'Another Honour Killing' "the Times"

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'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 17, 2009
father was today jailed for a minimum of 22 years after being found guilty of the “honour killing” of his 15-year-old daughter.

Mehmet Goren, 49, killed his daughter Tulay more than a decade ago because he was infuriated by her romance with a man who belonged to a different branch of the "religion of peace", the Old Bailey was told.
Goren believed that the affair made Tulay a “worthless commodity” because he could not marry her off for a £5,000 dowry.
The court heard that Goren was a bully who had once tried to gas his whole family to death and, on another occasion, attempted to inject his wife, Hanim, with rat poison.
His wife gave devastating evidence against her husband after 30 years of torment at his hands.

On January 7, 1999, the part-time fish and chip shop worker told his eight-year-old son, Tuncay, to kiss Tulay goodbye as he would never see his sister again.

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Re: 'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 17, 2009
countdown to lame - 'its cultural post' 10...9....8..
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Re: 'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 18, 2009
Countdown to another 'he did it because Islam taught him so'.... :wink:

Call me naive, but shouldn't the nutter have been locked up for trying to gas his whole family, and separately trying to poison his wife???? :shock:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 18, 2009
Thing is shaf - I dont see any muslims need to be coming out in force to dissosociate this from islam, wheres the protest? but they not they all keeping hush. For many people silence is interpreted as approval.
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Re: 'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 18, 2009
Roadtester wrote:Thing is shaf - I dont see any muslims need to be coming out in force to dissosociate this from islam, wheres the protest? but they not they all keeping hush. For many people silence is interpreted as approval.

I agree silence would be tantamount to approval.

In my experience - Muslims are the first to denounce these barbaric practices and blame backward tribal customs for it. (I presumed that was what you meant in your post).

I agree it doesn't feature highly in the media - and it is interesting that this nutter who tried to kill his family first and then succeeds in murdering his daughter has the crime labelled as an 'honour killing'. The guy is clearly homicidal - and there's no concept of killing the whole of your own family for honour (even in primitive tribal cultures).

Shame on those who condemn these crimes.

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.
http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Sate ... 9503543392[/url]

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 18, 2009
infuriated by her romance with a man who belonged to a different branch of the "religion of peace",

The answer to your bewilderment is in the satatement you provided..
That is to ask, “Did he have a torough understanding of the religion?
And that “had he known his religion was a “religion of peace” would he ever commit that murder?”

Islam is very precise on this issue…It maintains the protection of life and does not sanction any violation against it and strictly prohibits murder and killing without legal justification.

“Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose, his reward is Hell for ever. Allah is wroth against him and He hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom.” (An-Nisa’: 93)

In this case my justified reply would be to say that altough he carries the muslim name, the way he lives his life has nothing to do with it, could not even be the follower or believer in this case…or else his mind and heart can only be imprisoned by his selfish ago/ nature so much so that he cannot differentiate the right from wrong, deserving all the punishments he can ever get…

Please do bear in mind that Islam is comprehensive set of rules that protects the rights of all sections of society in all times and circumstances.. that is to say…to protect the rights of women, husbund-wifes, children, family, non-muslims, orphans, widows, divorcees, neighbours, animals, the poor, the sick, the road and every creation of Allah and does not leave anyone out.

For people who are curious and want to study, there are courses and lectures provided for learning as well as reading.
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Re: 'Another honour killing' "the Times" Dec 18, 2009
countdown to lame - 'its cultural post' 10...9....8..

Of course…what does the heading say…"honour killing"…

This is the description….
An honor killing (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a family or clan member by one or more fellow family members, where the murderers (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonor upon the family, clan, or community. This perceived dishonor is normally the result of (a) utilizing dress codes unacceptable to the family (b) wanting out of an arranged marriage or choosing to marry by own choice or (c) engaging in certain sexual acts. These killings result from the perception that defense of honor justifies killing a person whose behavior dishonors their clan or family.

Ohhh hold on...i have a better lame to convience you. Countdown….3..2..1…

You see this guy lives with his family in the UK, doesn’t he?, which means he is living in christian society..Now... I do wonder if he was influenced by the misogynistic verses of the Testaments..
...see it doesn't take long to find a lame when the purpose of this thread is intentional.

In islam, no soul is responsible for the sins and faults of others.
Forgiveness is always available through repentance, directly to Allah.
Salvation in Islam is only through belief and practice..

Anyone who does not consider religion and these established rules are virtually unstoppable despite all the warning and condemnation they get…True believers are aware of it and unfortunatly, neither authorities, nor the believers cannot do anything about it other than reporting to police and (social services) and giving punishment in case of injury or killing.

The solution for such ethical problems is that, I believe all the countries run without the influence of religion, should pay more attention to moral and religious education of people in order to enhance humanism and prevent social decay of individuals therefore society.
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