Young Earth Creationism

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Young Earth Creationism Dec 27, 2009
18th Century Belief no2 (in the thread on 18th Century Beliefs) is about Young Earth Creationism and whether our young friend, eh-oh, is one of those who believe in this particular interpretation of the Bible.

Here's a definition from Wiki:
Young Earth creationism (YEC) is a form of creationism holding that the Heavens, Earth, and all life were created by direct acts of God during a relatively short period, sometime between c. 5,700[1] and 10,000 years ago.[2] Its adherents are those Muslims, Christians and Jews[3] who believe that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking the Hebrew text of Genesis as a literal account.[4][5] Some adherents believe that existing evidence in the natural world today supports a strict interpretation of scriptural creation as historical fact. Those adherents believe that the scientific evidence supporting evolution, geological uniformitarianism, or other theories which are contradictory to a literal interpretation of the creation of existence according to the Book of Genesis, are either flawed or misinterpreted.[6]

Note, that I'm not one of the Muslims who believe in this - and apparently there are Jews as well as Christians who do believe in this.

I wonder whether anyone here will be brave enough to admit to believing that Genesis is literally true and that the scientific evidence is 'either flawed or misinterpreted'.

Specifically, the Christian YECs believe:
Young Earth creationists interpret the text of Genesis in a strictly literal fashion. Therefore, they believe that God created the world in six normal-length days, and planted the Garden of Eden for the habitation of an original human couple (Adam and Eve). As a result of the subsequent Fall of Man, humanity was forced to work hard to provide food, childbirth became painful, and physical death entered the world. YECs believe that prior to the Fall all animals were herbivores.[40] (See Animal behavior below.)

The Genealogies of Genesis record the line of descent from Adam through Noah to Abraham. Young Earth creationists interpret these genealogies literally, including the old ages of the men. For example, Methuselah lived 969 years according to the genealogy. Differences of opinion exist regarding whether the genealogies should be taken as complete or abbreviated, hence the 6,000 to 10,000 year range usually quoted for the Earth's age.

And these Churches have YEC as official policy:

Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Protestant Reformed Churches in America
Seventh-Day Adventist Church


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Young Earth Creationism Dec 27, 2009
Its adherents are those Muslims, Christians and Jews[3] who believe that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking the Hebrew text of Genesis as a literal account.

I wonder, whoever edits the info on wikipedia goes out and checks what muslims really believe in quran…

It’s looks obvious that God had revealed the creation of universe to his previous messengers as well,
all there is left from judaism and christianity seems to be some distorted revelations again…
The correct formation is in islam. i.e by earth it means heavens, creation of heavens not in six days but in two days, there is no reference as to the number of heavens in genesis(missing or distorted parts) but there is in quran. when genesis says six days of creation, it probably means 7 layers of heavens...

This is what Allah says in quran;

"It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things." (The Qur'an, 2:29)

"Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate." (The Qur'an, 41:12)
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Re: Young Earth Creationism Dec 28, 2009
Berrin, there may well be some Muslim equivalents of the Christian 'YEC' - there are some pretty ignorant 'mullahs' out there - but I have to admit that, like you, I've never come across any.

It is most interesting that eh isn't admitting whether he's one of those who believes the Bible is literally correct on this issue!

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Re: Young Earth Creationism Dec 31, 2009
bump for eh
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Re: Young Earth Creationism Jan 01, 2010
I think that eh-oh has implicitly rejected the Biblical views held by the YEC in his reply in the 18th Century Beliefs thread.

I presume therefore that he, like me and other Christians, believes that the Genesis accounts are not to be taken literally (i.e. that God did not create the universe in 6 days of 24 hours in length - etc)

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Re: Young Earth Creationism Jul 09, 2010
This topic was raised in the Chomsky thread in the politics section - so over to eh.

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Re: Young Earth Creationism Jul 09, 2010
Thanks for admitting the Bible does not say the earth is six thousand years old.
event horizon
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Re: Young Earth Creationism Jul 09, 2010
Your argument is not with me, it is with the 73% of religious Republicans in the USA believe that the Bible does say this.

Good luck with that.

(I trust you're not going to construct a loon fantasy and blame the Moooslims for the beliefs of your fellow Christians)

Anyway, I'm glad you disagree with so many of your fellow American Christians and appear to be in the minority who believe in science.

Which brings us to your scientific explanation for the Bible's claim that the sun stopped in the sky for a whole day:

Do you have a scientific explanation or not?

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Re: Young Earth Creationism Jul 28, 2010
its true he created it in 6 days and stoped in the seventh, he wants to show us how important is patience!!
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Re: Young Earth Creationism Jul 28, 2010
Well, that is what the Bible says - and just to clarify, eh has confirmed that he does indeed believe that the earth stopped rotating for a day as described by the Bible - and that this was 'a miracle' that can't be explained by science.

Bizarely, he does not seem to agree with YEC folk who believe the earth is young - despite the fact they are using his own logic (Bible says it is so, we believe it - regardless of the fact it is scientific nonsense).

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