Israeli Warcrime On USS Liberty In 1967

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Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 04, 2010
The below 10min. commentary shows you the audacity of Israel to manipulate its interests. The USS Liberty was torpedoed 'accidentilly' but this CIA official now tells that wasn't the case. The spyship was deliberately attacked, napalmed etc to allegedly stopping the US in gaining intelligence on a) Israeli plans surrounding the attack on the Golan heights on June 9, 1967 or b) crimes of Israel against Egyptians PoW's.

Never did a US policymaker talk about this attack, until July 2008, when the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff Mike Mullan said to Israel that "if you think of perpetrating a little propagation like e.g. the Persian Gulf, don't even think of it as it won't happen again".

Absolutely stunning commentary: [Must hear]

Deliberate Massacre of US Sailors on USS Liberty Covered By Fox W/Commentary From CIA Analyst

The background story including video:

The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

The United States Government warned surviving crewman to keep their mouths shut and took the words of the Israelis over their own people. US fighter Jets from 2 aircraft carriers were scrambled to the aid of the USS Liberty as it was under attack.

President Johnson & Robert McNamara ordered the jets to return to their aircraft carriers. These two pimps turned their back on their own sailors and the Israeli attack continued.

Survivor story:
USS Liberty Survivor: They Shouldn't be Called An Ally, They Don't Deserve It.

Makes you think about who your allies are, and what they are willing to do to get their objectives. :idea:

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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
It's interesting how the truth eventually finds a way into the open.

Israel is not having its own way these days and has now resorted to the tactic of labelling criticism of its actions as 'evidence of rising anti-semitism'.

The wiki entry on the attack by Israel on the USS Liberty also has a lot of information - starting with the 'official' version that it was just a big mistake - and then showing how un-credible this version is (not least because the ship was clearly flying US flag and had visible identification lettering, and was buzzed by Israeli planes an hour before the attack)

The spin that the 1967 war was a defensive war against Arab aggressors has also been exposed as nothing more than spin to disguise the fact it was a land grab. Golan is still held and has been illegally annexed, and the main reason it's held is because of water, not security. Even back in 1967, Israel is no safer by occupying Golan, as any artillery that could be fired from Golan can still reach Israel proper today. Internal Israeli papers now show that the Israelis rightly knew they had the superior forces and hence why they launched the war by attacking Egypt.

To cover up their intentions about invading Syria and capturing Golan, they had to take out Liberty to prevent it from eavesdropping.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
Nice summary Shaf.

So tell me, did you read Chapter 4 of Failed States already? Did it shock you in any way, reading past the 'Grand strategy of globalization'? :wink:

You would agree with me that benign intent is something for the masses to choke on, while the rationale (intentionally labelled as 'conspiracy theorem') is only visible by critical thinking and evaluation of actions.

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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
I'm reading alot of the material on this event. Extremely interesting, but I don't think there are really too many surprises. Politics is a dirty business.

The sad thing is knowing where your own country actually stands on such a matter. I don't think I will ever in my lifetime understand what value Israel has that the US would sacrifice their own - writing off the whole event, those that died and threatening those that survived.

From what I am reading from the "other side" is that if you aren't pro-Israeli then you have to be anti-Semitic. You are either one or the other - there is no in between. Crazy stuff.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
Internal Israeli papers now show that the Israelis rightly knew they had the superior forces and hence why they launched the war by attacking Egypt.

Really? The Israelis had superior forces (ie., equipment) to the Arabs? I was under the impression that the Israelis were still using Sherman tanks against the Arabs who were in modern Soviet MBTs.
event horizon
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
Hey, don't take my word for it - take the Israeli Army's word for it in their internal communications at the time (and contrast it with the official spin) - before they started the war by attacking Egypt.

Surely you don't believe the spin that the 1967 was a defensive war?

So, what's your view of the war crime described in this thread eh? (We'll leave the other war crime of 1967 - the eviction and demolishing of Muslim houses next to the western wall - for the religion thread)

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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
shafique wrote:Hey, don't take my word for it - take the Israeli Army's word for it in their internal communications at the time (and contrast it with the official spin) - before they started the war by attacking Egypt.

Recently released Israeli cabinet meeting reports do show that Israel didn't think it was superior, on the contrary. When you read the papers it shows a very insecure and nervous bunch. Rabin also had a serious nervous breakdown. Any references of 'their internal communications'?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010
The bbc ran an article on Israeli army assessments from 1967 which stated that they knew they had superior forces. I couldn't immediately find the direct reference, but here is an indirect one from an article describing the 1967 war, and also refers to British intelligence assessments:

The Jewish Goliath had never been in better shape, and knew it, or rather its leaders did. In 1967 Israel was a fortress society in a way that it is no longer. There was no television, and generals and politicians did not leak their business to their favourite journalists as they do today.
The problem for the Arabs was they believed Ahmed Said and his colleagues too, and convinced themselves that an easy victory was coming.

Israel's generals were not taken in. They all knew that the only way that Israel would lose the war would be if the IDF did not turn up.

So did King Hussein of Jordan, and most of the Egyptian generals - with the exception of the inept and corrupt commander-in-chief, Field Marshal Abd al Hakim Amer.

The Israeli Air Force destroyed the Egyptian air force on the ground on the morning of 5 June 1967 in a surprise attack.

In the next five days Israel confirmed the intelligence estimates of the British and the Americans.

Six weeks earlier, the British cabinet's Joint Intelligence Committee had concluded that an Arab victory was "inconceivable."

Perhaps others can dig out the references to the military assessment of the time.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 05, 2010 sources nor references...Is that where you base your opinions and knowledge on Chubby?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
Here's a detailed description of the armament of both Israel and her opponents during the six-day war:


Israel: 275,000 troops (of which about 200,000 were reserves) 200 aircraft, 1,100 tanks, (According to Oren, 2002, page 168, but on page 171 he states that there were 250 aircraft). or 250,000 troops, 192 combat aircraft, 40 trainers, 1100 tanks, 400 guns and heavy mortars (Morris, Righteous Victims, 1999 page 311).

Total Arab forces: About 250,000 troops (not counting 50,000 in Yemen) 530 aircraft, 1,500 tanks (some sources claim 2,800 tanks), broken down as follows:

Egypt: 180,000 troops (of which 50,000 were deployed in Yemen - some of these were returned to Sinai), About 420 aircraft, of which 242 were MiG fighters, and the rest were apparently Ilyushin and Topolev bombers and Sukhoi fighter-bombers, 900 tanks, 800 artillery pieces (Morris, page 312,318);

Jordan: 56,000 troops, 24 Hawker-Hunter jet fighters, 294 tanks (including 30 Iraqi), 194 artillery pieces (including 34 Iraqi) (Morris, 1999, page 312). Jordanian troops were reinforced with several Iraqi brigades.

Syria: 70,000 troops, 92 fighter aircraft and two bombers, 300 tanks, 265 artillery pieces and heavy mortars (Morris, 1999, page 313).

The table shows all combat aircraft types of each country. Syria and Egypt alone had over 500 aircraft vs 343 for Israel, and they outclassed Israeli aircraft. The Iraqi air force did not not commit most of its air craft to the battle.

At the time, it was believed that the Arab states had a decisive superiority in the number and quality of weapons, and a potential superiority in manpower, if all reserves were fielded. Prior to 1967, Israel had gotten almost no military aid from the United States. Egypt and Syria were equipped with large quantities of the latest Soviet military equipment. Israel's main arms supplier was France. Israel had about half as many aircraft as the Egyptians, and the Israeli aircraft were mostly old or of limited capacity. They included 45 Fouga Magister trainer jets that were used as decoys according to most accounts, 50 Ouragan bombers, 20 Vautour light bombers, and 35 Mystere Mark IV fighters, 35 Super Mystere and 65 Mirage IIIc fighters: 250 aircraft in all according to the estimate of Michael Oren (Six Days of War, page 171). A more detailed listing of the capabilities of these aircraft is given here: Operation Focus. Even the Mirages were no match in a dog fight for the Mig-21 fighters acquired by Egypt from the USSR, which had a rate of climb of about 120 m/s, versus 83 m/s for for the Mirage, of which Israel had 65. The Arab states had over 300 MiG aircraft, of which about half were MiG-21. The Mysteres in Israel's possession had a top speed of Mach 1.1, about half that of the MiG-21 or Mirage IIIc.

Egypt alone had around 242 Mig fighers at the time of engagement.

And on tanks:

On paper, the IDF had a large number of "tanks" matching or almost matching the arms of the Arab countries. However, while Syrians and Egyptians were equipped with late model Soviet heavy tanks, many of the Israeli "tanks" were in fact tiny French AMX anti-tank vehicles, and most of the heavy tanks were either British Centurions or refurbished WWII Sherman tanks fitted with diesel engines and with 105 mm guns. Israel had also been allowed to purchase an unknown number of M-48 Patton tanks from Germany or the US in 1965. It is known that the Germans had sold Israel at least 60 such tanks. In 1967 however, many of these tanks were being converted from gasoline to diesel engines. The Israeli government asked for 100 replacement tanks in May of 1967. However, these and all other arms requests were refused.

Sherman tanks. LoL.

Good to see, however, the bias that shafique pointed out in many BBC 'documentaries'.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
The bbc ran an article on Israeli army assessments from 1967 which stated that they knew they had superior forces. I couldn't immediately find the direct reference, but here is an indirect one from an article describing the 1967 war, and also refers to British intelligence assessments:

Yeah - sure they did. Except their forces were outnumbered and their armament was *severely* outdated. Just click on the link, there's a lot of information on that page that I didn't bother to post.

But thanks for pointing out (yet again) how seriously I should take a rag like the BBC.

Again, I thank you for that.
event horizon
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
event horizon wrote:
The bbc ran an article on Israeli army assessments from 1967 which stated that they knew they had superior forces. I couldn't immediately find the direct reference, but here is an indirect one from an article describing the 1967 war, and also refers to British intelligence assessments:

Yeah - sure they did. Except their forces were outnumbered and their armament was *severely* outdated. Just click on the link, there's a lot of information on that page that I didn't bother to post.

But thanks for pointing out (yet again) how seriously I should take a rag like the BBC.

Again, I thank you for that.

Excellent substantiation, but another just proved that Israel had a solid motive for the headline warcrimes...

I'm just crackin' a cooky here. :wink:
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
I did say we should indeed compare the internal Israeli military assessment with the 'official' version of events.

So thanks to eh for giving us the public Israeli side of the story, now I'll leave it to others to dig out the internal Israeli military assessments that were made public relatively recently. I'll take that back up next week if it hasn't been posted in the mean time.

I'll be on a business trip for the next week and will be keeping in touch via blackberry - so that will give you guys enough time to thrash out the 'headline war crime' of this thread - the bombing of Liberty.

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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
shafique wrote:I did say we should indeed compare the internal Israeli military assessment with the 'official' version of events.

So thanks to eh for giving us the public Israeli side of the story, now I'll leave it to others to dig out the internal Israeli military assessments that were made public relatively recently. I'll take that back up next week if it hasn't been posted in the mean time.

I'll be on a business trip for the next week and will be keeping in touch via blackberry - so that will give you guys enough time to thrash out the 'headline war crime' of this thread - the bombing of Liberty.


LoL. What fantasy world are you living in? I posted on the numbes and type of armaments used in the war. But hey, why let the facts (yeah, that article was full of them) get in the way of a good story, eh?

Let me know when you want to dispute the findings in the article - such as the fact that the Israelis were using outdated fighter aircraft against more numerous, modern Soviet fighters or that the Israelis were rolling through the desert in Shermans.

LoL, shermans. They were the worst tank in WWII. It would take three or four shermans to take out one Panzer or Tiger, and the German tanks were outclassed by the T-34. And that was a Soviet tank from twenty years before the six-day war that was, needless to say, outclassed by later T models.

But hey, as I said, don't let the facts above get in the way of your excellent rebuttal. I'll look forward to your sources showing that the Israelis were armed to the teeth with the latest American weapons and the Arabs were the ones traversing the middle east in Shermans and WWII era troop transports.

Oh, wait.....You don't need these silly things called facts to back up your argument. A one line quip which didn't even sound like you read what I posted is good enough to blow what I pasted out of the water.

Case closed!

(I also like how you're going on a 'business' trip. Is that what you call spring break?
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
I just said let's compare internal Israeli military assessments with the official one you've expounded on - is that really being too unreasonable?

Why are you getting your knickers in a twist - did you think we didn't understand the official Israeli line when you first posted it?

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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
Hey, I didn't know that pointing out the facts meant posting the official line from the Israeli government - unless you agree with me that the Israeli forces were not superior to the Arabs. Therefore, you were wrong and I agree with you on that.

In fact, the facts show the exact opposite - the Arabs were the ones with the advanced aircraft and armory, as my quote clearly shows. Do you disagree with the facts? I'm happy for you to show where the author(s) of the article I posted from were wrong.

Anyways, I thank you again for showing the inherent bias of many BBC articles and why I should take future BBC spin... ahem, ahem, I mean, articles, with a grain of salt, if that.
event horizon
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
You say tomato...

I asked whether you thought that we didn't understand the 'official' line the first time you posted it? Do you think there will be any more clarity if you repeat it again?

I just said let's compare your 'facts' with what the Israeli military said in their internal assessments.

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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
shafique wrote:You say tomato...

I asked whether you thought that we didn't understand the 'official' line the first time you posted it? Do you think there will be any more clarity if you repeat it again?

I just said let's compare your 'facts' with what the Israeli military said in their internal assessments.


I don't get what you don't get.

What is so hard about interpreting the army statistics? Facts speak for themselves right?

Official government reports can create lots of grey area's. If you want proof, you look at the evidence.
Israel didn't have the military backing of the US back in 1967. It was outnumbered in units and military capacity, so they felt cornered. They bombed the USS Liberty and committed warcrimes.

Time to agree and condemn fella's. :wink:
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
shafique wrote:You say tomato...

I asked whether you thought that we didn't understand the 'official' line the first time you posted it? Do you think there will be any more clarity if you repeat it again?

I just said let's compare your 'facts' with what the Israeli military said in their internal assessments.


I don't get what you don't get.

What is so hard about interpreting the army statistics? Facts speak for themselves right?

Official government reports can create lots of grey area's. If you want proof, you look at the evidence.
Israel didn't have the backing of the US back in 1967. It was outnumbered in units and military capacity, so they felt cornered. They bombed the USS Liberty and committed warcrimes.

Time to agree and condemn fella's. :wink:

Official government reports. You have two:
Israel - would they lie?
US - not saying anything on the matter. Silence is golden? or is it an admission?

Then you have witnesses - on both sides.
On the Israeli side you have those that confirm some of the events, not much, but some and those that deny.
On the US side you have people who were actually there on the ship who were made to sign statements issued by the US that they would never divulge what had happened - for 40 years. Now their statements have reached the expiry date they are talking. (I guess the US thought that they would be dead or senial in 40 years.) Telling the truth as to what happened. Unfortunately the truth falls to the US for covering up what happened, discounting the lives lost and those injured on the USS Liberty. Just another black mark in US history.

Regardless of who had what, it doesn't change the events that took place regardin the USS Liberty.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
OK, so here is Israel worriying that attacking Syria will upset the US...Israel doesn't want to annoy the US, so it attacks the USS Liberty . :roll:

Lets not forget that when Israel discovered its mistake, which was the result of events of failed communications, human errors and unfortunate coincidences, stopped their fire and offered the ship assestance. Israel could have finished it off, but it didn't, because it wasn't trying to cover-up anything.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
It was a coverup. Israel felt cornered, commited warcrimes by torpedo attack, napalm bombing and killing of lifeboats with US Sailors. The US showed support by ignoring the warcrime against the USS Liberty by recalling twelve fighter jets while they were scrambled to support the USS Liberty.

To limit public opinion (very important to US support of Israel) they forbid people to talk about it. Now it comes out. Israel gets a blow, but after 40 years nobody really gives a crap anymore. So mission succeeded for them.

Nothing really changes.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:OK, so here is Israel worriying that attacking Syria will upset the US...Israel doesn't want to annoy the US, so it attacks the USS Liberty . :roll:

Lets not forget that when Israel discovered its mistake, which was the result of events of failed communications, human errors and unfortunate coincidences, stopped their fire and offered the ship assestance. Israel could have finished it off, but it didn't, because it wasn't trying to cover-up anything.

You didn't listen to the first videolink I posted. Try again.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
RobbyG wrote:It was a coverup. Israel felt cornered, commited warcrimes by torpedo attack, napalm bombing and killing of lifeboats with US Sailors. The US showed support by ignoring the warcrime against the USS Liberty by recalling two fighter jets while they were scrambled to support the USS Liberty.

Israel already beat Egypt in the Sinai when it happened. It didn't feel cornered. It was nervous though about Egyptian naval attacks on the Israeli coast. I still cannot see how this can be a reason to delibirately attack an US vessel. Israel didn't conceive it as a threat at all. What you think Israel thought the USS Liberty was siding with the Egyptians. :roll:

So the US also supported this attack by recalling their jets? The US navy wanted Israel to destroy the USS Libert?. Please explain, I will get my popcorn!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:OK, so here is Israel worriying that attacking Syria will upset the US...Israel doesn't want to annoy the US, so it attacks the USS Liberty . :roll:

Lets not forget that when Israel discovered its mistake, which was the result of events of failed communications, human errors and unfortunate coincidences, stopped their fire and offered the ship assestance. Israel could have finished it off, but it didn't, because it wasn't trying to cover-up anything.

I responded to this section. Israel didn't back off because the scrambled US fighter jets were called off by McNamara and in second order by Lyndon B. Johnson, the US President.

From 1:10 onwards, and especially at 4:00 you hear the involved CIA veteran Ray McGovern tell you about the full intentions of Israel to destroy the ship and its crew to eliminate the intelligence evidence.

The assumed reasons are discussed from the 6:00 minute marker. All commented by Ray Mc Govern, CIA intelligence.

Proof of attacks:

Torpedo hole in Liberty:

This shows the napalm spray effort after the torpedo bombing and the Israeli fighter jet gunspray in the wreckage of the USS Liberty.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:OK, so here is Israel worriying that attacking Syria will upset the US...Israel doesn't want to annoy the US, so it attacks the USS Liberty . :roll:

Lets not forget that when Israel discovered its mistake, which was the result of events of failed communications, human errors and unfortunate coincidences, stopped their fire and offered the ship assestance. Israel could have finished it off, but it didn't, because it wasn't trying to cover-up anything.

PMSL "discovered its mistake........................." I'm on the floor laughing!!!!

And all those eye witnesses are what: "ghosts"???? Or, or, or.........did someone pay them to make it up?

You are such an asswipe. :lol:
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
RobbyG, really, do you really want to argue with an idiot? He can't even get what he thinks are "facts" right!!! Very possible he is limited on reading comprehensive or suffers from dyslexia. Hopefully there is an excuse for his stupidity.

Israel was surveilling the area where the ship was, I believe, 9 hours before they attacked. I may be wrong on the time, but I have been reading alot on this, but I know that Israel was well aware that the ship was the USS Liberty and tried to cover "their little mistake" by claiming it was an Egyptian vessel (or did the US tell them to say that I wonder) when the US flag was in full and plain sight.

Communications were jammed by the Israelis so that the USS could not send out an SOS to sister ships in the area to help out.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:Communications were jammed by the Israelis so that the USS could not send out an SOS to sister ships in the area to help out.

They did sent out an SOS to the US aircraft carrier. Thats why two US fighter jets were scrambled to support the Liberty. McNamara and LBJ called those off. The veteran guy (John Scott) in the start of the video is the veteran who climbed on the Liberty deck and refitted the antenne cable in a courageous effort to get the SOS out.

You are right, FD is ignoring the facts. He doesn't want to acknowledge the warcrime on the Liberty. Says alot about him.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 06, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
shafique wrote:You say tomato...

I asked whether you thought that we didn't understand the 'official' line the first time you posted it? Do you think there will be any more clarity if you repeat it again?

I just said let's compare your 'facts' with what the Israeli military said in their internal assessments.


I don't get what you don't get.

What is so hard about interpreting the army statistics? Facts speak for themselves right?

Official government reports can create lots of grey area's. If you want proof, you look at the evidence.
Israel didn't have the military backing of the US back in 1967. It was outnumbered in units and military capacity, so they felt cornered. They bombed the USS Liberty and committed warcrimes.

Time to agree and condemn fella's. :wink:

LoL - you have to remember who you're dealing with.

But what do you think of the stats posted? Do you agree that the Arab regimes, Egypt and Syria, were definitely more militarily powerful than Israel's?
event horizon
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 07, 2010
event horizon wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
shafique wrote:You say tomato...

I asked whether you thought that we didn't understand the 'official' line the first time you posted it? Do you think there will be any more clarity if you repeat it again?

I just said let's compare your 'facts' with what the Israeli military said in their internal assessments.


I don't get what you don't get.

What is so hard about interpreting the army statistics? Facts speak for themselves right?

Official government reports can create lots of grey area's. If you want proof, you look at the evidence.
Israel didn't have the military backing of the US back in 1967. It was outnumbered in units and military capacity, so they felt cornered. They bombed the USS Liberty and committed warcrimes.

Time to agree and condemn fella's. :wink:

LoL - you have to remember who you're dealing with.

But what do you think of the stats posted? Do you agree that the Arab regimes, Egypt and Syria, were definitely more militarily powerful than Israel's?

From the information provided, I can conclude that Israel was outnumbered. This makes the need for a surprise factor of attack a substantial factor for victory. Problem is that being outnumbered brings logistical issues, so you don't want to cope with POW's and other 'difficulties' thats why I said to you...'but another just proved that Israel had a solid motive for the (headline) warcrimes...'

They could do without a US spyship who collected evidence from communications. So Israel felt cornered/threatened, needed to get rid of the Liberty spyship and proceeded with other warcrimes and win the war without consequences.

Seems plausible to me.
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Re: Israeli Warcrime on USS Liberty in 1967 Mar 07, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:
RobbyG wrote:It was a coverup. Israel felt cornered, commited warcrimes by torpedo attack, napalm bombing and killing of lifeboats with US Sailors. The US showed support by ignoring the warcrime against the USS Liberty by recalling two fighter jets while they were scrambled to support the USS Liberty.

Israel already beat Egypt in the Sinai when it happened. It didn't feel cornered. It was nervous though about Egyptian naval attacks on the Israeli coast. I still cannot see how this can be a reason to delibirately attack an US vessel. Israel didn't conceive it as a threat at all. What you think Israel thought the USS Liberty was siding with the Egyptians. :roll:

So the US also supported this attack by recalling their jets? The US navy wanted Israel to destroy the USS Libert?. Please explain, I will get my popcorn!

The Egyptian and Israeli navy made some naval movements, but never engaged. Merely intimidation. Israel had a motive to get rid of the USS Liberty if you consider that it was about 20km offshore Al-Arish. The former Israeli reservist Gabby Bron, now journalist says he witnessed the execution of POWs near the airport of Al Arish. He said they had to dig their own graves and were sprayed with Uzi's. This is one of those warcrimes that the USS Liberty could have intercepted, perhaps it was another reason, who knows.

The CIA intelligence shows that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and the reports from the Liberty crew could substantiate the following visualisations:

June 8:
09:00 - Incoming aircraft, no markings, flew back towards Gaza
10:00 - Two incoming aircraft with delta wings, no markings, circled three times around the USS Liberty. Liberty crew had no worries as they were clearly identifiable as US Naval vessle.
10:30 - Incoming Fairchild C-117 circled at 70m distance, Israeli markings, USS Liberty was clearly identifiable as US naval vessle, Fairchild revisited at 11:00 and 11:30.

14:00 - Two incoming Mirages at high speed, no markings, identified as non-Arab aircraft as only Israel flew Mirages, encountered rockets and gunfire, napalm for 22min.

After that the Israeli navy attacked with torpedo and commited warcrimes by shooting wounded US sailors in lifeboats.

Time data comes from Dutch wikipedia sources. Now you again. ;)
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