Watch American Soilders Make A Kid Run For A Mile For Water

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watch american soilders make a kid run for a mile for water Nov 21, 2009 ... re=related

I guess American mums and dad will be proud to know that their kids in Iraq are doing a good job.

Also they will be happy to know that they are doing a great job in "terroising" the local farmers :D the local kids :D and the local policemen in Iraq :D

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Re: watch american soilders make a kid run for a mile for wa Nov 21, 2009
Hi, Mooslimbanglaboy,
Welcome back.
Red Chief
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Re: watch american soilders make a kid run for a mile for wa Nov 21, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Hi, Mooslimbanglaboy,
Welcome back.

mate i am RB :D

and i am not a troll who has copied and pasted from some anti websites. I have posted a video on youtube which shows what USA soilders get up to. Nothing wrong with that mate. If you dont like it lets discuss rather then swearing at me by calling me bangladeshi :D
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Nov 21, 2009
Its just Dumb @ss rednecks being just that.....dumb @ss rednecks.

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Nov 21, 2009
Clearly the same people - 3 or 4 - appear over and over in this video. To say I'm not ashamed would be an understatement. But don't you dare take a brush and paint all the military that served and continue to serve in Iraq as the same as these people. These people are the exception, not the rule.

For them I hope they never have a peaceful night's sleep. When they look at their children they see the children in Iraq looking back at them. May their children be a reminder of what they did to other innocent children. May they never have a good day in their life.

You sit around looking for the ugly that comes out of America. You are no different than the fools in that video. Just as stupid. Why don't you sit on your computer and look for the good? There are many videos of military personnel helping Iraqi's - not hurting or degrading them.

Don't you, who have never been in a war or probably never lost someone in a war or who had a family member in a war, dare dishonor those that have died or have been maimed in a war that they fought in because they wanted to believe that they were doing the right thing - not for America but for the Iraqi people.

Any good soldier from any military in a war deserves respect for serving his country. Even if he was the "enemy". Wars today are not the wars of yesterday. But you wouldn't know anything about that. It probably would be beyond your comprehension to even read about it.

You took the time to find some nasty video of some people who aren't close to being human and think nothing of disgracing their own country. Take the time to watch this video and look at some of the photos of another side of the military in Iraq towards Iraqis.

Its people like you that stir up hatred. ... re=related
Bora Bora
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Nov 21, 2009
WOW I pulled someones nerve alrite :D

Bora there is a huge difference between me and these guys, I dont make someone run for a mile and throw water to them ;)

I dont shoot nor do I kill someone for no reason.

and they didnt do JACK SHIT for the Iraqi people :D they died for no cause and they fought in a war which has no meaning. They died so that some politician could fill his pockets with dollars. I dont need to honour nor dishonour them because they are only questionable to God and God will decide not me nor you. So please save your heroics for someone else.

Soilders are taught how to kill not how to bring peace.

Bora go and do some reading on BlackWater Company and see what kind of "VOLUNTARY" work they do and how good they are to people :D

Yes sorry its my fault for trying to open your eyes :D

lol you try to open someones eyes, show them what a bully is upto and all of a sudden you get to become a hater.

Bora I am not trying to spread hate, all I am doing is showing what USA soilders get up to. Who is mointoring them? And will they get punished? Instead of telling me off why not try to find a solutions on how to stop such things happening??
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Nov 21, 2009
I thought the day would never come, but I have to agree with rudy on this

rudeboy wrote: they didnt do JACK Sh!t for the Iraqi people :D they died for no cause and they fought in a war which has no meaning. They died so that some politician could fill his pockets with dollars. I dont need to honour nor dishonour them because they are only questionable to God and God will decide not me nor you.

I understand your sentiment bores you being an american and a patriotic one and that, but I'm afraid that Rudy boy is right. Your soliders are dying in vain beacuse of greedy politicians. Its not sacrifice in any shape or form well not atleast for the rest of the non american world. Its a war started on the false pretense of WMD's and war on terror when all the americans really wanted was the oil. But obviously went in way in above their head and are stuck now just as they were in Vietnam.

I know many a Iraqi who said yes there were the downpoints of the Saddam rulership but overall there was secuirty, people had jobs, gas, food, water, electricity was cheap and plenty. And thats what they wish they had now

But now there isn't any security, peace or decent living to be had. Situation has gone bad to absolute worse. Overall they said they preffered that the US never "liberated" them in the 1st place

Now I'm not saying each and every American soilder is like that but the whole Iraqi was is wrong and unjust.
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Nov 22, 2009
rudeboy wrote:WOW I pulled someones nerve alrite :D

Bora there is a huge difference between me and these guys, I dont make someone run for a mile and throw water to them ;)

I dont shoot nor do I kill someone for no reason.

and they didnt do JACK tasty for the Iraqi people :D they died for no cause and they fought in a war which has no meaning. They died so that some politician could fill his pockets with dollars. I dont need to honour nor dishonour them because they are only questionable to God and God will decide not me nor you. So please save your heroics for someone else.

Soldiers are taught how to kill not how to bring peace.

Bora go and do some reading on BlackWater Company and see what kind of "VOLUNTARY" work they do and how good they are to people :D

Yes sorry its my fault for trying to open your eyes :D

lol you try to open someones eyes, show them what a bully is upto and all of a sudden you get to become a hater.

Bora I am not trying to spread hate, all I am doing is showing what USA soilders get up to. Who is mointoring them? And will they get punished? Instead of telling me off why not try to find a solutions on how to stop such things happening??

You respond to me as if I condone what they did. Would you please reread my post.

You think you are opening someones eyes? You think you are "educating" me? You think this is "news"? You aren't revealing anything new. Lets go back to Al Gharib prison.

As for Blackwater, that was a privately own organization with no military affiliation other than it was comprised of ex militia. They were not there on a voluntary basis RB. They were there on a contractual basis as a private contractor: their employer: US Government.. Do you have any idea how much money was paid to Blackwater by the US government? Oh, no you wouldn't because you think they were there VOLUNTARILY. They are not nor ever were part of the military. Blackwater was a civilian operation. I think you are the one who should do some reading up on Blackwater. Seeing as how knowledgeable you are, you do know that Blackwater no longer exists. Because of all the controversy that was caused by their actions and they were ordered out of Iraq, they changed their name and are back in Iraq!!!

As far as I am concerned there is no "war" in Iraq. RB, your knowledge of "history" is limited. Your reference to war is Iraq, which, lis not a war, but an invasion. And the US is there, along with every other country that "supported" the US because they want a piece of the action. The US and every other country there were cutting deals with Iraq.

You want me to find a solution. How's this: the US and all other countries should pull out of Iraq. If the Iraqis want to kill each other, then let them. If they want to pull their country together, then let them. That's my recommendation, but do you think anyone is going to listen and act on it?

You don't think I'm not p*ssed off at the US government for what they did? Not only to their own military people, and the families of those military people, but what they did to a nation. To the Iraq nation. For every soldier that died, how many Iraqis do you think died? Tens, hundres, thousands? For every US military personnel injured or lost a limb, how many Iraqis suffered the same. 1 US military personnel to what, 10, 100, 1000 Iraqis. No one ever bothered to keep score on how many Iraqis died did they?

Why don't you go find something that is really new? Something that youtube hasn't put up.

What I dislike about your post is that when people, who are not American see this video, that is the image they hold in their mind of American military. If you read the notation from the person who posted the video she or he says: I AM SO ASHAMED. It was an American who posted it to let people know what goes on. But you RB had an entirely different agenda. And whether you want to admit it or not, there is a part of you that is anti-American. You can't help yourself from posting something that is anti-American. That seems to be your specialty.

Don't think so highly of yourself that you are here to "educate" people. You are so far from teaching me or many other people something we don't already know.

I was never interested in what country you came from, your nationality as in ancestry, not necessarily your passport. Would you mind divulging that bit of information? It might help me to understand a bit more as to where you are coming from.
Bora Bora
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Nov 22, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:As far as I am concerned there is no "war" in Iraq. RB, your knowledge of "history" is limited. Your reference to war is Iraq, which, lis not a war, but an invasion. And the US is there, along with every other country that "supported" the US because they want a piece of the action. The US and every other country there were cutting deals with Iraq.

:shock: I just wonder which other countries you are talking about? Only your British pooddle sent significant troops everywhere Uncle Sam asked with out inconviniet questions. The rest of the World has never accepted this dirty war of George Bush, Cheney and Co.

He-he. Sarcasm? :wink: Poor plant. :oops:
Red Chief
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Nov 22, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:I thought the day would never come, but I have to agree with rudy on this

rudeboy wrote: they didnt do JACK Sh!t for the Iraqi people :D they died for no cause and they fought in a war which has no meaning. They died so that some politician could fill his pockets with dollars. I dont need to honour nor dishonour them because they are only questionable to God and God will decide not me nor you.

I understand your sentiment bores you being an american and a patriotic one and that, but I'm afraid that Rudy boy is right. Your soliders are dying in vain beacuse of greedy politicians. Its not sacrifice in any shape or form well not atleast for the rest of the non american world. Its a war started on the false pretense of WMD's and war on terror when all the americans really wanted was the oil. But obviously went in way in above their head and are stuck now just as they were in Vietnam.

I know many a Iraqi who said yes there were the downpoints of the Saddam rulership but overall there was secuirty, people had jobs, gas, food, water, electricity was cheap and plenty. And thats what they wish they had now

But now there isn't any security, peace or decent living to be had. Situation has gone bad to absolute worse. Overall they said they preffered that the US never "liberated" them in the 1st place

Now I'm not saying each and every American soilder is like that but the whole Iraqi was is wrong and unjust.

Maybe I wasn't clear in my statement. At no point did I defend the US government or the "war" itself. What I was doing, always have, and always will, is support those people who are in the military. I support the men and women who are there. Did you know that the military allows people who are not US citizens, but greencard holders, to join? The carrot? Citizenship when they finished their military contract.

The men and women in the US military are just as much a victim of the US government as are the Iraqis. Supporting the military is not the same as supporting the cause they are fighting for, because they don't necessarily go in believing it or if they do, eventually come to understand that the US govt. has an agenda.

Do you mean to tell me that if your country did the same thing that the US did, which was basically to order people to "invade" another country, and as wrong as you thought the invasion was, would you turn your back on the very people who were under orders to do it? Would you walk away from people who were made to believe that this was for the good of the cause? Who do you hold responsible: the government who ordered the military to do it, or the military who were ordered by the government to do it?

I don't know how you and RB came to the conclusion that I supported the war and that the atrocities that had taken place were OK. The emphasis on my post was on the soldiers.

If you are patriotic to you country and the men and women who would go to hell and back for your country if the government told them to, then you would be able to understand my patriotism to the men and women who serve at the command of the US government.
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Nov 22, 2009
To be really honest, Yes I would turn my back on them and blame them. I would expect the soilders to use their better judgement and god given commone sense rather than just dance to the tune of propoganda like mindless zombies.

And its possible, specially in the US. Take the case of Muhammad Ali who refuse to go to war against the "yellow man". Not going into wheter what was his real motive, but the point is he objected and even won his case.

What about the increase in "soilders" who enlisted specially after 9/11 and the invasion whos only motive was to go get some and kick some I-raky ass. More like hooligans looking for revenge rather than noble warriors protecting the borders of their nation.

I'm sorry I cannot and will not support or have any compassion for a brutal invasion force. Yes the majority of the blame falls on the govt but there is blame as well as blood on the forces aswell.

The argument that they are totally innocent and just following orders doesn't hold any water at all.
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Nov 22, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:As far as I am concerned there is no "war" in Iraq. RB, your knowledge of "history" is limited. Your reference to war is Iraq, which, lis not a war, but an invasion. And the US is there, along with every other country that "supported" the US because they want a piece of the action. The US and every other country there were cutting deals with Iraq.

:shock: I just wonder which other countries you are talking about? Only your British pooddle sent significant troops everywhere Uncle Sam asked with out inconviniet questions. The rest of the World has never accepted this dirty war of George Bush, Cheney and Co.

He-he. Sarcasm? :wink: Poor plant. :oops:

Don't be naive RC. Every country stood to gain, either directly or indirectly. The reward: money in one form or another. Don't tell me that every other country that sent troops did it out of goodwill. Again I say to you I was not supporting the war nor the US government, I was supporting the men and women in the military.

Every war has its atrocities. Iraq was the bad guy when they were systematically eliminating the Kurds by means of gas. Ever see photos of what was done to the Kurds? Did the world stand up and take notice and condemn it? What happened between Croatia and the Serbs which became as much a religious war as it was territorial? Seeing people in what was equvilent to concentration camps without the gas chambers. The world talked about it but did nothing. What about what was done by the Japanese to Americans? The Vietnamese to Americans, and vice versa? Every country that was involved in a war (or invasion as the case may be) is guilty of atrocities. The US is not the exception to being the only country for doing it, and they will not be the last I'm sure.

I am not familiar with Russian history, but I would have to say that you have probably heard or read of atrocities that the Russians were either responsible for or had been on the receiving end of during wartime.

These are very sad times when life has so little value in general. Atrocities during war/invasion have been, are, and will continue to be part of it.
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Nov 22, 2009
Dude, Are you serious? Are you persuading soldiers to disobey orders? You don't realy know consequences, do you? They are approximately the same in US or any other army.

Cassius Clay was the champ, very famous man but even he was banned from proffesional box for more than 10 years. Average man would go to prison for 10 years for the same deed.

This war is very unpopular among Americans. That's why Goberment recruits people with green cards with obligation grant them citizenship after the service as Bora said.

Bora, I ain't naive. Where did I show that? :wink:
I didn't judge soldiers themselves as well. Moreover I said that RB's clip is utter propaganda.
On the other hand it looks that we agree about the cause of the war but it was probably the first war in the modern history without any casus belli at all.
Red Chief
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Nov 22, 2009
Yes I know the consequences, would you rather go kill innocents or go to the prison or and get dishonourably discharged
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Nov 22, 2009
Cassius Clay was a conscientious objector. This was a position that many Americans took during the Vietnam War. At that time there was a mandatory draft, it was not voluntary. Cassius Clay was in a financial position to fight the government on his stand. For the thousands who could not afford legal representation they fled to Canada or other parts of the world. They were so against going to fight a war that they gave up their homeland in protest.

You get the crazy oddballs in the military that would put a bullet in one of their own if their own didn't put a bullet in someone else. You can't give a mental stability test to everyone who goes into the military in order to weed out those nutcases.

What war did not have, what they term today "collateral damage" - innocents killed for the sake of a mission?

The bottom line, I hate war. But you would have to talk to the powers that be who declare war and ask them why they can't find another solution. Iraqis sold out their own people. All Iraq has to do is demand that the US leave the country, but if they did that, the checks would stop.
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Re: watch american soilders make a kid run for a mile for wa Nov 23, 2009
rudeboy wrote:

I guess American mums and dad will be proud to know that their kids in Iraq are doing a good job.

Also they will be happy to know that they are doing a great job in "terroising" the local farmers :D the local kids :D and the local policemen in Iraq :D

Dude :lol:

Thats American competition. :D
They just showed the best runner of the group. A next Olympic winner.

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Nov 23, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:Yes I know the consequences, would you rather go kill innocents or go to the prison or and get dishonourably discharged

There are other ways you know... or simply by precision...

Hows it going DD, BB and others ;)
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Nov 23, 2009
Looky who crawled out of the wood work tonight :D . Sh!t is cool as a fish in a pool G 8). Found a job yet ?
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Re: watch american soilders make a kid run for a mile for water Nov 26, 2009
Bora all I wanted to show was that USA gov and USA armed forces have bunch of "terroists" within their ranks. Thats all nothing else. I am not judging anyone nor am I asking you to judge anyone.

Instead of fighting Al Qaeda, USA should sort itself out first, its army and its "security" contractors.

Doesnt matter if Blackwater are voluntary or whatever, they killed 17 innocent civilians and they should be brought to justice, not in USA, not in UK but in IRAQ. But since USA has double standards and knows how to protect its loose ends it will make sure that no of its citizens are tried abroad. But I guess its ok for USA to try their prisoners in USA :D

bunch of hypocrites, may god have mercy on all of them.
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