Call To Raise UAE Driving Age From 18 To 21

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Call to raise UAE driving age from 18 to 21 Sep 23, 2009
Hmmm what do you reckon to this? Would it make a difference?
----------------------------- ... page=local news&title=Too young to drive

The head of Dubai Traffic Prosecution has called for the minimum age to obtain a driving licence to be raised from 18 to 21.

Salah Bu Farousha made the call after becoming worried by the disproportionately high number of young Emiratis who have died in accidents this year.

He said that ten out of the 120 motorists who have so far died on the country’s roads in 2009 were young Emiratis.

“This is a worrying figure and is a big percentage compared to the demographic map of Dubai, which is made up of more than 180 nationalities,” he said.

Bu Farousha added: “Raising the age to 21 is necessary because the motorist would be more mature. Teenagers can use public transport until they can be trusted to get behind the wheel.”

He also called for better driving education and awareness campaigns at colleges. He said the cause of accidents was often reckless driving and speeding.

“Some young men are crazy and modify their cars and engines and then race them,” Bu Farousha said.

A report released by the World Health Organisation has shown that the UAE has one of the highest rates of road deaths in the world.

Last year 1,071 people died on the UAE’s road and 12,273 were injured, the report said.

Nikki Morgan, whose 15-year-old daughter Charlotte was knocked down and killed by a 19-year-old Emirati driver in Mirdif in April, supported Bu Farousha’s comments.

“There seem to be a lot of young drivers who are reckless and maybe if they changed the age limit that would help stop some of these dreadful accidents from happening,” she said.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 23, 2009
I'm not sure this would make that much of a difference, because many Emiratis will still go and buy a suped up car as their first drive and still drive like loonies.

How about limiting the engine size and overall size of the vehicle they're allowed to drive for say the first year? Put them in a Spark and see how it feels to be bullied left right and centre all over the place, this way you learn respect for other road users.

I cannot for the life of me understand why they are allowed to go straight out and drive a 2 tonne landcruiser or sporty car with no comprehention of how to handle it.

Maybe if like in other countries they had to work to afford their first car, which would be something crappy, then there would be less of an issue.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 23, 2009
That's a stupid idea.

Make Emiratis (and other nationalities) accountable for their actions, ie. no Wasta.

Make and/or enforce stricter traffic laws.

Issue temporary driving bans and/or jail time for street racers, DUI'ers, those who go at least 50+ above the speed limit, etc. Repeat offenders get harsher sentences, and run the risk of getting their cars confiscated.

Street racers/DUI'ers who kill others on the road should get life sentences.

Those who tailgate cars in front and blink their high beams and honk their horns should be fined.

Increase insurance rates for 18-20 year olds who get/own high performance cars.
G to tha T
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Sep 23, 2009
18 - 20? I'd say 25 as we have. Young male drivers pay through the nose to insure their cars in Europe, makes a big difference.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 23, 2009
Proper police patrols is the simple answer. I can double park anywhere I want. Zig Zag 5 lanes. Take a right turn at 200 from the left most lane cutting off 4 lanes of traffic. Drive at 40 kph on a major highway on the overtaking lane and a whole lotta crap and I can get away with it because I know there will be no conseqences.

Proper strict more active montoring of the road is the answer. Like Abu Dhabi police will not tolerate any crap from Heavy Vehicles and do routine checks of the drivers and vehicles and offer severe penalities. And the heavy vehicle situation is much better now. Also recently have started light checks on rash drivers on Dxb-Auh highway.

Similar a tight hand was kept at all times on all roads. With a matter of months the situation on the roads will get better. Putting in a zillion radars, increasing age limits have a very very small limited impact.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 23, 2009
Unfortunately DD in your post you have managed to display the crux of the problem, and that is your sheer and utter disrespect for other people. You have an ignorant and arrogant attitude, that falsely makes you believe you are better than everyone else and in light of this you behave like an animal instead of a human being.

Quite frankly I don't care if these morons wipe themselves out on the roads! Great less of them to have to deal with! But it's the innocent people they take with them in the process I feel for.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 23, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Unfortunately DD in your post you have managed to display the crux of the problem, and that is your sheer and utter disrespect for other people. You have an ignorant and arrogant attitude, that falsely makes you believe you are better than everyone else and in light of this you behave like an animal instead of a human being.

WTF, you must be high ! ( as always I think the holiday booze still hasn't worn off. It was meant as an example of what I "could" do should I choose to and get away with it.

Get a better sense of comprehension. For a native English speaker you sure have a hard time comprehending it.

If I was a menace on the road why would I even bother to reply or make the suggestion of better law enforcement !

Go take your high horse and holier than thou attitude somewhere else.

My mistake that I even bothered to post in your thread, serves me right !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 24, 2009
Mate, you should have known what to expect. Invective of the first order without any attempt first at clarification of your (actually quite obvious) sarcastic tone. You got off light just being called an animal.....:D

But I'll join you, FWIW.

Agreed, most road users here won't ever (yes that's EVER) improve their driving without being worried they will be caught. End of story. Simple as that. And new idiots come into the country every day to further pollute the driving genepool (let's be realistic it's not TOTALLY nationals who drive like madmen, although the statistics do speak volumes).

Just like all the morons who leave their rubbish all over Hatta Pools, Fujairah beaches, you name it. Or those who abuse their employees, at home or at work. Nothing will stop them because they come from backgrounds and countries where such things don't matter to them in the least.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a simpleton.
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Sep 24, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Unfortunately DD in your post you have managed to display the crux of the problem, and that is your sheer and utter disrespect for other people. You have an ignorant and arrogant attitude, that falsely makes you believe you are better than everyone else and in light of this you behave like an animal instead of a human being.

Now that's rich coming from you!!
Bora Bora
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Sep 24, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Unfortunately DD in your post you have managed to display the crux of the problem, and that is your sheer and utter disrespect for other people. You have an ignorant and arrogant attitude, that falsely makes you believe you are better than everyone else and in light of this you behave like an animal instead of a human being.

WTF, you must be high ! ( as always I think the holiday booze still hasn't worn off. It was meant as an example of what I "could" do should I choose to and get away with it.

Get a better sense of comprehension. For a native English speaker you sure have a hard time comprehending it.

If I was a menace on the road why would I even bother to reply or make the suggestion of better law enforcement !

Go take your high horse and holier than thou attitude somewhere else.

My mistake that I even bothered to post in your thread, serves me right !

I'm sure she'll explain that her inability to comprehend is just another one of her "weak points". Like typing is a weak point (she uses that one for her inability to spell. It used to be that she was dyslectic).

I bet she says that she has weak knees, another weak point, when they are picking her up off the bar room floor.
Bora Bora
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Sep 24, 2009
Bora Bora wrote: I bet she says that she has weak knees, another weak point, when they are picking her up off the bar room floor.

:laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5:
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 24, 2009
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.....

I'll be on that dancing juice tonight at some point I think, flicks my switch into overdrive....
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Sep 24, 2009
Most of the really crazy accidents seem to be happening in RAK and Shj. The fatalties this Eid weekend was ridiculous. Those two Emirates need to address road safety issues ASAP.
Otherwise it's quite alrit. No troubles in Abu-Dhabi atleast.
Misery Called Life
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Sep 24, 2009
I really do believe that the number of horribly crushed cars I see sitting by the side of SZR has reduced over 5 years. Also in my own residential area of Dubai I used to see bad smashes too often, in places where it just should not happen; now they seem less frequent. I guess there's too much traffic now to make pure speed an option as often as it used to be, plus more/better speed cameras doing the same?
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Sep 27, 2009
Feminist !
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Sep 28, 2009
Whats needed is a more comprehensive driving test. I hold a full UK Driving Licence and you need to sit a theory test beforehand with 50 questions, of which 43 need to be answered correctly, along with a video "hazard pereception" section where you watch videos and click when you think a hazard is unfolding. You need a score of 44/75 and must pass both elements of the test before you can even sit your actual practical test.

The UK has some of the safest roads in the world and I believe it is down to a tough driving test, as well as efficient patrols by traffic police, as well as other measures.

PS I'm also only 20.
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Sep 28, 2009
Does those hazard preception test also show a patrol parked in the middle of the lane, ordering tea from a cafeteria nearby. Do they show a idiot in a sunny reversing on the highway so he can does not have to miss the exit he forgot to take. Does it show two people crawling in the fast and overtaking lane having a nice chat with each other while the massive tailback can go to hell. I could go on forever you know !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 28, 2009

My daughter just got her UK license after a 12 day intensive course. I'm very proud of her. Now she has to try apply that to the madness that is displayed on Dubai roads, as you say DD.

At least she has the basics down, now I just have to teach her the main rule of driving anywere in the world; that every other driver is an idiot who will definitely do something stupid, so expect the unexpected, and when you're not actually using the accelerator, always cover your brakes!
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Sep 28, 2009
Speedhump wrote::D

My daughter just got her UK license after a 12 day intensive course. I'm very proud of her. Now she has to try apply that to the madness that is displayed on Dubai roads, as you say DD.

At least she has the basics down, now I just have to teach her the main rule of driving anywere in the world; that every other driver is an idiot who will definitely do something stupid, so expect the unexpected, and when you're not actually using the accelerator, always cover your brakes!

My congratulations! What car have you bought for her? BMW X6? It would be too Speedy, wouldn't it? 8)
Red Chief
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Sep 28, 2009
Thanks. They grow up so fast it hurts. ;)

Christ no X6, Jeep Wrangler Sport.

3.8 l. engine but not supercharged or anything so not dangerous I think. I test drove it and it doesn't go crazy when you put the pedal to the metal. She's a sensible girl anyway (I think.....).

Interior trim is pretty low rent, but it's a fun car.
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Sep 28, 2009
Oh I heard a lot of bad things about the new JK ( 07 onwards wranglers ) reliablity wise and you know I'm quite involved in the 4x4 scence here.

Just today from a owner

"Lets put it this way, my jeep has been in the garage on an average of 1.5 times a month- mainly for the factory faulted 4x4 cable spring that pops out almost everytime I use the 4x4 gears, then I have all the little issues like fuses blowing, indicators jamming, sensors mul-functioning, weak driving shafts (Im a little to blame for this ) etc etc....

List goes on!!! "
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 28, 2009
If didn't read something about carbon footprint and word "Jeep" I would think that it was my post about Range Rover Sport.

Dude, don't break Speedie's euphoria from a new car and proud for her daughter. I hope this piece of junk can go 50 000 km w/o big break down. :wink:
Red Chief
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Sep 28, 2009
Well even the basic warranty covers upto 60,00kms. The jeep will rust in peace way before that :D

P.S: Chief, you really have an insane obsession with Speedos.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 28, 2009
Sorry, if it hurts you. 8)
Red Chief
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Sep 28, 2009
No, I'm just hunky dory with it, I'm just glad its not me :D
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Sep 28, 2009

I bask in the attention :P

5 years warranty, 1 year free comprehensive insurance (pretty useful for a teenager!). Who keeps a car more than 3-4 years anyway, or expects it to be worth much then. ;)

No worries.
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Sep 28, 2009
well now that she has a 4x4 tell her to use it for what its meant for !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 28, 2009
Maybe after a couple of years....
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Sep 28, 2009
Couple of years ! you mean its going to be a mall crawler !

Might aswell shoot it in the fuel pump and let it rust in peace rather than being a Jumeriah Jane Mall crawler !!!! :D
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Sep 28, 2009
Sorry mate, what to do? :D

OK maybe some dune bashing but forget wadis for now. She's only been driving for about 50 hours!!!
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