Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap

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Reasons why Filipinas are cheap Nov 04, 2009
Why do a lot of people, especially men think that Filipinas in dubai are cheap?

"They are cheap" I've been hearing that comment from people here in dubai. When I ask why, they would say;
* because they go out with several men at the same time?
* because they ask money from their partner?
* because they bring all their friends to hang out and let the guy pay for everything?
* because they don't ask for a expensive dates?
and more to go...

WHEW! Let's have reality bites. If they are cheap, then why almost every nationality likes to date with filipinas? They don't just date with them, they chase filipinas, they cry for filipinas, and they accept filipinas even at their worsts.

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Nov 04, 2009
if those statements are true (to the filipinas) then why bother. if not true, then why bother as well ;)
you are what you think you are.
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Nov 04, 2009
I guess as far as material goods are concerned some Filipino girls are low frills. But most of them are hard workers and definately don't need ur pennies.

One of their most admirable traits in my opinion is their ability to make the opposite person feel at ease. There's something very easy going and funloving about them.

And most guys seem to think that wooing a Filipina gal is a piece of cake, well it aint. They can be as emotionally draining as any other Lebanese or Russian babe.
Misery Called Life
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Re: Reasons why Filipinas are cheap Nov 06, 2009
keyper wrote:Why do a lot of people, especially men think that Filipinas in dubai are cheap?

"They are cheap" I've been hearing that comment from people here in dubai. When I ask why, they would say;
* because they go out with several men at the same time?
* because they ask money from their partner?
* because they bring all their friends to hang out and let the guy pay for everything?
* because they don't ask for a expensive dates?
and more to go...

WHEW! Let's have reality bites. If they are cheap, then why almost every nationality likes to date with filipinas? They don't just date with them, they chase filipinas, they cry for filipinas, and they accept filipinas even at their worsts.

you said it yourself ,,, but you just used the wrong word ....
filipina's aint cheap , they just damn easy.

all the rest you hear ,, is just words that are used to try an hide the fact of how easy they are..
cause straight revelations , might just make the target alittle movable an the aim alittle harder .... so them other theroies you hear that try to make em sound cheap , is just to keep the the target stationary .

now i aint generalisin em all ... but just tryin to answer your queries .. with proper facts as far as my knowledge expands to in this reigon with filipina's....

and if my knowledge comes across as distasteful to you baby ,,, dont feel harsh bout it ... instead just think about it :wink:
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Re: Reasons why Filipinas are cheap Oct 26, 2013
well all arabs see filipino as cheap. Its the main reason why I have been rejected by my bf's parents... COZ I AM FILIPINA. they think filipina as cleaners, sharmota and because they are liberated, they see it as shame. well in a society, theres good and bad. Its not about the nationality. Its about the person. so If a guy doesnt respect u, leave it. and to my kabayans maging paranoid tayo. gamitin nalang utak. kasi aware naman tayo na temporary relationships lang mga gusto ng mga yan. at... sex... bibihira ang matino. muslims, arabs... beware... they hate pork. but most of them behave same. ooops m just telling the truth. kahit ipaimbestiga nyo pa.
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Re: Reasons why Filipinas are cheap Oct 28, 2013
What most people need to understand is that in general Filipinos, especially those who remain in the Philippines, are “carefree” people. Notice how effortless it is for them to laugh and smile even at strangers? Its probably one of the most exploited countries as well. Its first 500 years of history reflect influences from so many cultures. The first Filipinos were Pagans until the Muslim Malays came (yes Islam is its first monotheistic religion). They traded with Indians, Chinese and Arabs (Does IBN BATTUTA sound familiar? Well he was a traveler and he reached the Philippines and other parts of SE Asia). It would have remained a Muslim country had Ferdinand Magellan of Portugal not come and converted the people to Catholics. Then came the Japanese and Americans. With all these influences, they went to form a funky race (I just don't know what term to use lol). They learned to have strong family ties from the Chinese, to be free to express from the Americans, to be resilient and hardworking from the Japanese,to be emotional, passionate artists and lovers from Latinos, etc. In contrast, there are definitely a million reasons why the Filipinos could not identify with Muslims, Chinese, Americans, Latinos or YOU. For one, because they are Filipinos and you’re not. All these experiences have molded them into what they are now as a nation and individuals.

Still, whether you get a good or bad Filipina, chances are it will not be very hard to get them, cause they're just as liberal as that (they're kinda somewhere in the middle). The difference is that a bad Filipina will leave your wallet drained. While a good Filipina won’t rely on your money to survive (unless you get married and you as the man will definitely have to share more); she won’t leave you because chances are you will leave first!! That is if you’re jerk enough to leave a woman who’s willing to be with you. Now who wouldn’t fall for easy Filipinas?

PS "Bad Filipinas" might marry you for your money but will definitely take care of you and give you kids even if you’re 70. Look at those rednecks retiring in the Philippines. Not that I’m promoting them or anything; just sharing what I’ve read and watched.
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Nov 02, 2013
All statements generalizing Filipinas traits are false. Why? because not all people from the same nationality are the same. I hear similar stories from my friends who are guys, yet i believe you should judge people on individual bases not on nationality or race
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Nov 03, 2013
You got a moot point there desertgirl
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Dec 03, 2013
It is not fair for people to be racist and term a certain sect of people as cheap, it is not good at all.
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undefined Feb 05, 2014
Misery Called Life ,
Did you mean penis?
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undefined Mar 14, 2014
Philipinas are perfect women. They set the tone wherever they go and do not subscribe to fake social norms which is exactly whats needed in Dubai as the locals attempt to back track humanity 3000 years into the past. I find any lady that tells a society to stick your backward progress stopping social norms up your a@# to be desirable and required in a vastly over commercialized world. Its not hard to see in the original post the school girl mentality that distracts the men and women of the world from reality and drag down our values to nothing more than commercial mall drones. Thank you Philipinas for keeping the children of others safe and somewhat disciplined you are changing the world one child and one man at a time.
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Jul 16, 2014
just dont generalized people. we all have differences. obviously, even languages.
Filipino people are good. flexible. and very friendly. we cant judge per nationality. that will be unfair for everyone, and for the ones who found love to filipinas/filipinos. i know someone, american beautiful lady who just got married to a Filipino man. and a lot more same examples.

every nationalities has its own money problem thing, its always a need.

but not everyone can give loyalty and pure love which might filipinoes can give.

Everyone can be cheap too. so, just dont put it all to one nationality. Chow! :)

have a nice day.
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Jul 16, 2014
There are all types of people everywhere. Nobody has the right to judge others. If you don't like someone stay away from them or ignore them.
What you think of others basically just shows how you are.

I have just been here for a couple of months and anywhere I go I see people just seem kinda frustrated/irritated.

This place needs love, happiness!

--- Jul 16, 2014 ---

I once heard a story of a country where the countrymen didn't do any thing(rather absence of skilled labor). Then a fairy appeared and she taught them about the good things they had in their country which they could give to other countries for virtually anything. So she gave them some skilled labor to get started. Eventually they started prospering and more (cheap) skilled labor started coming in their country and they prospered even more. And then they started looking down on others and calling them as cheap.
Then came a day when the fairy re-appeared and saw all this Hypocrisy and Greed and decided to take away everything. They were then left stranded on their dung pie without even knowing how to wipe their behinds.

- excerpts from a fan fiction.

*sorry for bad English*
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Aug 13, 2014
Indeed i have some phillipina girls and yes they are good girls i can say, they told me people tried to approach them as well with same approach or mind but she went angry on him. So this is not the case with everybody, yes we can talk about majority but still good and bad people are everywhere and in every nationality, so we cant say every phillipina girl is bad. It would not be fair.
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Aug 13, 2014
My personal take on this.... Having been to different countries and living in America, I have come to the conclusion to let people be. I don't have any right nor in a position to judge. No matter how I try to put myself in someone else's shoes, the fact remains that I am not that person. I don't have her feelings, motivations, history, experiences, background to even come close to be who she is. It is true that we are all unique. No one is exactly like us on an individual level. To judge someone means I know everything, but truth is I don't. It would also mean that I am putting myself above others, which is the opposite of humility. I might as well be narcissistic.

It's a vast world out there and there are 7 billion people in this planet. It's very liberating to know that nobody has to kowtow to someone just to be liked.
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Sep 27, 2014
maxx626 ,
Wow, very well said!
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap Sep 29, 2014
this is just funny!!

why would some one say sth like that?

everybody has his/her life to live
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undefined Apr 22, 2015
I'm a Filipina and been here in Dubai for two months, then I stumbled on this post which is really sad. But whatever people think about us, I'm not affected at all. I know my worth as a Filipina. I'm independent and open minded and I would never go out with a man just for his money. And I definitely don't need a man to make me happy. So yeah, I hope you all won't generalize.... Not all Filipinas are what you think they are!
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undefined Apr 28, 2015
Could someone tell me where to find muslim Filipina for marriage.
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Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap May 28, 2015
I am wondering what kind of a jerk would post something like this...!
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undefined Feb 05, 2016
new2dubai ,

Can i meet you ?

mail me :

--- Feb 05, 2016 ---

i neeed to meet a fillipino girls for friend ship n dating. I m 27 male here.
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