Nov 05, 2009
Unfortunately, clubs and bars are the venues for people to go to in the hope of meeting someone. From what I have seen in the clubs, and by what I have heard men say, it comes down to the message you send. The way you dress and behave sends a message. This applies to both male and female, but more so for women.
If you dress like a tart and behave like a tart what message do you think you are sending out? What do you expect guys to think? If you dress and behave cheap, that's how you are going to be perceived and treated.
When sitting with a group of people and listening to the comments made by the guys about females, I'm embarassed for those girls. They can be the nicest and sweetest people, but the message they send screams "I get around". Men sit there and say "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole." This is said based on appearance. When you don't get the "respect" you are looking for you blame the man, rather than consider it may have something to do with you. Your behavior, the way you dress - the message you send!!
Rarely do you see girls in clubs dressed in a manner that sets them apart from the rest. That's what attracts men - setting yourself apart from the rest. Dressing cheap and drinking like a fish and getting sloppy is not at all attractive. What it does attract is the very sort of guy you aren't looking for, yet settle for at the end of the night. On the other hand, the same guy may have a whole different agenda if he met someone who sends a different message. Its the first impression that determines what direction that man will go. Usually men can't or don't even want to get past the first impression.
I know its not the best analogy but: high class call girls are just that - high class! They have rich clientele who actually respect these women because they dress with class, behave classy and can be taken to the best places anywhere without advertising their profession. These women, and their clientele, know there is a world of difference between a streetwalker and a high class call girl. What I'm trying to say is, appearance and behavior counts for alot!! If you dress and behave like a lady, you will be treated like one. If you dress like a tart, you should know what to expect.
- Bora Bora
- Dubai OverLord

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- Location: At the moment Dubai Forums