Pakistani Troops Demolish Houses Of Taliban’s Family

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Pakistani troops demolish houses of Taliban’s family Sep 20, 2009
LANDIKOTAL: Security forces demolished the houses of a Taliban and his brothers in Sultankhel Khyber on Thursday, after cordoning off the quarters early in the morning.

The political administration had already served a notice on Zafar Iqbal Afridi’s father, warning him that stern action would be taken against the family if he did not surrender his son to security forces.

The father, Janas Khan Afridi, told Daily Times that troops cordoned off all of the family’s houses in the morning, although they cut off all ties with Iqbal more than two years ago. ... 009_pg7_25

Pakistan would let kuffar operate in their country rather than allow Muslims to live in peace.

Oh, and expect to read this story on the front page of the New York Times.

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Sep 20, 2009
The authorities have decided to violate human rights and impose collective punishment. Perhaps they believe they are acting like the 'most moral army' in the world?

I just condemn all acts of human rights abuses - and this is one of them. Collective punishment as defined by the conventions is inviolable in my opinion - but hey, some people support the bulldozing of houses and orchards, but only if it is done selectively.

Baruch Goldstein's family and supporters didn't have their homes destroyed - and we all agree (well almost all agree) he was a religiously motivated terrorist whose actions are venerated by colonialists living in his adopted home town.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 20, 2009
Koran 59:005: Whatever palm-trees you cut down, or left standing upon their roots, that was by God's leave, and that He might degrade the ungodly.

Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4326:

'Abdullah b. Umar reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) burnt the date-palms of Banu Nadir.

Well, I am certainly glad some Muslims have decided to condemn 'collective punishment' - which, apparently, includes the destruction of orchards (do palm/date trees count?).

I am thankful that Muslims have come out to condemn Pakistan's actions. Although, to be fair, I suspect this condemnation is not as sincere, far reaching and universal as it may at first appear to be.
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Sep 20, 2009
Cool, it appears we at least agree that collective punishment should be condemned. (If you want to go over early Muslim history, happy to do so in the religion forum - here let's just stick to the present.)

I hope you join me in condemning the demolishing of houses of the families of criminals - and don't first check to see what religion they happen to be (or the nationality of those doing the demolitions).

I note that you still haven't condemned Baruch Goldstein as a religiously motivated terrorist and therefore still haven't clarified whether you are one of those who venerate his actions or not. But hey, why answer that question when there are so many outstanding questions... (eg. the one you are studiously avoiding in the 'Contradictions in NT' thread) ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 22, 2009
Its amazing that one reads some of the comments posted by those who are only too quick to point thier fingers at others, before checking the backyards of thier own. Taliban has to be the most evil of eliments of this day and age of modern world. An organisation that is will to commit the most barbaric sins against Islam by humilitings,abuse of girls and women who are the thresh hold of Islamic values to heaven.
Unfortunately the fact is that Men in Islamic countries have no value for women and children. If the Muslim men have no value towards thier own, why then should they de-value the morals of others.
In Britian, those so call Kuffers protect all, including Muslim men, women and children from anysort of harm or evil oppration.
Thank god we have basic human civility. Only if Muslim men could do the same world over.

Respectfully - Mohammed (uk)
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