Interviews In Dubai And Salary

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interviews in dubai and salary Feb 18, 2006
evening all.

I've got 6 interviews lined up in dubai in two weeks time with various architects practises and some point the interview is going to come around to salaries..

so, what could a 32yr old fairly experienced architect expect in dubai, i dont want to sell myself short and the salaries i see advertised on the internet vary from very poor to very good.

I'm currently on £40k in the uk, should i expect the same as a london salary + accom, a lesser salary + accom or just the same as london.. ish.

any help will be greatly appreciated.. oh white, male as i know this has an impact on salaries... unfortunatley


Dubai Forum User
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Feb 18, 2006
£40 k is roughly equiv to 20,000'ish Dhms a month. Without knowing what sort of package is available, it would be difficult for those in the know to comment really.

The issue of accomodation and benefits is critical in the equation.

If you take tax and NI out of the equation then the salary like for like would be equiv to around £56k. Obviously the cost of living in the UAE is substantially less than the UK.
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