regarding the whole situation, especially when you comes across cases where people have been deported and come back several times. The mid boggles, it really does.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:
the services and what not simply cannot cope anymore, that and the figures regarding illegal immigrants were grossly underestimated.

Well if those rich countries open their hidden/secret archives to be read by general public then you would puke and become ill. You don't know how much those powerfull nations overthrew good leadership/governments, coused coups, poverty, lied and led deaths by millions in other nations so that some nations stay well provided and secure.. Take Greece, can you ever undertand why a country with population of 15 million would heavily invest in arms and defence systems when it never is in war with any country or gets involved in any wars..
I tell you what politicans will not tell you..110 billion Euro bail-out was infact the debt owed by Europe(EU)/USA to Greece. It only came on the surface with the financial crises of the World. Otherwise you would never hear the bubble growing which was created to keep europe secure from attacks coming from ME and Russia. Greece is fortress frontier of Europe from East! and doing the servitude to their big brothers..
I never understood why small tiny irelands in the agean had to be given to greece when those irelands have nothing to do with Greek borders, especially when they never won them through wars.
And despite those irelands were forbidden to be used as base for armement, they continued to do so breaking the treaties!. One wonders why?
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
It seems Britain is being taken for a ride by the EU.

I once read that Britain pays more into the Union, per head of population, than any other EU country. Yet they have to live with all these nonsensical, stupid laws and rulings by the European courts and the EU parliament.

The Brits are slowly losing sovereignty over their own homeland, and for what?

Is the EU free trade worth all that? It must be!!! :? :?

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Tom Jones
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 04, 2010
probally is.
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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 05, 2010
Chocs - no one, to my knowledge, has ever estimated the number of 'illegal immigrants' that will come to the UK.

You're not, by any chance, confusing the issue of the estimates of EU citizens who would come to work in the UK (legally) after their countries joined the EU?

Quite a few Spaniards and French people objected to Brits buying up holiday homes and pushing up prices of real estate (and indeed causing a bubble in Spain) - and come to think of it, Welsh people weren't too keen on English people buying up second homes either, but that's another story.

Illegal immigrants actually tend to be the ones working in the menial jobs and actually contributing to the economy. Legal immigrants tend to contribute a lot more to the economy - as do those who came in from EU countries of Eastern Europe. The shortage of resources in local areas stemmed primarily from a lack of planning and a lack of revenue from central government to the local authorities.

And, as I pointed out before, the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Aussies and South Africans. The perverse thing is that over in Australia, there are thousands of illegal Brit immigrants there too (just look up the stats for over-stayers).

But hey, perhaps it is only the minority that look beyond the Daily Mail headlines? ;)

At least I give Enoch Powell credit - his views weren't disguised behind euphemisms.

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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 05, 2010
er Shaf, no because hey guess what - I read the news! http://www.24plusnews.co.uk/illegal-mig ... -watch-uk/
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who Will Be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 05, 2010
Thanks Chocs - I'm aware of the stats which estimate the number of illegal immigrants already in the UK, but as I stated in my last post - I'm not aware of any studies which predicted the numbers that would come (how would they do that anyway?)

However, thanks to the link to migrantwatch uk.

My other points still stand, and MigrantWatch's own stats show the extent of immigration to the UK and the breakdown between the legal entries (from EU - which cannot be controlled, and from without) as well as estimates from the rest of the world.


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Re: Who will be Britain's Next Prime Minster??? May 05, 2010
Shaf, to be fair, I don't see where Chocs said that they were estimating/projecting on how many illegal immigrants were going to enter the UK. I believe she was talking about the number of illegal immigrants that were already in the UK.

Chocs, please clarify.
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