the message board for Dubai English speaking community
hey! just wondering if your problem worked out coz i,m having problems with my hp and badly in need of a hook-up.pinoy1 wrote:Actually I called Jumbo and the voice recording did not mention laptops so I was unsure.
Thanks for the info!
Not_Sure wrote:S c rew HP, their gona charge you 400 AED plus anyways!
Pay me 300 AED.
I will completly refresh your laptops, update it to latest windows packages.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd install
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Reader 9
Cyber Link DVD Solutions
MS Office 2007 Enterprise Edition
NOD32 Internet Security
....did i miss out anything?
All full packages and updatable! NOT trial crap.
Coool? u can Private Msg me for more details....oh by the way, i do all this in 2 days max!
korigg wrote:Hello
I have an HP dv6000 laptop and there is a problem with the sound of the internal speaker. Sometimes I don't hear sound at all or it just crackles, now I did some research on this and found out that there is a problem with one of the cables inside the laptop which causes this problem.
I can provide a link where this problem is described in detail through a PM.
The best possible solution is to replace the faulty strip cable with a new one which won't give out due to the pressure caused of pressing the power cable.
My internal Bluetooth has also stopped working every time I boot up the laptop it gives me a " Usb port unrecognized error "
Is there anyone in Dubai besides HP service centers who can fix these problems ?
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