Sorry but you gave me no choice, I hate you. I hate the way you treated me like a lab rat and gave me some shitty technology to test for you, saying that it's my only method for having internet.
I hate the shitty technology down time and how many times it f#$%ed it self over and over, with your own equipment. I hate the fact that I upgraded my internet line to 2mb, which are after a few months of use, i finally exploded and had to make 3-4 internet speed tests everyday, to find out that I'm getting less than 30% of my internet capability, although I did get the 100% at the morning time, but wtf? So for all that time I have been paying for around a 512-256 line -__-.
I hate how you tell me every time something is wrong with my internet, you will fix it in 48 hours, and when you came to check my internet line, and I showed your puny tech boy the screenshots of the speed tests, only then he told me that my only solution is to downgrade my internet! and thats because your shitty technology depends on how many people using the internet at the same time in my neighborhood.
I hate what you told me that I MUST use your router if I wanted the internet for more than one computer, when you finally told me there is an underground cable in my neighborhood. Thank god I knew my way around and bought a modem for myself and used my old router, It's just better that way. I hate your ridiculous costs you cost for your internet. I hate the crappy upload speed. I hate the fact that your internet drops a lot, and sometimes goes down for days, and waiting for you people to fix it, and when you do, who pays the bill for the downtime? I do. Just like I did with the 2mb internet rip off.
I hate the fact that you made the blackberry/iPhone simply the best phone to use within UAE if you want some proper mobile internet/3G service, since you charge for the other phones 3G packages like theres no tomorrow. And theres not even an unlimited package. I hate the way you notify me when my internet is cut off because of the bill, really nice and civilized way, you disconnect me from the internet all of a sudden and I end up several hours trying to figure out the f@#$ing problem until I finally decide to call your help center which is another hour, just so your call center could tell me its due on the bill. -__- And the fact that I never experienced that back in Dubai/Jumieira just makes me get pissed over that even more! I always got redirected to your website with a message not-so-helpful when that happened but I knew it did. I hate your sms spam.I hate your website blocking crap.I hate you for blocking VOIP.I hate you for hogging UAE all for your self.
Etisalat, You top my list of most hated. I know you don't like me either, specially after all that. Please etisalat, retire of your job because you suck at it in an unbelieveable way, unless it is to piss off your customers and provide the service of sh!t, then yeah, you top all on that one.
Oh and if theres something I'd thank you for...that would be for making me a geek
