Obama's Double Standards And The Muslim World

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Obama's Double Standards and the Muslim World Jan 20, 2010
I am one of the believers that “war” actually means cheat, trick, fraud, deception etc, otherwise I never understand why people/countries would want to kill one another instead of establishing truce to live peacefully.
I think if you look at it from this point of you, you would understand why 9/11 had to happen in America and why Americans had to use this cheat to start a war in Iraq and continue to spread it in other countries…

By Khalid Amayreh
Journalist — Occupied Palestine

I do not know for sure if the young Nigerian engineering student Umar Abdul Farouk Abdul Mutallab really wanted to blow up Northwest Airline Flight 253.
We have learned, especially since the 9/11 events, to doubt the veracity of anything coming from Washington pertaining to Muslims.

Indeed, the details of the attempted-bombing story as reported by the various media outlets have left numerous questions as to whether the young man had been duped to do what he was trying to do by CIA agents or other allied security agencies.

For example, it is very difficult to imagine that it was a mere coincidence that Abdul Mutallab was able to evade all the ultra-modern explosives-detecting devices in Amsterdam.

Similarly, it is really mindboggling to even imagine an engineering student in the prime of his life and the son of a wealthy man (his father is a famous banker) embarking on a suicidal, nihilistic, and manifestly criminal act, just because he happens to "hate our freedoms".

In short, the story that we have been fed cannot be swallowed and digested because much seems to be missing.

Nonetheless, if indeed the man tried to do what the CIA says he did, then we Muslims ought to condemn this evil act in the strongest terms.

The Vicious Cycle
In brief, we must never betray our Islamic principles no matter what the terrorist barbarians do.
After all, what did these would-be victims, the passengers of Northwest Airline Flight 253, have to do with the criminal American policies in places such as Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan?

Yes, it is true, the United States has been murdering Muslims en mass, killing or causing the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The United States has just destroyed two Muslim countries, and is trying to destroy a third and possibly a fourth under the false rubric of fighting terror.

This is the same United States that hypocritically declares that no grievances, no matter how genuine and just, justify harming innocent civilians.

However, Muslims must never ever behave in a barbarian way in order to defeat or repulse the barbarianism and savagery of non-Muslims.

In addition, if we did, we would be on equal moral footing with them, which would make us betray and act against the principles of the very faith we are defending. It would also besmirch, endanger, and self-defeat our just causes.

There are those who might be tempted to dismiss my words as "quixotic" and "detached from reality", given the virtually genocidal crusade the United States and its mostly diabolical allies are waging against Muslims.

To those I say that Islam must always pass the test, even under the harsh realities, and there is no doubt that we are undergoing some of the harshest realities in Islam's 1430-history.

In brief, we must never betray our Islamic principles no matter what the terrorist barbarians do, because if we did, we would enable the enemies of Islam to score the greatest victory against us.

Having said that, we must never be oblivious of the fact that the United States is nearly fully responsible for pushing young Muslims to fall into the abyss of violent radicalism.

Supporting Israeli Nazism
Take, as an example, last year's genocidal Israeli onslaught against the people of Gaza.

That was a Nazi act par excellence, as Israel, a regional nuclear superpower armed to the teeth, ganged up on a mainly defenseless people for three uninterrupted weeks, raining death on innocent civilians, and destroying their homes, schools and mosques, using the latest American technology of death.

The US government not only was, probably gleefully, watching the firestorms rage over Gaza, but also utilized all America's diplomatic and political means to shield Israel from international condemnation.

Even the mediocre Goldstone Report, which really stopped short of equating the acts of premeditated murder and rape with the victims' defensive reflexes, was rejected by the American government and prevented from being acted upon by the UN Security Council and international courts.

In short, the United States wanted Palestinians and their children to be decimated and annihilated as quietly as possible.

This is the same government that shamelessly continues to support the hermetic Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip, the Ghetto Warsaw of our time, for the purpose of strangulating and decapitating 1.6 million tormented human beings for the "horrendous crime" of having dared to elect a political party that the United States and its allies did not like.

It is true that the United States did not participate directly in that genocide. Nevertheless, Muslims and the whole world know that Israel would not have done what it did without, at least, a tacit American approval.

The US government could have saved the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians, including more than 330 children, with a mere wink.

However, the United States was apparently too satisfied watching Israeli cannibalism played out in full view of the entire world.

To be sure the crimes of the United States government against Muslims (and non-Muslims) are too numerous, too colossal, and too nefarious to be atoned, whitewashed or forgotten.

Systematic Attacks Against Muslims
In the last decade alone, American killed or the cause the death of nearly one million Iraqis under the rubric of ridding Iraq of weapons of mass destruction that Iraq never really possessed.

In Afghanistan, the United States is carrying out another murderous crusade against one of the most impoverished nations in the world, using the most advanced technology of death in the world.

In addition, in Pakistan, the United States is, nearly on a daily basis, murdering innocent and abjectly poor Pakistanis under the pretext of fighting Taliban.

The same criminal approach is being pursued in some other Muslim countries, such as Yemen where the United States is contemplating the deployment of more troops to help the nepotistic and largely corrupt Yemini leadership suppress legitimate grievances of citizens seeking food and justice.

And, then, at the top of all this stands the enduring American embrace of the criminal Arab tyrannies from Morocco to Bahrain, which deny its own citizens the most basic human rights and civil liberties.

In addition, whenever the United States is reminded that this shameful behavior is incompatible with the declared American policy, people are affronted with the mendacity that the United States is still concerned about human rights and democratic values in the Arab world.

The administration is doing all it can to promote democratic governance in the Arab world. However, these words are just obscene lying ones coming from an obscenely lying government.

In light of the brutal ugliness of the American approach to the Muslim world, one really wonders how the United States thinks Muslims, especially the young generations, would react, seeing their fellow Muslims brutally massacred by American-backed Judeo-Nazis in Palestine and American-led Western forces in Afghanistan.

Should Muslims pretend that what they are watching is an unfortunate daytime nightmare? Should they just neutralize their brains and convince themselves that America really does not mean it, and that all those killed and maimed were mere "mistakes" or incidents of "collateral damage"?

I know that 99.99 percent of Muslims, like myself, would never ever support the act of blowing up passenger airplanes in mid air or hurting innocent people in whatever ways imaginable.

This is because doing so is dichotomous to Islam, which forbids harming innocent civilians.

However, it is also true that the murderous American policies throughout the Muslim world are making many Muslims lose the mental equanimity that would make them behave rightly and wisely in such circumstances, like being in conformity with Islam.

In the final analysis, America cannot embrace Israeli Nazism in Gaza, for example, and then expect things to be all right.

After all, everyone knows that those to whom evil is done, often do evil in return. Yes, the evil of the victims cannot be justified, especially from the moral viewpoint.

However, I think it can be understood in that sense that its occurrence becomes inevitable.

Read more: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Sate ... z0d9r1i5DU

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CIA-Mossad alliance of terror, and shocking links .. Jan 20, 2010
CIA-Mossad alliance of terror, and shocking links ..

We might be facing So far we have seen too many instances of a new CIA-Mossad "terrorist conspiracy" Not to be surprised with the developments that may occur in the coming days; this time let's act, let's note that today, some markers.

The 23-year-old Nigerian student in Omer Faruk Abdulmuttalip from Holland's Schiphol Airport, going to blow up Detroit Nortwest Airlines flight No. 253 with leg banded explosive has interesting links. So that, contrary to those who know how to read even a single event constitutes an example of how efficient can decipher implicit / dirty relationships.

We see once again linking events from CIA-Mossad terror partnership, an airport security company to the weapons industry in Yemen, from "Islamist" groups which the Israeli intelligence redirects in Yemen to the debate that Mossad intelligence is training Yemeni intelligence agents, the Sep.11 product security law debates to the joint operation plans in Yemen.

23 years old guy, who studied in English schools in Togo, then in London in the field of engineering education, a master of economics in Australian universities. His father Haci Omer Abdulmuttalip is a very interesting person. He's a "banker", but in fact a weapons merchant.He has a voice in all defense and weapons industries in Nigeria, and in connection with has very close relationship with the CIA and Mossad, in which he visits almost every day that U.S. and Israeli embassies treated as a VIP person. He was married to a Yemeni woman, and he also has a voice in Nigeria-Israeli relations. Informing Israeli intelligence about the "extreme" elements in Nigerian management and intelligence.

He is the person who notified the U.S. Embassy that Ömer Faruk contacted "terrorists" after going to Yemen. But oddly enough is that he does not know that this group in Yemen is being governed by the Mossad. Yemen President Ali Abdullah Salih announces that , in the same days, Yemen security units deciphered a group which is in cooperation with Israeli intelligence. Israel has denied these claims in foreign affairs immediately. But the Yemen leader is determined: "Some of the captured terrorists' connection to Israeli intelligence had been identified. This connection will be clarified and the details of what happened then you will learn ... "

Omer Faruk comes to the airport Schipholl with a well-dressed, fifty years old guy, and he introduced Omer as a Sudanese and they will travel without a passport, he says they always travel as this. It is said that this rich person is a member of al-Qaida and is said to help him. Some people claiming that he is a member of an intelligence.

Schiphol Airport security is provided by an Israeli company that we know now. ICTS Israeli company, was founded in 1982 and has 11 thousand employees. Many countries in Europe, the airports has been entrusted to the security of this company. Here it is emerging more strange connections. As "Islamic terrorists" experts security of many airports in the Europe and the world are entrusted to Israeli companies. Managers of these companies, retired from the Israeli army and intelligence, it seems that there they continue to work for Israeli intelligence.

Now, let's remember another terrorist attempt. Richard Reid who is said to be tried to blow up with hidden explosives in shoes the American Airlines plane that go from Paris to Miami. Six months before this incident in the same airport h wanted to go to Tel Aviv with El Al Israel Airlines. He was taken aside, carefully fumbled. Had one-way ticket to Israel, he could not answer questions about what he was going to do there. Shin Bet staff let Reid in El Al plane. Six months later the event took place. Israeli intelligence, warned noone on the subject of any terrorism suspicion. The aunt who met Reid in Lebanon, "brain washed" she said.

Hold tight, the company which allowed Reid to fly in Paris in Charles De Gaull Airport American Airlines numbered 63 aircraft was the same company, ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security). Israeli security company that is managed by the members of Mossad ... ICTS's "tricks" are not so limited. In the intelligence scandal in the United States we see also this company. A member of the company Amos Lapidot is a retired Israeli Air Force general.Worked in Israeli consulate in New York and included in Jonathan Pollard's spy team.

The ICTS which's center in Netherlands does not keep the Schiphol Airport only. Also keeps Hong Kong, Bangkok, Suva, Auckland, Singapore, Macau, Chicago O'Hare, London Gatwick, Newark, Los Angeles, and Belfast airports. Ömer Faruk's target Detroit Airport's security agreement is revoked from Argenbright Security Inc. Do you know who has been granted? HUNTLEIGH which has been purchased by the ICTS!

Who took Ömer Faruk to Yemen? Who made him meet Israeli linked groups there. Who brought him to Schiphol Airport? Why did not members of the Mossad stop him ? And his "protector", who was that rich man? How a scenario is played using the son of a man who provides Israel-Nigeria connection, who does arms trade over the Mossad? Why was this scenario coincided with Christmas? What kind of a bond is there between this scenario and starting of war with al-Qaeda in Yemen. What kind of have a bond is there between the scenario with the Mossad training Nigerian intelligence dicussions?

It is not possible for 23 year old person to know to understand so much details. But the world engulfed another terrorist conspiracy. As in dozens of many CIA-Mossad connected scenarios we were fooled!

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