First of all I would like to state that I find this forum extremly useful...
You guys give us some much informations thank you so much for that.
We are a Hungarian couple wishing to work in Dubai. In the past three years we have been working in the UK my other half as a chef(not qualified) and myself as a Restaurant Manager but now we are desperate for some sunshine..

I have two degrees in tourism one from back home and one from the UK speak three languages and have many years experience in the hotel business. Now I would like to make the next step on that carreer ladder and would like to experience other departements not just Restaurant. My boy is open for anything as we thought that it will be probably me who could find a job easier there.
My question would be what are the chances to find a job in Dubai with this background?
I would be more then thankful for all the infos and advices.
Have a great sunny day over there..(it is raining at the moment here in the UK..what a suprise?!