Professors Being SPIED On In America

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Professors being SPIED on in America Feb 09, 2006
Bush or Rice shouldn't lecture the world on freedom and democracy, especially the words Freedom of Speech

I don't consider freedom where professors are spied on ... &cset=true

I really cannot believed Nazi parties arent banned in America!! Its shocking!.
It is freedom when they encourage racism but when knowledge is being spread they stop it. when will many americans realize that their real enemies are the bastards in the white house.

Dubai forums Addict
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Feb 09, 2006
Nobody called America a true free country.... There are none in the world.

The US lost its true innocence after the abhorrent massacre of President Kennedy (the last true American leader).... When Lindon B Johnson took over, things went to hell...
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Feb 10, 2006
I wouldnt say Kennedy was the true president, no, He interferred alot wit Cuba and vietnam. the only best leaders of America were the founding fathers, that is all. Seems like Mongolian Empire & the Roman Empire were the safest and had true ideas on Freedom.
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Feb 10, 2006
They can *spy* on us all they want, it has nothing to do with America, its Israel that spies on us...

You guys should know that...

And before you criticize us for letting Israel break into our government you cant even stop her and you have her surrounded...or atleast you used to...not anymore
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Feb 10, 2006
Arabs cannot stop "her"??? Since when did a terrorist nation become a she??? :wink:

We still surround Israel.... Not sure where you faulty information comes from.

Arabs were not able to defeat Israel in all battles because of economic, military, and manpower support to the pariah state of Israel since 1967.
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Feb 10, 2006
Remember when Goldmaeir cried on the phone for US in 1973 in October war (Yum Kuppur) and in less than few hours there was an Air Bridge that supported israel with everything and thats what stopped the war. Egypt got 90 % of its land, but without this bridge....

Well, israel would have been in the History books only and all the world would be leading a better life now.

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Feb 10, 2006
Israel is creating a danger for itself, it is triggering another holocaust.
Remember how the canadian government was outraged at Israel secret agency Mossad. Israel is creating a monster or lets say it did create the seocnd hitler in Iran. "Its from their foes not their friends tht cities learn the lesson to build high walls"

Everything problem today happening in the west of bombings from middle east, I wouldnt blame middle east, the west after creating problems in 3rd world countries for their own profit will eventually come back or lets say it just has started.

We are born in a very crucial time, we could actually see the powers shifting.
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Feb 11, 2006

Arab countries do not surround Israel, the United States is Israel as well

Follow the bloodlines..........
Dubai Forums Member
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Feb 12, 2006
pacificsurf619 wrote:Liban-

Arab countries do not surround Israel, the United States is Israel as well

Follow the bloodlines..........

Circular argument my friend :)

I would agree that the US is nothing more than an Israeli puppet, but I thought you meant the actual country.

Of course to reallyt destroy Israel, you would have to obliterate the US or more humanely and logically you would need to destroy the zionist lobby there and its pro-Israeli politicians.... This will happen just not for a small while.
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Feb 12, 2006

Ok lets think about this. US is controlled by Israel influence, but I guarantee you in mainstream america if the people knew what was really going on, then the arabic world would have 95% of the american people behind them. The jews did kill Jesus.

You cant blame the american people for being ignorant, we live in a society where everything is given to us, and served on a golden platter, we dont know any different. Unfortunately it is up to your society to reach out and explain your situation, the American people will understand.

BUT the American people have never met the arabic culture, so its just stories in grade school books, and peace in the middle east slogans. This needs to change, we need the american people and the arabic people to get to know eachother.

But something funny has been happening, lately the very people that your culture wants to meet, are being chased around by terrorists, and being terrorized. The 'Jihad Fighters" ARE KILLING and TEERORIZING the mainstream group that you need to understand your predicament.

Does that make any sense to you? If I need help from the neighborhood bully I dont start killing and terrorizing the people I need their help from, I explain my situation.

You dont think Israel had a serious hand in 9-11? How convienent for them to turn the arabic culture into blood savages. Osama Bin Laden has been the biggest Israel puppet in the history of the world. He has introduced arabic culture to america all right- fear us, hate us, destroy us.

I am gonna get some serious crap for this post, but I just dont understand the muslim arabic mind set. How could you not control these freedom fighters and put an end to this, I guess its the same way americans cant control our politics and Israeli influence.

We are just all pawns on a chess board, until we take control of the situation.
Dubai Forums Member
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Feb 12, 2006
Dude, I am speechless. You uttered the words every Arab has in the back of his head.

I take a bow to you dude!!! :wav:
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 12, 2006
Liban wrote:Arabs cannot stop "her"??? Since when did a terrorist nation become a she??? :wink:

We still surround Israel.... Not sure where you faulty information comes from.

Arabs were not able to defeat Israel in all battles because of economic, military, and manpower support to the pariah state of Israel since 1967.

yeah blame the sour grapes. I blame that lacked unity and good army general. For example in one of the wars, the eqyptians announced that they are goin to get rid of the zionist state by bombing isreal in 4 hrs and what did isreal do? they bombed the airport within an hour b4 take off! Hahahahaha. Oh my God that is bad tactic of fighting war.
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