Pakistan, Karachi Attacks (Ashoora)

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Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 30, 2009 ... s_pakistan

Muslims killing other Muslims (Shiites) just because they have a major difference in believes.

Over 40 people killed, 2500 businesses burned, as well as numerous cars destroyed. May Allah (SWT) help these extremists who are killing their very own people. May Allah (SWT) prevent them from destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan is home to about 180,800,000 people and by 2010 the population is expected to reach 200,846,310.

Dubai Forums Member
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 30, 2009
mehreen wrote:

Muslims killing other Muslims (Shiites) just because they have a major difference in believes.

Over 40 people killed, 2500 businesses burned, as well as numerous cars destroyed. May Allah (SWT) help these extremists who are killing their very own people. May Allah (SWT) prevent them from destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan is home to about 180,800,000 people and by 2010 the population is expected to reach 200,846,310.

A sad story indeed. On the link you can see an interactive map of differences in belief and convictions during the course of history (3000 B.C. - 2000 A.D.)

To give you a resemblance of how the Dutch managed to get out under the ruling influence of Christianity (Spain) in the 16th Century (Eighty Years War) and founded one of the first Republics in history of modern society, read the following:

The republic was based on tolerance of religion (although the rich merchants and regent powers were mostly Protestant Reformists), where people with different convictions could trade and prosper without too much bloodshed in the seven provinces of the Republic of the Netherlands, As it was named back then.

Well, that was the 16th century. Alot of conflicts are clearly a function of social development or better, a lack thereof. Secularity is one key element in the creation of prosperity for a society, in my opinion. Logically there is a form of spin-off to other surrounding societies also due to trade. Again, see the regional influences in the past.

History clearly has the answers to alot of our social problems of today. Notice that Islam is the youngest of religions. Judaism the second oldest after Hinduism.
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 30, 2009
mehreen wrote:

Muslims killing other Muslims (Shiites) just because they have a major difference in believes.

Over 40 people killed, 2500 businesses burned, as well as numerous cars destroyed. May Allah (SWT) help these extremists who are killing their very own people. May Allah (SWT) prevent them from destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan is home to about 180,800,000 people and by 2010 the population is expected to reach 200,846,310.

I often think – It can’t stop now. Muslims are in majority who suicide. But I would clear here to other religions. In Islam there is no concept of killing the innocent people even they belong to any religion. Some group of Muslims provide training to the young Muslims to kill the innocent people by making their belief strong that they would get paradise. But actually this is totally wrong. That group make money and do evil deeds. The suicider thinks he would go to heaven, But totally wrong.
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 30, 2009
Muslims killing Muslims is hardly news. Just shrug your shoulders once and move on...
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 30, 2009
I've reported this thread for Islamophobia.
event horizon
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 30, 2009
event horizon wrote:I've reported this thread for Islamophobia.

A more suitable way of disagreeing with some of the stances above, is to join the discussion or simply share your opinion about these differences in beliefs among the clashing parties in Pakistan and Karachi.

Do you have an opinion?
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 31, 2009
errr i dont think Pakistan is a good "muslim" role model.

the country is effed up, so are the people and they have changed what Islam stands for, Why do you think that Pakistanis are suffering? because of extremists?? Read the Quran and see what rewards God has for people of Pakistan. Y do you think most of Pakistan didnt get enough rain? shortage of food? etc etc

its all in the Quran .
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 31, 2009
I agree with you Rudeboy. It has been said that each nation will get the leader that they deserve. That speaks for itself.
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 31, 2009
mehreen wrote:I agree with you Rudeboy. It has been said that each nation will get the leader that they deserve. That speaks for itself.

Totally agree Mehreen. That is from Quran.

Muslims forgot their beliefs. The subject of Quran is HUMANITY. Quran clearly says, If the people of other religions are not disturbing you, let them go with their beliefs. God bless the mind to human beings and eyes to see to analyze the world. With closing your eyes does' t mean that you are blind.
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Re: Pakistan, Karachi attacks (Ashoora) Dec 31, 2009
mehreen wrote:I agree with you Rudeboy. It has been said that each nation will get the leader that they deserve. That speaks for itself.

see you can change the leader anytime you want. The fact is pakistanis have 4gotten who they are and they have changed the meaning of Islam.

I was in Pakistan this summer and i was shocked too see pakistani drama actors to be hindus doing the pooja etc etc. I mean what was wrong with pakistani dramas that they eventually decided to act as hindus?? Is this how low they can go?

2ndly there is so much filth on Pakistani TV, just switch on ARY digital and you can watch the pakis copied the Indian show called Nachley and it was a bloody DISGRACE to see Pakistani women half naked dancing on the show :S sorry is this what islam says?

3rdly the people of pakistan dont care what happens to them. they dont give a crap if there is a shortage of food, they dont give a crap about the security, water, electricity etc etc. So when the people dont care then why should the leaders care??

If there is Taliban out there, I do hope they come and take over Pakistan and bring the real Sharia law. Without Sharia law Pakistan is a mess. Sorry to say this but there are forces within Pakistan, non-muslim pakistanis who are destroying what Pakistan stands for.

Jinnah made Pakistan so that the muslims couldnt have their own country. So is it a muslim country? lol its muslim alrite thats why they decide to have their own Eid lol
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