the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Liban wrote:In Canada they are going to change the law to force you to know one of the official languages before becomig a citizen. The only thing Canadian I will renounce is YOU Kanelli...
As for the speaking Arabic. The UAE is an Arab country, so only logical to speak Arabic to come here.... You know, English is NOT the language of the land people![]()
As for the Islam issue, you are in the Arabian continent, birthplace of Islam. Respect that fact when you are here and understand that Islam is the religion of this land.
Liban wrote:Fact is you and Kanelli are bigots and racists. You just don't see it.
"As far as I am concerned, the Jews are a curse on this planet...
They are like a disease. They infest and spread like vermin.
Sure some Jews died 60+ years ago... But so did millons more other people. So why do we keep blabbering about those bastards? Why? Because they have their dirty little fingers and crooked noses congtrolling all media, money, governments, etc... Satan's little helpers.
I curse the evil Jew. And as far as I am concerned. Hitler was a BIG LOSER because he couldn't finish what he started...
Shravan wrote:Racial Decrimination happens everywhere but at varying levels.
The attitude of the citizens, mostly depends on their education and cultural background. As you can clearly see, almost all locals are from a culturally dry and illeterate backgroud. So, how can you expect them to treat other people compassionately?. Now a days, things are changing for the better. People are trying to educate their childern... but there is a limit for absortion. And as there is no challenge in front of them [at least at the moment - but they will and have to face the challenge in future], intelligence is not trigerred in their head.
Here we can see people who are next to illetrates handling jobs where education and expertise in the field of activity is a must. As a result, the standard of job done is drastically deteriorated. And almost in all companies, Human Resources Depts. are just for names' sake. No procedure or nothing. It seems that everything moves at mercy of GOD. May him help all to come out of their Ignorance.. May be in 1000 years... we will be able to see the spark of improvement... If human race survives till that time.
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