Do You Believe In Signs?

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Do you believe in signs? Oct 25, 2009
As for me i do believe in them, a person cant believe anything unless he sees it, am a person who keep seeing signs everywhere i's strange cause i have been seening them since 4 could this thing happen , i kept wondering why does it show everywhere i go .....why me?

The signs i mean is when you see something related to something else that you may get or you may be. Personally i believe that things happen for a reason that's why i think any person who sees signs there must be a reason behind it, its no coincedence , not something happens without a meaning .

So any person who thinks that signs are not true , just something comes and go without any meaning , i guess you better think over again , its not magic nor an illusion , it's something that god shows you so you can make your own desicion in life.

It's like helping you , some signs warn you , some of them show you good things.
For example if you know someone in a city, you may see the name of the city everywhere you go , maybe it means you will be there someday and you will meet this person or you will be with him.

That's what i believe in , now i would like to see what do people think about it.

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signs Oct 25, 2009
first of all u must be a good poet coz only they have got a gud imaginary power to imagine beautiful things
secondly signs act according to ones intuition and people say LOVE @ FIRST SIGHT its also a matter of knowing the signs of each other..
some time if u really have a bad day gud signs also go worst in ur favour.. think abt it good day
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Signs.. Oct 29, 2009
The religious would say: Signs (omens/visions/messages...) are a way for the up-above to show you the right path (or guide you away from the wrong one). They are messages from God and it is up to the receiver to interpret them according to what He would want.

The psychologist would say: Signs are a way for your subconscious to tell you something. It could be a repressed memory making its way back up, a desire that was never fulfilled, general stress about an event being exhibited in a unique manner or your inner emotions trying to leak to the top. Either way, these signs are your brain trying to tell you something.

I would say: It is all about balance between the above two. Yes, psychology can play a big part. Personal examples: If I'm working on a stressful theory/deadline.. then even during my off-hours little things remind me about the theory/deadline and I view it as a sign (that's just stress/psychology). However, being of somewhat religious in nature, whenever I start feeling distanced from religion, even hearing the adhan makes me think 'crap! that's a sign from Him that I need to get my behind back on the right path', even though I hear it everyday.

The skeptic would say: You're paranoid and probably suffering from schizophrenia, go see a professional!
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Oct 30, 2009
to deep for J to comprehend .... im tooo high to see signs ... im always seein illusions.

but mmmm belive in what you belive baby , forget about what other's think and as far as opinions go,, they dont count for nothin nowadays mami ... so live your life lovin the way you livin it .. an throw up the finger for those who aint feelin it ...

so ease up on tryin to get other peoples words to satisfy your curiosity's baby.

love it live it , live it an love it ..
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Oct 30, 2009
yup, it portrays ur personality.....!
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Nov 01, 2009
Yes, but to some degree
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Nov 08, 2009
i beleive in zodiac. im an aquarian what are you?
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Re: Do you believe in signs? Nov 11, 2009
PrincessN wrote:As for me i do believe in them, a person cant believe anything unless he sees it, am a person who keep seeing signs everywhere i's strange cause i have been seening them since 4 could this thing happen , i kept wondering why does it show everywhere i go .....why me?

The signs i mean is when you see something related to something else that you may get or you may be. Personally i believe that things happen for a reason that's why i think any person who sees signs there must be a reason behind it, its no coincedence , not something happens without a meaning .

So any person who thinks that signs are not true , just something comes and go without any meaning , i guess you better think over again , its not magic nor an illusion , it's something that god shows you so you can make your own desicion in life.

It's like helping you , some signs warn you , some of them show you good things.
For example if you know someone in a city, you may see the name of the city everywhere you go , maybe it means you will be there someday and you will meet this person or you will be with him.

That's what i believe in , now i would like to see what do people think about it.

Personnally, I think there are 2 types of signs, true and fake ones. Why? Well I came to this conclusion from what I've lived with a girl this summer. I was with her for 2 years we were gonna get married and all but something went wrong and she left me. Some time after some weird things happened, like for example, it's long to explain how but I was watching friends and rachel had a tee shirt with a number on it, 77. Nothing special right? 5 minutes later I tested my sugar rate I don't know why I did it but I did (I'm diabetic) and I had 176 (knowing the meter I use to test measures from 0 to 600 I had 1 chance out of 600 to get 176) and that's where thing's get strange, why? Because 77176 is the area code of where my ex girlfriend lived (I live in France) and plenty of signs like that so I came back talked to her because I was going crazy with all those signs. Well this day I can say they were fake.

You have to be careful some signs are true, others not. How to determine their nature? If I knew...

I'm not saying what I say is true, but I'm convinced it is.
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Nov 12, 2009
I traying to not belive in any signs.
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Nov 13, 2009
dubailife wrote:I try not to believe in any sign.

Fixed. :mrgreen:
Fiery Phoenix
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Re: Do you believe in signs? Nov 27, 2009
Like i said b4 only ppl who are seeing signs believe them :wink:
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