Expecting the world to treat you fair cause you are a good person is a bit like expecting a bull not attacking you cause you are a vegetarian... (Dennis Wholey)
Agree. You get nothing for nothing in this world, and there isn't another. You need to be good AND strong, especially in places where if you have no money then you sink (Dubai is a good example, but there are many more).
On the other hand, the strong should stand up for the weak though. Sometimes it happens.
my personal experience....
had tried to be good always,,,slowly slowly after a while I came to know that its not important to be good,,,getting accepted is more impt
GBS said, when he heard that Gandhi had been assassinated:"...now I know how dangerous it is to be too good."
There is a dire need on this planet for a "society" to be created, comprised of, not Muslim or Christian or Hindu or Communist, but of people who uphold the principals of common human decency.
melika969 wrote:Expecting the world to treat you fair cause you are a good person is a bit like expecting a bull not attacking you cause you are a vegetarian... (Dennis Wholey)