If Muslims Are Terroists Then What Do You Call These Guys?

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Nov 18, 2009
Date Dead Injured Location and description
September 2 1 Greece A bomb in a van explodes outside the Athens Stock Exchange, injuring a passerby and damaging the building, and a bomb explodes outside a government building in Thessaloniki causing minor damage but no injuries.[204]
September 18 25 Several Pakistan A suicide bomber drives his explosive laden vehicle into a hotel near the Pakistani city of Kohat

Ahmed Eid
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Nov 18, 2009
Date Dead Injured Location and description
August 10 46 100+ Iraq Two truck bombs detonated in the Shia village of Khaznah near Mosul, killing at least 28, wounding at least 100 and destroying 30 homes. Two car bombs detonated near construction sites in Bagdad killing 18 and wounding many more. Forty killed in attacks on Shias on August 7.[196]
August 13 21+ 30+ Iraq Two suicide bombers attack a crowded cafe in Sinjar, killing 21 and injuring 30.[197]
August 15 7 91 Afghanistan Suicide car bomb attacks NATO headquarters of Kabul.[198]
August 17 25 164 Russia At least 25 people have been killed by a powerful bomb attack at a police station in southern Russia, officials and hospital sources say.[199]
August 17 6 8 Pakistan Car bomb detonates at a petrol station in Shabqadar, Charsadda.[200]
August 19 101 536 Iraq Seven car bombs are detonated in Baghdad.[201]
August 26 3 3 Colombia A bomb blast killed 3 civilians and wounded 3 other in the Caqueta department.[202]
August 28 1 1 Saudi Arabia A suicide bomber injures Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.[203]
Ahmed Eid
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Nov 18, 2009
Ahmed Eid
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Nov 18, 2009
Date Dead Injured Location and description
June 1 1 1 United States Little Rock, Arkansas Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.[169]
June 3 2 4 Philippines Cotabato An unarmed Filipino soldier and a civilian was killed in an explosion outside Cotabato and four unarmed soldiers were injured.[170]
June 4 0 5 Thailand Yala Province Muslim separatists detonated an explosive device near a police patrol in Yala province injuring five, including three police officers.[171]
June 5 0 0 Spain Spain A homemade bomb went off outside a policeman's home near Bilbao causing material damage but no injuries.[172]
June 5 38 50 Pakistan Upper Dir A suicide bomb ripped through a mosque packed with worshippers in northwest Pakistan Friday, killing 38 people and wounding dozens more in the deadliest such attack in more than two months.[173]
June 7 0 0 Spain Olivenza On the day of the 2009 European polls voting in Spain, a bomb explodes in a local office of the conservative party Partido Popular.[174]
June 8 9 24 Iraq Baghdad A bomb attached to a minibus exploded at the entrance of a bus station in Baghdad, killing 9 people and wounding another 24.[175]
June 8 11 12 Thailand Narathiwat At least eleven were killed and twelve wounded when gunmen opened fire on worshippers at a mosque in Thailand's Muslim-majority south. The attack comes amid a sudden spike in a five-year insurgency that has left 3,700 people dead.[176]
June 9 18 52 Pakistan Peshawar A suicide bomb attack on a luxury hotel in the north-west Pakistani city of Peshawar, has killed 18 people and injured at least 52.[177]
June 10 1 1 United States Washington, D.C. An 88-year-old white supremacist and Holocaust denier fires shots in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, fatally wounding a security guard.[178]
June 10 28 40 Iraq Bathaa Car bomb explodes in a crowded market.[179]
June 11 2 13 Pakistan Peshawar Two people were killed and 13 others including police were injured Thursday in a grenade and suicide bomb attack targeting security forces in Peshawar, police said.[180]
June 15 0 0 Spain Ponferrada A homemade bomb explodes in front of an UGT office in the city of Ponferrada, causing extensive damage to the local. No injuries were reported in the attack against the trade union.[181]
June 16 4 0 Israel Karni crossing 10 gunman belonging to an al-Qaida-cell launched an attack at the Karni crossing using horses "laden" with explosives. 4 terrorists and the horses were killed in the ensuring firefight with the Israeli Defense Force. No soldiers were wounded.[182]
June 17 0 0 Spain Vigo A bomb explodes in a bank in the northern city of Vigo, in Spain. No injuries were reported. Another explosive device exploded in the house of a businessman. Another explosive device placed in the car of a TAV worker exploded in Northern Spain that same day. The two first attacks were blamed on Galician separatists while the third to ETA young members.[183]
June 18 20 37 Somalia Beledweyen 2009 Beledweyne bombing The National Security Minister Omar Hashi Aden was killed along with nineteen others after he was targetted by an insurgent suicide car bomber in a town west of Mogadishu. Dozens of others were injured in the brazen attack on the transitional government.[184]
June 19 1 0 Spain Bilbao A senior police officer is killed in a car bomb attack in the Spanish city of Bilbao. The bomb, which was attached to the victim's car, is blamed on Basque separatists ETA[185]
June 20 73 185 Iraq Taza June 2009 Taza bombing A truck bomb explodes near a mosque in Taza, a town 10 miles south of Kirkuk, killing 73 people and leaving about 185 others injured.[186]
June 20 0 1 Spain Terrassa Catalan separatists tossed flaming Molotov cocktails at a crowd watching a football match between Spain and South Africa. luckily, only a cameraman was injured in the attack.[187]
June 20 1 2 Iran A suicide bomb reportedly explodes at the shrine of former Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
June 22 0 0 Spain Vigo Another bomb explodes in the northern city of Vigo causing great damage but no injuries.[188]
June 24 72 100+ Iraq Baghdad A bomb exploding at a market in Sadr City leaves 72 people dead and more than 100 injured.[
Ahmed Eid
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Nov 18, 2009

All I did was mention that he had missed out Jewish terrorism from his list of accomplishments!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Nov 18, 2009
Hey, what's going on here?
Is it our ratty boy ikka event horizon going totally mad?
I take my world back...he is indeed a lamb in wolf's clothing.... :lol:

Hey mate..come down...you and we aren't gonna get the world straight when the nuts and the bolt have already gone missing.

Hail boy could this verse calm you down........

"Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and sincere exhortations and debate with them in manners that are most approriate" (Al-Nahl 16.125)
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Nov 18, 2009
I feel sorry for the kid -

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Nov 18, 2009
Your views about Khalid bin Walid are just the latest in a long list of quaint views on historical events - starting with the view that the Bible does not contain contradictions and wasn't interpolated by Pauline Christians, to having quaint views about Quranic verses.

Yes, young grasshopper. I was, if you recall, the one who explained to you what a literary interpolation was.

I acknowledge you believe Islam is an evil religion that tells adherents to kill Jews and Christians, and that you believe this was actually implemented in the past.

I've come to the end of your post now, but I still don't see any quotes from Hugh Kennedy you claim he made nor any massacres I have mentioned that you have found to have been fabrications.

I hope you won't (once again) change the subject.
event horizon
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Nov 19, 2009
Still in denial, I see.

What part of the fact you take quotes out of context to justify your quaint views confused you?

Kennedy is a good example - you haven't read the book completely and took his references to isolated massacres and used this to justify your Orientalist views that Islam preaches violence. On closer examination we find those who have read the book reach a totally different conclusion - that the accounts of massacres given in some historical accounts are not the norm (I've quoted the 'Economist's' review many times now).

Then to contrast this, you refuse to condemn white Jewish religious terrorists who use the Bible to justify the massacre of Muslim unarmed worshippers.

You want your cake and want to eat it too! Either condemn both Bible and Quran because some people use it justify acts of terrorism (and we've seen that there are many more Christian convert terrorists than Muslim convert terrorists) - or apply the same justification to both books that those using their scripture to justify acts of terrorism are wrong.

Either that, or concentrate on clearing up the acne ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Nov 19, 2009
i have always believed that 9/11 was an inside job for insurance money, war contracts, selling technology, oil etc etc. And I believe that most muslims and even non-muslims across the west believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

continuing on the blackwater company i was able to find this article on the Paki newspaper who reported that http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 2009_pg1_3

obviously these USA "civilians" dressed as Afghans driving around the streets of the capital with survillence equipment and weapons in their car werent from the Red Cross charity ;) they belong to Blackwater or similiar companies like that in Pakistan.

My question is that if you have such "rogue" groups driving around in Islamabad, how do we know that they arent in south Waristan? or even in Peshawar? or operating in the borders of afghanistan and pakistan. The answer is we dont know because Pakistan is HUGE and most of the areas of Pakistan are remote.

2nd question is how do we know that such groups are not responsible for the bombings happening in Pakistan? Pakistan doesnt have the technology nor do they have a forensic set up which can detect who was responsible for the bombings. so how can they say that the bombings are carried out by "TERROISTS". They rely on eye witness account. People will say we saw a young guy blow himself up. Ok how do we know he is a muslim? I have said and will say it again that some of "muslims" living across the muslim world are just muslims by name. If the guy has read the quran, if the guy prays every day then dont you think he will know whats right and whats wrong?

Also couldnt it be that the young boy is unemployed or does labour work in a day which gets him lets say 50dhs per day!! If you had a huge family and the family relied on you and you couldnt support your family, trust me you would get desperate. so desperate that you will blow yourself up for just $10,000.00.
And I believe this is whats happening with companies such as Blackwater targetting the needy pakistanis and getting them to do their dirty work such as bombings in shopping malls, banks etc etc.

Having said that I believe that there are some groups which are anti-west but these groups have targetted the police, the army and even the government for being corrupt and not providing secuirty etc etc to the Pakis.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Nov 19, 2009
Kennedy is a good example - you haven't read the book completely and took his references to isolated massacres and used this to justify your Orientalist views that Islam preaches violence.

I don't recall that. The war crimes thread was started after I read a few of your quaint beliefs that the early Muslims were liberators...etc, etc,.

The texts and teachings of Islam are sufficient enough to show that Islam is a religion that preaches perpetual warfare against unbelievers. I suppose you'll also ignore rudeboy's own link in this thread while we're at it.
event horizon
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Nov 20, 2009
Perhaps acne cream causes a problem with memory or comprehension? :lol:

I understand the need to go on the defensive now that we all know that you don't actually read the references you give in full.

Your views on the Quran also reflect the fact you haven't actually read the whole Quran or read the explanations in the other threads.

No point repeating ourselves, as the threads are all still there.

Do you have any new points? I think we've established that you believe:

1. The Quran teaches that Muslims should be in a perpetual state of war with unbelievers because of an interpretation of 9.29 and one or two other verses.
2. There are no contradictions in the Bible (despite historical evidence to the contrary).
3. There are no fabricated verses in the Bible - just 'interpolations' where the words have been rearranged.
4. Pauline Christianity is an invented notion - the current canonised Bible does reflect Jesus' teachings.
5. Despite no Biblical scholar agreeing with points 2, 3 or 4 - you are right.
6. 7 Muslim convert terrorists vs 232 Christian convert terrorists shows that the Quran is much more evil than the Bible (I still don't get this logic, but hey - that's what makes your views so interesting)

If you have a new belief you'd like to present that I've missed out, we can add it to the list above. No point in repeating yourself ad nauseum when we can now just refer to your beliefs by number.

Eg - you can now say, I am going to repeat 'belief number 1' and then you won't need to cut and paste all the bumpf from your favourite web sites. ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Nov 21, 2009
man can you 2 stop hi-jacking my thread. Its supposed to be about BLackwater Company, not how many muslim or christian terroists have killed.
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Nov 21, 2009
blackwater run by the right wing "CHRISTIAN" group?

americans speaking out againt blackwater

Check this video out where they are just shooting at any car that comes near them :S is this not terroising then WTF is this then? A kiss on the cheeks :D
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