When do we say enuf to technology? To stop at that level of achievement or discovery?
I mean, i totally agree with the fact that technology has brought us a long way from our primitive umm cave-man dayz ..
But should we always allow research and discoveries to go on for the simple sake of it being a "Discovery?"
Hmm ok i think i'm not makin sense. An example: apparently now they have this "microchip" technology that they inject into pets *in some countries it's compulsary!* and this "microchip" acts as a form of ID, so that if you lose your pet and it's found they'll just scan it and there u have it, the name of the owner with all contact details.
I mean, that is a great thing!! But who knows when they'll go n say NOPE, we need to do it on humans to.. and them some1 will say NOPE, we need to put "detectable microchips" to be able to "find" ppl if they are lost or kidnapped. Not just be able to identify them?
*e7m, i'm thinkin along the lines of Dark Angel

Bs.. are u guys gettin my drift? or am i just blabbing away?