if it is great why did it make unbelievers
God does not make you or create you to be unbeliever (or wishes you to be unbeliever) but gives you will and allows you to become a believer or an unbeliver..You make your choise....I am a believer myself, not becouse someone forces me but due to my self-determination. My self determination leads my roads to Islam but nothing else…As I also have the choise to become a disbeliever or believe in something else…
Some analogy…
Inside a family (world), mother-father (creator)/children (creatures) have house rules (quran) established to run it effectively for peace and happiness both inside and outside(hereafter)
If children do something out of the rules and persist, parents (creator) have the choice to show their dislike by staying firm (using the necessary vocabulary to be either detterent (fear) or encouraging(sympathy) while holding the choice for punishment on the list of things they can do.
Didn’t you ever hear parents say to their children- “I don’t like or approve you becouse you do -so and so”..
Or.. parents complaining their children to their relatives, teachers, consultants like- “ My son or daughter is worse if compared to “so and so” becouse he/she does “such, so and so”…
That’s how we should understand God’s vehement statements in quran. As a creator he basically shows us who he likes and approves for reward in paradise and whom he dislike and will punish..We say punish becouse with the house rules(quran) he uses all the significant vocabulary to be detterent and encouriging for his creatures. And sets crystial clear attributes to distinguish true belivers from unbelievers..
Such attributes also a way of encouragement for true believers to stick and stay in right path, in the way of Allah..That’s becouse if I didn’t know what my status and difference is from an unbeliever,I wouldn’t ever take the hassle of praying 5 times a day, do fasting for a whole month, and try to be a nicer character, just and fair person! If my status and attributes wasn’t told me, and if a disbeliever was equivalent of me beeing the disbeliever he is,in the hereafter- I simply wouldn’t do all I can to please God…instead I would take the laziest path and say and do all the worst that I can and behave ruthless and tyrant..
Last but not least by following Islam, I don’t violate anything brought by Christianity and judaism cause I still believe in the creator but worship with extra work and duties.
If we assume to be there is no life after death as some unbelievers say and as some non-muslims deny islam, my belief and my extra work of worship woun’t cost me anything therefore have nothing to loose when I am dead.
But if islam is the right path and there is hereafter than I will be the winner while the rest will be eternal loosers with no chance and excuse to come back to do their duties that they mocked when they were given the opportunity.
This must be enough lecturing for those looking for response..