Hamas Liberates Women - Bans Them From Riding On Motorbikes

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Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 01, 2009
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... bLmk&pos=9

Or at least as passengers. Hamas also banned female dancing - since Muslim men can't control their urges and dancing women are like unwrapped candy that attracts flies.

Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) -- The Islamic Hamas movement banned girls last month from riding behind men on motor scooters and forbade women from dancing at the opening of a folk museum. Girls in some public schools must wear headscarves and cloaks.

Signs of Hamas’s creeping Islamization are everywhere in Gaza, the Mediterranean coastal enclave that Hamas has run by itself since 2007. Gaza is already politically divided from the West Bank, the Palestinian territory administered by the secular Fatah movement.

“Ruling by itself, Hamas can stamp its ideas on everyone,” said Mkhaimar Abusada, a political science professor at Gaza’s al-Azhar University. “Islamizing society has always been part of Hamas strategy.”

Hamas-Fatah infighting has diverted Palestinians from their quest for statehood and from presenting a united front at proposed U.S.-brokered peace talks with Israel. With no Palestinian elections on the horizon -- a vote scheduled for January was canceled -- Hamas has free rein to rule in Gaza.

Hamas swept Palestinian legislative balloting in 2006 and took over the Gaza Strip a year later when its gunmen routed forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who still governs the West Bank. Syria and Iran back Hamas, while the U.S., its Middle East allies and the European Union support Abbas’s rule.

Caftans in Court

Some of the efforts are meeting resistance. When Supreme Court Justice Abdel Raouf Al-Halabi ordered women lawyers on July 26 to wear headscarves and caftans in court, attorneys contacted satellite television stations including Al-Arabiya to protest. On Sept. 6, Hamas’s Justice Ministry rescinded the directive.

Hamas officials say they have no plans to impose Islamic law. “What you are seeing are incidents, not policy,” said Younis al-Astal, a Hamas legislator. “We want Islamic law to be the standard, but we believe in persuasion.”

In an Oct. 13 speech, Abbas said Hamas was establishing an “emirate of darkness” in Gaza. Abbas’s Fatah movement has long viewed itself as a secular nationalist movement open to Muslims and Christians.

At the immigration office at Gaza’s border with Israel, a sign warns that alcoholic beverages, forbidden under Islam, will be poured out “in front of the owner.”

The government’s Islamic Endowment Ministry has deployed Virtue Committee members to preach at public places to warn of the dangers of immodest dress, card playing and dating.

Dancing Ban

The opening of the Palestinian Heritage Museum on Oct.7 was meant to include a rendition of the dabke, a line dance performed by girls and boys. Except that no girls were allowed.

Black-shirted men from Hamas carrying AK-47s appeared at the gates of the museum, on Gaza’s waterfront, said Jamal Salem, the curator. They said girls shouldn’t dance because it wasn’t religiously proper. Nor could they share the stage for the inaugural speeches, said Salem.

“They are trying to take Palestinian culture and make it all their own,” Salem said. “They say our traditions are against the law. Their law.”

In August, headmasters of several schools ordered girls to don white head scarves and black cloaks called jilbabs. They sent several girls in jeans home, according to Gaza press reports. The Education Ministry later said the orders were unauthorized acts of individual school officials.

No Defiance

“The episodes had an effect anyway,” said Eyad Sarraj, a psychiatrist and human rights campaigner. “What parent wants to be seen to defy Islamic rules?”

Abusada, the Gaza political science professor, said Hamas only retreats from overt Islamization for fear of “provoking” such secular-ruled Arab countries as Egypt, with which it competes for support with Abbas.

“At the same time, Hamas is under pressure from some of its own members as well as even more radical groups to implant a purist version of Islam,” he said.

Hamas is also wary of openly pressing for rule by religious edict because it undermines the group’s claim to legitimacy under Palestinian civil law, which set guidelines for the 2006 legislative vote, said Subhia Juma, a lawyer at the Independent Commission for Human Rights in Gaza.

“Hamas backs off when it looks like they are governing under Islamic law and people complain,” she said.

Israel, the U.S. and the EU say Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Swimming in Pants

In June, black-clad constables approached journalist Asmaa al-Ghoul, 27, and friends on a north Gaza beach, al-Ghoul said. Her offense: swimming in trousers and a blouse, not robes.

Male companions, including her brother, tried to defend her. Al-Ghoul said she phoned the government spokesman, who called off the police.

Hamas police spokesman Rafik Abu Hani said the crackdowns were abnormalities.

“Even here, we don’t make everyone wear Islamic-style beards,” he said, pointing to a clean-shaven aide.

Everyone backs alcohol prohibition, Abu Hani said, and the motorcycle restriction is a safety issue.

Al-Astal, the Hamas legislator, said it wasn’t a coincidence that youth were the principal targets of the push.

“We are working on young people, the next generation, to be more correctly Islamic,” he said. The older generation “is lost.”

And as for motorcycles: “A girl has to hold onto a boy’s waist to ride in the back. Things can happen. You know what I mean,” he said.

Wink wink, cough cough.

But more importantly, who swims in pants ???

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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 01, 2009
Priceless :) :) :)
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 01, 2009
Agreed. It's refreshing to see Hamas take steps in the right direction by prohibiting women from riding motorbikes because there could be a little hanky panky going on. Additionally, the teachings of Islam explicitly prohibit female dancing (refer to my thread in the Religion section of women who were castigated because they made too much noise when walking and did not cling to the sides of buildings to avoid men, etc).

Female presence in public life is a serious concern for many Muslim men. Obviously, outside of traveling to the marketplace to pick up food for dinner, women should avoid venturing outside as much as possible.

I was, however, curious about one aspect of the ban on women from riding as passengers on motorcycles/bikes - are women allowed to ride on motorbikes if their husbands/fathers/brothers (but not first cousins, as Islam allows marriage between first cousins) are the drivers? Or does Hamas also believe a lil hanky panky will also occur then as well?
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 01, 2009
They don’t say they ban women riding motorbikes, they ban girls riding behind men, the article says..

It doesn’t suprise me and understand the reason behind the rule when I know that hundreds or thousands of females in the world are victims of “women groping” on trains, buses, in crowds and queues or wherever men have an oppurtunity on victims to do so..
Some of the assaults have life long mental and physiological torment on women and this sort of violence that women suffer happens every second of every day in the world.
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 02, 2009
Berrin, thanks for your post. I am aware that the prohibition is on women riding as passengers on motorbikes.

However, your justification seems a little bit odd. How is a male driver to grope his female passenger when she is behind him and he is operating the motorcycle?

The Hamas politician who supported the ban seems to argue otherwise too. He said that women might be the ones to grope their male riders, at least that's how I read his comments:

And as for motorcycles: “A girl has to hold onto a boy’s waist to ride in the back. Things can happen. You know what I mean,” he said.

What do you think???
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 02, 2009
EH, why should we believe or expect that every women sitting behind men on a bike is safe and secure? when we know that we have also evil tempted fathers and brothers let alone strangers…

You don’t have to be driven on a Harley-Davidson at 200 kms/hr to say that you can’t be groped at such speed, it can be a scooter or a bicycle riding at 20 kms/hr, at such low speed you can also be a quite skilled and evil mannered man to take your hand of the bars and grope..
A woman holding tight behind a man at a speed of 150 kms/hr has no chance of escaping incase he has evil thought. Within reasonably short time, she can be driven out into the silent parts of a town, road, woods and can get sexually abused, raped and killed.
Can you promise or gurantee that this can never happen when we know that woman travelling alone on cars, and taxis also get kidnapped driven out of town and get raped and killed..

And as for motorcycles: “A girl has to hold onto a boy’s waist to ride in the back. Things can happen. You know what I mean,” he said.

Fair enough..So stop man and woman being alone, all together without discrimination…
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 02, 2009
Err Berrin, there is something called law and order. If you cannot maintain it then fine. But don't blame ur inadequacies on religion.

You argue that a woman shouldn't ride pillion? Wow! by that logic a woman should refrain from surfing the net, she should never set foot outside her home, come to think of it lets make it really simple.....keep every girl child in the hospital, after that institute a lottery system for husbands and after that may they never ever leave their homes. Now how safe would that be?
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 02, 2009
MCL, have you been reading whats written all along before replying me?
Law and order does not do any good or compensate a life that has been lost due to ill-treatment, and does not stop men and women having evil nature either. We cannot pre-estimate if law and order would prevent mankind from such actions..

I don’t say this, God says it, giving the self- nature of man (which can be both good and evil). So I don’t blame religion, on the contrary, I blame the ill-attention of men or women, and I believe that this preventive messaure guided by God is put to practise and applied by authorities under Islamic law.. I am aware that being preventive instead of being corrective certainly clashes with modern living or aspect of life and doesn’t satisfy human ego at all..
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Dec 02, 2009
Berrin, you say the preventive measures incorporated ought to be guided by God and put into practice through teachings of a particular religion? What about people of opposing faiths? How would they abide by such a system? What about secularism? I mean this is so divisive....imagine if every part of the world began to impose law and order based on their own religious teachings. USA - Christian, India- Hindu and so on....wow Berrin I think you need to read some sociology. The point I'm making is that religion and public administration cannot mix.

I agree when you say society today is getting more and more decadent by the minute. Yet I don't think religion alone has all the answers. Neither does modernism seem to hold true. I honestly think society needs to evolve away from blind competitiveness to a more morals and ethics based society. Religion is great from a cultural perspective, but the code of society needs to be value based irrespective of religion.

BTW Berrin you male or female? and where you from?

Finally society and humans are evolving. Today lesbianism is legal. So what tomorrow you'll ban women from interacting?
Misery Called Life
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Jan 02, 2010
I missed this.

Berrin, you say the preventive measures incorporated ought to be guided by God and put into practice through teachings of a particular religion? What about people of opposing faiths?

Well on this thread we were talking about a regulation being put into practise in a muslim country ruled by islamic law. Obviously if you are living in a secular country without such regulation then you have to be cautious and vigilant enough to protect yourself all the time.
How would they abide by such a system? What about secularism? I mean this is so divisive....imagine if every part of the world began to impose law and order based on their own religious teachings. USA - Christian, India- Hindu and so on....

That’s alright, the difference between man made law and God made law is that, man will learn from their mistakes and experience and in course of time will introduce new regulations to reach to the level of perfection revealed and ordained by God. The only sad part is that by the time secular laws reach to that status of perfection so many people will have been suffered and lost that could have been protected or saved, had they realised that islamic law was true message of one and only Creator and only means of law compatible with human nature.

wow Berrin I think you need to read some sociology. The point I'm making is that religion and public administration cannot mix.

That’s what you say so…I don’t claim to be better in my judgement than God, but you do…I just wish people stopped being opinioned before acquiring knowledge..Religion is there for man and regulates how man should behave for their peace and happiness both here on earth and in the hereafter.

I agree when you say society today is getting more and more decadent by the minute. Yet I don't think religion alone has all the answers.

Again, Stop please being opinioned before acquiring true islamic knowledge. Remember if I hadn’t known anyting about it, I may have said the same thing like you do but in my present status of mind and knowledge , I can’t say the same.
There is no better social and psychological book than Quran itself! It is the best comforting media for all aspects of life and living.

Neither does modernism seem to hold true. I honestly think society needs to evolve away from blind competitiveness to a more morals and ethics based society.

How can you accept society to evolve when getting rich and educated mind means to emphasise more power and to undermine the weaker… that is what the modern living and secularism is all about.
Do you think you can ever stop the wild effects of capitalism?when it's shaping the laws as well as administration. You can’t if Conscience is not there! But What regulates the conscience? regardless of ones’ status amongst of all in a society by large the country or world…
You have to do a lot of reding on islamic literature…only then you can understand what I am saying…

Religion is great from a cultural perspective, but the code of society needs to be value based irrespective of religion.

Ok society needs to be value based.. Where does the value come from or where does it get its roots from?
Despite the importance of value based life then Why is there such inconsistency amongst human practises or value perception? What causes it? What is the remedy? How do you determine if something is value or not value? Why is it that while one thing is value in one secular country, it is not in the other.. And what is the best way to deal with such differences?
Do you really believe that raising the secular educational standards is the solution…If yes, I tell you that most of the worst corrupt and crooked people are from amongst the the top educated and rich people..Equally they are the worse persecutors…If values, wealth and education doesn’t stop them? Then what is there left to stop them?

BTW Berrin you male or female? and where you from?

What difference will that make? Knowledge and belief –wise, both men and women are equal before God. People with knowledge and wisdom can be found all over the world, and is not conditional to wealth or the administration style of a country.

Finally society and humans are evolving. Today lesbianism is legal. So what tomorrow you'll ban women from interacting?

Can you say that society and humans are evolving if all women on earth decides to become lesbians and men have no female partners to mate and become families?
You can say you can’t ban women from interacting but I say that by getting an uneducated mind, educated through the concept of religion and purpose of life here, you can ban the women or reduce their lesbian numbers (indirectly)therefore keeping roles and duties intact as prespribed by the creator.

Last but not least about a year ago a friend of mine(female) was sexually molested by an estate agent when she was taken to an empty house to view from inside..
What do you think a secular society/law can do something about this?
Or what should she have done to make sure that this had never happened?
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Re: Hamas liberates women - bans them from riding on motorbikes Jan 03, 2010
This is a good thread for RobbyG to read up on.
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