Giving Fate A Helping Hand

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Giving fate a helping hand Nov 04, 2009
I know , I know. Chocs starting a thread in Romance - shock horror.

But just wondered what you guys n gals thought about this. So some girlfriends and I were are totally sick of the dating scene in Dubai, it seems impossible to meet decent guys, so we thought we'd give something ago and organise a dinner, where every girl has to bring a single, eligible guy. Sort of one girls trash is another girls treasure.

There are rules, such as you are not interested in the guy you're bringing,a dn try to bring someone that no-one else knows.

Anyway if nothing else a great opportunity to meet new people and expand your cirlce of friends which is always a good thing.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Giving fate a helping hand Nov 04, 2009
Yeah, I agree. seems like it's so hard to find a decent guy here in dubai.
but how can we say that the guy someone will bring is also a decent guy?

But wait, how do you rate a "decent" guy?
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Nov 04, 2009
Oh there's a check list! Defo no losers allowed! Basically all the guys are vetted beforehand to weed out the chaf as it were! LOL
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 04, 2009
Giving fate a helping hand? How poetic chocs. Touche!

So I'm curious here, once these guys or specimens arrive at ur kitty party then what happens? I mean is he then released from his leash? or is he only supposed to interact with a certain somebody.How does it all work out?

And this check list thingy I so need to hear more about that :lol:

But yea chocs you make a valid point about social life in general here. I mean it's so easy to get stuck in a rut here, and for a place that's so cosmopolitan I really don't feel all that culturally enlightned.
Misery Called Life
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Nov 04, 2009
Haha well we've organized a dinner out so it's a social experiment so to speak.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 04, 2009
chocs, start the list now.

this is fun.
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Re: Giving fate a helping hand Nov 04, 2009
Choc & keyper,
Probably you tried to find decent guys in wrong places. Or you just being picky ;)

But really that hard? I thought it is difficult to find decent girls in Dubai. Many of them are like material young girls who like lots of shopping, guys with expensive cars, and dine in fancy restaurants. Dubai lifestyle. That quite scares us guys ;)
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Nov 04, 2009
sounds like a kind of mini speed dating lol. Though under what pretence are you getting the guys to come along?
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Nov 04, 2009
Roadtester wrote:sounds like a kind of mini speed dating lol. Though under what pretence are you getting the guys to come along?

I guess the women must be really hot 8)
Misery Called Life
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Nov 04, 2009
Oh the joys of being 23. I'm open to dating just about anyone.
There is no such thing as the wrong type of date in my dictionary. :D

Hey Chocs since you guys are in experimental mode, maybe you should give those so called losers a chance as well? I mean it's only a date, if things don't work out you can always move on without regrets. On the other hand who knows maybe it's one of these so called losers who might end up ur soul mate?

PS We need to know more bout ur checklist.
Misery Called Life
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Nov 04, 2009
It isn't a dating forum, is it?

I think men should come in masks and tuxedos but girls will be in masks too but totaly naked to keep anonimity.
Sorry, I am under impression of movie "Eyes wide shut."

Student, you should choose younger women(c). :wink:
Red Chief
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Nov 05, 2009
Red Chief wrote:It isn't a dating forum, is it?

I think men should come in masks and tuxedos but girls will be in masks too but totaly naked to keep anonimity.
Sorry, I am under impression of movie "Eyes wide shut."

Student, you should choose younger women(c). :wink:

I though you had'nt watched that movie? Interesting concept though....

Although with Chocs gathering I think they're looking for something serious and probably long lasting. ( Whatever happened to arranged marriages?)

Older women I have never dated RC, I guess it'd be interesting though
Misery Called Life
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Nov 05, 2009
Haha okay well basically we each got a single male friend, put it to him that it's a nice dinner out with 9 fine girlies and bob's yer uncle - no problem.

XTY, I can see why that would be intimidating - not my style at all. to be honest.

Personally speaking I've dated pretty much every kinda guy you can imagine, but sadly I have a thing for tall, rugged yet well presented dude with a bit of a bad streak who are a bit mad and love the outdoors. Plus for me intlectual stimulation is a must, I love those conversations that go on for hours and you suddenyl realise it's 5am!

The thing that will be a bit weird tonight is the age range. Youngest 21, oldest er mid 30's.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 05, 2009
I thought you'd find a guy no probs at the rugby clubs, the guys that go along seem to fit that profile.

I'm really curious to hear how it went -

30-21 -so someone has maybe got themselves a toyboy or sugar daddy lol. Its funny when the terms are flipped, sugar mommie doesn't really have the same ring about it.
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Nov 05, 2009
Well it's tonight, so I'll let you know over the weekend. Mmmmm rugby players can be meat heads though.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 05, 2009
Meat heads - lol true, too many knocks to head followed by copius amount of alcohol lol.

I think in part it can be true that you find love when you least expect it. Trying too hard smacks of desperation anway.
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Nov 05, 2009
why its difficult to find a decent guy in dubai... a hindu proverb says if u search God with true dedication he will come infront of u and so searching a guy wont matter much think positive and there is nothing called perfect in every1 they will have sum or the other defect in each and evry human being.. to find sum decent guys go and sit near abra creek side u will find many who r looking for life time relationship u may even find me there bt not always
i told creek side cos i dnt knw any other silent place as i am new here
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Nov 05, 2009
Roadtester wrote:Meat heads - lol true, too many knocks to head followed by copius amount of alcohol lol.

I think in part it can be true that you find love when you least expect it. Trying too hard smacks of desperation anway.

Well as I said, it's more an opportunity to meet new people and that's always cool. It's true that if you go looking then nothing ever really happens, but there's nothing wrong with putting yourself in social situations which encourage something - lol
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 05, 2009
wilfred wrote:why its difficult to find a decent guy in dubai... a hindu proverb says if u search God with true dedication he will come infront of u and so searching a guy wont matter much think positive and there is nothing called perfect in every1 they will have sum or the other defect in each and evry human being.. to find sum decent guys go and sit near abra creek side u will find many who r looking for life time relationship u may even find me there bt not always
i told creek side cos i dnt knw any other silent place as i am new here

What? er no!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 05, 2009
A tip for the guys. Google Mystery Method Erik von Markovik. I'm a true believer and convert works 110% and I say this from personal experince 8)

From being a social outcast when it came to women to having almost date ( a with a new woman I might add ) every other day ;)

I know the women research or read will refuse to believe it can be true and they can't be so predictable or gulliable

But I've retired now and happily married.

P.S : Its blocked but I know you people can access it check out
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Nov 05, 2009
LOL - I would have thought that was all pretty obvious!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 05, 2009
Unfortunately, clubs and bars are the venues for people to go to in the hope of meeting someone. From what I have seen in the clubs, and by what I have heard men say, it comes down to the message you send. The way you dress and behave sends a message. This applies to both male and female, but more so for women.

If you dress like a tart and behave like a tart what message do you think you are sending out? What do you expect guys to think? If you dress and behave cheap, that's how you are going to be perceived and treated.

When sitting with a group of people and listening to the comments made by the guys about females, I'm embarassed for those girls. They can be the nicest and sweetest people, but the message they send screams "I get around". Men sit there and say "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole." This is said based on appearance. When you don't get the "respect" you are looking for you blame the man, rather than consider it may have something to do with you. Your behavior, the way you dress - the message you send!!

Rarely do you see girls in clubs dressed in a manner that sets them apart from the rest. That's what attracts men - setting yourself apart from the rest. Dressing cheap and drinking like a fish and getting sloppy is not at all attractive. What it does attract is the very sort of guy you aren't looking for, yet settle for at the end of the night. On the other hand, the same guy may have a whole different agenda if he met someone who sends a different message. Its the first impression that determines what direction that man will go. Usually men can't or don't even want to get past the first impression.

I know its not the best analogy but: high class call girls are just that - high class! They have rich clientele who actually respect these women because they dress with class, behave classy and can be taken to the best places anywhere without advertising their profession. These women, and their clientele, know there is a world of difference between a streetwalker and a high class call girl. What I'm trying to say is, appearance and behavior counts for alot!! If you dress and behave like a lady, you will be treated like one. If you dress like a tart, you should know what to expect.
Bora Bora
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Nov 05, 2009
So Bora are you saying if a women is wearing a short dress you treat her like a prostitute?
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Nov 05, 2009
I don't think Bora is saying that, but if you put it all on show, leaving little to the imagination, well then there's no mystery is there. In all honesty if I go to a club, then I dress for dancing not to pick up guys. But it is true many women can be totally off putting, potty mouth, drinking like there is no tomorrow, looking slutty, it's all not very attractive really is it. It has a little more to do than the length of your hemline, otherwise where would we have been in the 60's!

But it cuts both ways, men that sink beer like it was going out of fashion acting like Jack the lad, wearing jeans with a crotch down to their knees or ill fitting clothes and being crude is sooooooo unattractive too.
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Nov 05, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:I know its not the best analogy but: high class call girls are just that - high class! They have rich clientele who actually respect these women because they dress with class, behave classy and can be taken to the best places anywhere without advertising their profession. These women, and their clientele, know there is a world of difference between a streetwalker and a high class call girl. What I'm trying to say is, appearance and behavior counts for alot!! If you dress and behave like a lady, you will be treated like one. If you dress like a tart, you should know what to expect.

It's hardly right even for sluts because after the first impression should be the second and third but lack of education and poor childhood somewhere in Bronx are almost impossible to hide.
Red Chief
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Nov 05, 2009
Roadtester wrote:So Bora are you saying if a women is wearing a short dress you treat her like a prostitute?

No, that's not what I am saying. I guess you don't quite understand my reply. Please re-read it. What it boils down to is if you go to a club or bar dressed a certain way, expect to attract a certain element. If you go for a job interview, do you wear your party clothes?? Do you wear your beach clothes?? You wear what you think is your best so as to impress.
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Nov 05, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:I don't think Bora is saying that, but if you put it all on show, leaving little to the imagination, well then there's no mystery is there. In all honesty if I go to a club, then I dress for dancing not to pick up guys. But it is true many women can be totally off putting, potty mouth, drinking like there is no tomorrow, looking slutty, it's all not very attractive really is it. It has a little more to do than the length of your hemline, otherwise where would we have been in the 60's!

But it cuts both ways, men that sink beer like it was going out of fashion acting like Jack the lad, wearing jeans with a crotch down to their knees or ill fitting clothes and being crude is sooooooo unattractive too.

Thank you!!!!! It does cut both ways. It's nice when you put yourself in a position to have options, rather than having to settle.
Bora Bora
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Nov 05, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:I know its not the best analogy but: high class call girls are just that - high class! They have rich clientele who actually respect these women because they dress with class, behave classy and can be taken to the best places anywhere without advertising their profession. These women, and their clientele, know there is a world of difference between a streetwalker and a high class call girl. What I'm trying to say is, appearance and behavior counts for alot!! If you dress and behave like a lady, you will be treated like one. If you dress like a tart, you should know what to expect.

It's hardly right even for sluts because after the first impression should be the second and third but lack of education and poor childhood somewhere in Bronx are almost impossible to hide.

Well if that's the case, there are alot of women from the Bronx with a Russian accent right here in Dubai.

I'm sure you make sure your women always dress appropriate. A potato sack made of hemp will definitely keep your women safe.
Bora Bora
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Nov 05, 2009
A few years ago I remember there was a woman who started up a "group meeting" where you would register with her, and she would arrange dinners where 10 people - all strangers - would meet up. A way to meet people. People would join and she would make the dinner arrangements, circulating people so that you got to meet different people at each dinner. Great concept. Don't know what happened to it. They have these group meeting organizations in the states and was very popular.
Bora Bora
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Nov 05, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:Well if that's the case, there are alot of women from the Bronx with a Russian accent right here in Dubai.

I'm sure you make sure your women always dress appropriate. A potato sack made of hemp will definitely keep your women safe.

Bronx accent is something that is not possible to mix up with anything, especialy with Russian.

As for dress It should be rather stylish than expensive and expresses some personality and taste, if they are available.
Red Chief
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