Learn Arabic (Greetings)

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Learn Arabic (Greetings) Jul 28, 2009

A:sabaah el kheer "Good morning" صباح الخير
B:sabaah el noor "Good morning" صباح النور

A:masaa’ el kheer "Good evening" مساء الخير
B:masaa’ el noor "Good evening" مساء النور

A:tesbah (m) ala kheer "Good night" تصبح علي خير
tesbahi (f) ala kheer تصبحي علي خير

B:w enta (m) men ahlo "Good night" وانت من أهله
w enti (f) men ahlo وانتِ من أهله

A:essalaamu aleekum "peace be upon you" السلامُ عليكم
B:w aleekum essalaam w “peace be upon you, & و عليكم السلام و
rahmatu llaahi w barakaatu God's compassion & رحمة الله و بركاته
his blessings"
A:ahlan wa sahlan "Hello"/ "Welcome" أهلا و سهلا
B:ahlan beek (m) "Hello" أهلا بيك
ahlan beeki(f) أهلا بيكي

A: ezzayyak (m) "How're you" ازَّيَّك
ezzayyek (f) ازَّيِّك
B: alhamdulellaah "Thank God" الحمدُ لله
kwayyes (m) "Fine" كويس
kwayyesa (f) كويسة

Arabeya Institute

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Learn Arabic (Greetings) Jul 28, 2009
Ahmed23 wrote:Greetings:

A:ahlan wa sahlan "Hello"/ "Welcome" أهلا و سهلا
B:ahlan beek (m) "Hello" أهلا بيك
ahlan beeki(f) أهلا بيكي

Arabeya Institute

Hi Ahmed23, thank you for this.

I've a question here. Would it be easier to start with all pronunciation marks marked or without? E.g. the above, أهلا و سهلا with no pronunciation marks but the letter ب in أهلا بك is marked. Why is it?
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Re: Learn Arabic (Greetings) Jul 30, 2009
WhiteJade wrote:
Ahmed23 wrote:Greetings:

A:ahlan wa sahlan "Hello"/ "Welcome" أهلا و سهلا
B:ahlan beek (m) "Hello" أهلا بيك
ahlan beeki(f) أهلا بيكي

Arabeya Institute

Hi Ahmed23, thank you for this.

I've a question here. Would it be easier to start with all pronunciation marks marked or without? E.g. the above, أهلا و سهلا with no pronunciation marks but the letter ب in أهلا بك is marked. Why is it?

Thanks for your interest in Arabic language .
Firstly, I want you to pay attention that all these greetings are Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and not Modern Standard Arabic ,and in this dialect we do not say بك but we say بيك because it is easier to speak with long vowels more than shot vowels, but in Standard Arabic you have to pronounce with short vowel as بك /bek / and not بيك /beek/.

if you have further questions you are welcome any time
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Aug 04, 2009
Woah it seems so hard to learn Arabic...
Dubai Forum Visitor
Posts: 13

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Aug 05, 2009
Its not too hard as you think
we try to make it easy :idea:
Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 6

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Nov 15, 2009
Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 9

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