arniegang wrote:Nice post TJ
Thank you, it sums up my sentiments entirely - alas sadly i dont think it will happen though. There appears to be a level of hate that some people just cant let go of.
I will be quite frank in telling you this in that the level of hate for me is because i never agreed and spoke openly about how he used to treat and speak to Sage. I know both of them well and see both as deep rooted nice people and Sage in particular.
This is why, if you notice, all XPT does is to continually moan and critise "Mods", he is in fact refering to Sage and i.
Whether or not anyone believes otherwise about whether or not XTP is aka Concord aka Ballbreaker aka Ballbreaker2 matters not to me. I know what i know and i am comfortable with that, and i shall continue to address XTP as i see fit.
End of sermon
You’re welcome Arnie…
This is turning out to be a like a who-done-it novel!!!
XPT says he’s not Concord and he does not know you, but you say he is Concord and that you know him personally (as a former friend of yours)!!!
You sounded absolutely positive!! I thought you had solid evidence that XPT is, indeed, Concord. Like, for example, records of IP addresses. Or that he used the same email address when registering for the different 3 user names!!!
But it appears you have based your findings on the similarities in his writing style and the theme of his posts.
The is either a case of mistaken identity, or just a case of clever disguise!!!
Either way.. it’s bad ….because it’s creating a lot of friction and resentment between you guys….which, in turn, is bad for this forum and for everybody.
We had already seen enough fights between Chocs and some others ….. which eventually led to a falling out among other old friends (you know whom I’m talking about)!!!
Well… I guess I will say no more! My rant is over!!